Just took a four-hour nap, full of really intense dreams. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was gone, and it felt like a full night’s sleep. Someone must have been sleep-deprived! To give you an idea of the weirdness quotient of said dreams, the last was a crossover between Pirates of the Caribbean and Peter Pan.

I’ve found that when I dream really intense dreams, I drool. This has been “things you never knew about Priscilla and probably didn’t want to.”

Dear Smokers of Hamilton College House,

I know that you know the dorm’s strict “No Smoking within 20 feet of the building” policy. I understand that it’s cold outside. But just because you don’t want to be cold doesn’t give you the right to smoke in your rooms or the stairways, filling our rooms with noxious fumes via the ventilation ducts. This is Philadelphia! We don’t have a smoking ban! Find a bar or a restaurant and light up there. If I catch you smoking in the building, I will shove a boot where the sun don’t shine.

No love,

Wow. I don’t know if I just knew the material better or if the questions were just less tricky, but I feel really good about my PoliSci final. Whoda thunk it?

Feh. Today is only Day 2 of exams, yet I feel like I’ve gone through a week of them. Instead of taking my PoliSci exam, could I just take a nap? That sounds fair. *trudges off to the trenches*

Almost as funny as the comic itself is the mere idea of Harry Potter and Aslan at a bus stop together. Also the idea of Dumbledore biting Voldemort’s face off.

And speaking of wizards named Harry, I just made the connection today that the height difference between Harry and Murphy is double that of Mulder and Scully. 5′ vs. 6’6″, whereas (according to IMDB) Duchovny and Anderson are a mere 6′ and 5’3″. That’s like M and Matt! M is 4’11” and Matt is 6’5″. I wish I still had my picture of them standing next to each other. Stupid me and my stupid “oh, I don’t need this picture anymore!” purges.

And speaking of height differences (wow, I’m all about the segue today!), did you guys see Howard Stern on The Daily Show? Howard was a full head taller than Jon. I always forget Jon is only 5’7″! They hugged and did a little dance. It was beautiful.

And speaking of beautiful, my math textbook arrived this afternoon. $25 (including shipping) for an $80 book. God bless America New Delhi.

Speaking of New Delhi… I got nothin’.

As the torrent itself is a bit pathetic, I uploaded the episode itself to SendSpace. I also emailed the folks at Whedonesque, as I feel the fandom should know. And maybe I can swing a membership out of this!

Okay now, less The Inside and more studying for Psych.

Dude! There’s an unaired episode of The Inside on TorrentSpy! Interesting that they chose not to air this one. While the subject matter is touchy, it’s nowhere near as graphic as the aired episodes. Darkety dark dark! And hey, look! Celeste Kane with a baby! I’m having Veronica Mars flashbacks.

I wish this show had continued–I would have loved to see what they did with character arcs.