It may not be Monday, but I feel like not studying for my psyc exam answering comment questions!

Keith: My-Neer. Emphasized in such a way that “I watch the many shows of Tim Minear” would be iambic pentameter. My god I need a life.

Keith: You’re right! My new favourite Greek phrase is “MiLAte AngliKA?”, which means “Do you speak English?”

gg83: “Ventas Servitas” is a Dresden Files thing. It’s Harry’s spellword for conjuring wind. And as James did the audio books, it just seemed appropriate. XD

Looks like Fox has greenlit Tim Minear’s newest pilot. Given Tim’s past history, I’m placing my wager at “6 episodes aired.” Who else wants a piece of the action?

In the meantime, when is ITV4 going to start airing the unaired episodes of The Inside? Still curious to see as to whether Tim made good on his “promise” to put Adam Baldwin in a kilt. XD

You know how in those language guides, they don’t tell you how to simply say, “I don’t speak Greek”? Shouldn’t that be the first thing you learn how to say?

The “Year in Review” Meme! Take the first sentence from the first post of each month and make a paragraph. Mine makes an amusing amount of sense!

Well, it’s the new year! Finally, a time and date for The Pierre Heist, the TV movie starring James Marsters. Mmmm, feeling much better. Blogger ate the post I was composing Thursday morning, detailling recent fannish stuff. *hums Camelot’s “Lusty Month of May”, as per tradition* You are bidding on a mint condition, perfectly preserved slice of evil toast. Firefly Photoshop Silliness in my LJ. Very awesome and rather lengthy interview with Joss Whedon! I just got a $150 textbook for $30. *snickers quietly for a few seconds, before erupting into a great guffaw* Got the poop on the Serenity DVD coming out on December 20th, just in time for Christmas! Veronica Mars.

So who will be the one to win my everlasting love, worship, and devotion and make a fanvid of the Death Eater bits in Goblet of Fire to the Chad Mitchell Trio’s “Friendly Liberal Neighborhood Ku Klux Klan”?

From Wonkette’s The War on Christmas: Mutually Assured Embarrassment, via Indy:

“But be careful what you wish for: if the President was to learn of a mysterious trio of swarthy gentlemen smuggling goods to a newly born child who’s destined to grow up to be the leader of a Middle East insurgency, he’d have Colin Powell up at the United Nations portentiously waving around a vial of frankincense. They bomb mangers, don’t they?”

Bill O’Reilly accuses Jonathan Stewart Leibowitz of being anti-Christian. Jon Responds.

Speaking of scary evangelicals, go here to see a truly frightening human being. From Trading Spouses.

For actual war-on-Christmas, here’s a link to a highly amusing Unitarian Universalist filk of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.”

And totally unrelated, but hilarious: A report from the set of Brokeback Mountain.

“Ang Lee recounted in several interviews that when Michelle Williams needed to film a scene in which her character is devastated to discover that her husband is involved with another man, she asked Heath Ledger (her off-screen, as well as on-screen, love interest) and Jake Gyllenhaal to stand off camera and make out for her benefit. Ledger and Gyllenhaal agreed, and when she thought their kissing was not involved enough, she asked them to intensify it.”

I can’t make changes to previous entries without it doubleposting on the RSS feed, so let me amend my Narnia review to state that Ko was “writhing” in her seat, not “writing.”

The statement about Mr. Tumnus + Me = OTP remains incontestable.

I might not post again for a while. Mr. Tumnus and I are running off together, getting married, and having ten thousand tiny, Scottish-accented, scarf-wearing, human/calf hybrid babies. Just so you know.

So Ko, Aaron, and I saw Narnia, which was fabulous. I’m still in the throes of a costume/makeup/special effects-gasm. I absolutely adored the White Witch’s costumes, and I was very impressed with the creature shop and creature special effects work. Aslan was nothing short of amazing. I applaud Rhythm & Hues for finding the right balance between realistic and cartoony/anthropomorphic for the animals. And the music? Love.

I last read the books when I was quite ikkle, so I didn’t have as firm a grasp on how closely it followed the source material, but Ko, who reread the book last week, was squealing with glee and writing in her seat, so I get the impression that it was quite faithful. XD

See it if you haven’t already!