Oops, didn’t notice that my Four Houses: An Interpretive Dance! link was broken. It’s fixed now.
*watches it for the umpteenth time*
Man, that just never gets old.
Producer, Writer, Photographer, Cartographer
Oops, didn’t notice that my Four Houses: An Interpretive Dance! link was broken. It’s fixed now.
*watches it for the umpteenth time*
Man, that just never gets old.
Can anyone look at this picture and not think “EXPECTO PATRONUM!”? (or, y’know, “Ventas Servitas!”, but that ship has sailed…)
From here.
Ko and I got up to quite a bit of sillyness last night, and she insisted I post this. I present, for your entertainment and spiritual wellbeing, The Four Houses: An Interpretive Dance! (18mb, about 10 sec)
*snorks* Amazon has a new feature (or at least, a feature I hadn’t noticed before) called “keywords.” Here are the keywords for Serenity:
Loyalty | Interracial Marriage | Freedom | Future War | Gatling Gun | Katana Sword | Shepherd | Pilot | Funeral | Impalement | Kitchen Scene | Firefly | Fugitive | Priest | Shoot Out | Female Pilot | Cgi | Interracial Friendship | Companion | Female Warrior | 2500s | Alliance | Operative | Mind Control | Android | Cannibal | Husband Wife Relationship | Shot In The Leg | Interracial Love Relationship | Hologram | Mechanic | Steampunk | Loss Of Friend | Stabbed In The Foot | Martial Arts | Subliminal Message | Resistance | Broken Arm | Returning Character Killed Off | Super Soldier | Reavers | Stabbed In The Chest | Bickering | Space Travel | Doctor | Veteran | Brother Sister Relationship | Space Battle | Ex Soldier | Shot In The Back | Camouflage | Mercy Killing | Corpse | Body Armor | Terraforming | Shot In The Shoulder | Studio Logo Segues Into Film | Cannibalism | Wedding Ceremony | Shot In The Chest | Child Murder | Shot To Death | Blood Splatter | Slit Throat | Attempted Suicide | Death Of Child | Shot In The Neck | Attempted Murder | Spaceship | Wisecrack Humor | Eaten Alive | Kicked In The Crotch | Title Spoken By Character | Shot In The Hand | Deceit | Spaceship Crash | Futuristic | Space | Based On TV Series | Space Western | Captain | Anti Hero | Humor
Half the “wounds” mentioned I don’t even remember happening… and the huge number of “interracial” comments crack me up. Wash and Zoe’s differing ethnicities are probably one of the last things you notice about the couple. I’m surprised there’s no keyword to encapsulate the romance of Mr. Universe and the BuffyBot. Also, the mentions of “impalement” and “wedding ceremony” crack me up. Now I’m imagining that spoilerific scene in Serenity with a StrongBad voice over: “Impalement!” Oh, I’m going to fandom hell. :D
Oh, weird! Out of curiosity, I checked Amazon to see if we had a release date for the Mirrormask DVD. (They do: February 7th.) But you know how Amazon always does those “buy this movie/book/CD with this second movie/book/CD and save a few bucks” deals? Usually the two items are related in some way, part of the same series or by the same director. For some unfathomable reason, Mirrormask‘s partner is Serenity. The only connection I can think of it that they came out on the same day. Then there was that TIME interview with Neil and Joss, but neither of those seem significant enough. Oh well. Serenity‘s partner is Firefly, which is to be expected. Anyway, yay word-of-mouth-esque publicity!
We caught a mouse.
I really wish the traps worked instantly. They would be so much less traumatic that way. So you wait a few minutes until you’re sure it’s dead, but the beady black eyes look the same as they do when the mouse is alive, and it looks like it’s staring you down, but it’s skull is just crushed, and it’s dangling limply from the trap, and you know you’re likely to hear that soft “snap” again some time this winter and just because you opened the trash chute and let the dead mouse fall, fall 22 stories, you can’t stop it from happening again, and you shouldn’t still be seeing those beady eyes, bulging accusingly from their sockets, because I like cheese and peanut butter, too.
So passes the lesser pointed archer.
A fun meme! Ganked from corellianjedi.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don’t speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want – good or bad – BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you’re finished, post this little paragraph on your LJ and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON’T ACTUALLY remember about you.
Yet another Lost/Harry Potter crackfic!
Oh! I forgot to mention that I randomly ran into Aaron at lunch yesterday. It seems every time I go to Pizza Rustica, he’s there! We chatted a bit, and he mentioned that the Spring Fling musical will be Little Shop of Horrors. GLEE! I rejoiced, as it’s been one of my favourite (if not the favourite) musicals since I was in… what, 2nd grade?
I can’t wait to audition!
What does it say about me that I like Kate more now that she’s actually murdered somebody? It takes away the whole irritating “poor me, I cannot tell my friends the truth, even though I didn’t really do anything wrong!” vibe. Her actions make so much more sense now!
As for shirtless!Jin, YOWZA. Now I know why Sun was so eager to get off Sawyer duty! I feel much better about my powers of observation–shirtless!Jin was going on while I was still watching basketball on UPN and willing it to become Veronica Mars. I didn’t turn the TV to ABC until the second act, when Kate was talking to her mother in the diner.
Meanwhile, WAH. The internet needs a new convention for spoilers. The day after episodes air, we need distinctions between “spoilers for last night’s episode” and “spoilers for future episodes.” I just clicked on a link and saw something about next week’s Veronica Mars episode that I didn’t want to see. Woe!