I so win at college student cooking. Penne with alfredo sauce + kalamata olives + sun-dried tomato tapenade. I am ded from delicious!

Whedonesque fails for not informing me that Adam Baldwin was on Bones last night. Of course, it’s probably a good thing I didn’t know to watch it. Given the number of people on my flist that love the show, I don’t want to risk finding another show I might want to watch on a regular basis. :D

Umm… Happy 35th Birthday to Alan Tudyk!

Luke Skywalker, the early years? Dude, all Luke did in his early years was whine about not being allowed to go to the Academy, whine about not being able to visit the Tosche Station Radio Shack, shoot vermin from his hovercar, get bad haircuts, farm moisture, drink blue milk, and get his butt kicked by Sand People. Such does not good drama make, much less Star Wars drama. Luke doesn’t even know what a lightsaber is until ANH! You can’t make him “cool”, because he has to grow up into the farmboy we meet in Episode 4. He’s still got to be at Major Arcana Square One.

I can’t agree more with the author’s final comment: “It may well be that the world is hungry for more space opera. In which case, we can’t help but think that resurrecting Firefly might be a better option.”

One Got Fat, a highly disturbing and rather hilarious bike safety video from the 60s.

And Lieberman wins the Bill Napoli Golden Coathanger Award:

In Connecticut, rape counseling activists say a recent study concludes that about 20% of state hospitals routinely refuse to offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims who are determined to be ovulating at the time they’re attacked. A proposed bill would require them to do so.

Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for “principled reasons” shouldn’t be forced to do so. “In Connecticut, it shouldn’t take more than a short ride to get to another hospital,” he said.

What a creep. Whatever happened to “First, do no harm”? A doctor should be a doctor first and foremost, not an evangelist. Change parties already, Lieberman!

New Veronica Mars tonight!

And dude. Regarding my cough, I just realized that I had it when Little Shop was cancelled on 2/8, and that I’d had it nearly a week beforehand. Therefore, I’ve had it 5 1/2-6 weeks, a week longer than I’d previously thought. I have an appointment with Student Health this afternoon to make sure I don’t have anything more serious.

I love the Geico gecko, but what’s his accent supposed to be? Ko an I are flummoxed. Australian upper class?

Keith Olberman on The Colbert Report makes me a happy Cellie. His occasional bits on Crooks and Liars are worth a smile, if not a great, appreciative guffaw.

Pat Robertson continues to be an idiot. Instead, I will think about his nominal spoonerism, Robert Pattinson, who is hilariously ridiculous, but at least pretty. Or I could look at these new James-Marsters-on-Smallville photos, but Mars Jamesinters isn’t a person. And I think I need to go to sleep before I write something else I’ll go “wha??” about in the morning.

Also surreal is this month’s The Onion horoscope for Saggitarius:

Despite the niggling feeling that you require medical attention, you will continue to leave the symptoms of schizophrenia untreated this week after management at Pixar awards you yet another raise for the facility and inventiveness with which you anthropomorphize inanimate objects.

*calmly hides Pixar summer internship application, steps away from the computer, and goes to bed*

Tonight’s filming was awesome! Unfortunately, I wasn’t seated in any of the areas of the audience that were panned over, so you won’t see me and my hat on film, and I wasn’t able to get Jon’s autograph, but it was still a great experience.

One highlight was getting to see Jimmy again. We met at last year’s PA Shindig, and we’ve been conspiring ever since on a Firefly filk musical to top last year’s grand performance of “Once More, With Feeling”! He lives a few blocks away from where The Daily Show is filmed, and he told me to call me if I got any time on my own.

We ended up having an hour to wander around while those that didn’t feel like wandering waited in line, so we got together at Sbarro’s, then chatted in line almost until the doors opened. I’m so glad that the timing worked out, and that I’m going to be able to attend the third annual Shindig, which will be held in the summer instead of the fall!

Anyway, once we were finally in the building, we filed in to be seated. I actually ended up with excellent seats–close to dead center, and high up, so I could see everything, but not too high to the point where I felt I was too far away from the action. An aide came in to rally our enthusiasm, picking out members of the audience and poking fun at them, then Jon came out to enormous applause. He answered a few questions from the audience (he thinks Scalia is the hottest Supreme Court justice, because as evidenced by the “nude photos” in America: The Book, he’s swinging serious pipe), then he promptly launched into the show.

It was so much fun to watch him when the camera wasn’t on him. There were moments during the correspondent pieces where he was cracking up in silent laughter, banging his fist against the desk. Then there was the interaction with Stephen Colbert in the “check in” segment! What viewers at home see is barely a fraction of what goes on! Jon immediately complimented Stephen on his new suit, then remarked about how gay he was for noticing it was new. Stephen then launched into a story about how he’d been wearing size 40 since he was 18, but that his tailor recently told him he should move to a size 41, because of the size of his posterior. It was a hilarious exchange, unfilmed and lost to the fans forever. The “official” exchange, the one that was filmed, wasn’t nearly as funny.

All in all, it was a great experience, and I’m thrilled I was able to be a part of it. Now I’m off to watch the episode to see if I can pick out any distinctive cheers!

Oooh! As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’m going to see The Daily Show being filmed tomorrow night. According to the newsletter, the guest will be Bart Ehrman, religion professor & author of “Misquoting Jesus.” Sounds nifty, but Wednesday’s guest is Natalie Portman. Just saying. :D

Look for this hat in the split-second pan over the audience, and listen for my tubercular cough of doom! 11/10c on Comedy Central, as any fule kno.

Fandom mixed bag:

For those that haven’t seen the extended Firefly blooper reel, it’s here, on YouTube. Now when are the fans going to get our hands on the extended Serenity blooper reel? *pokes Joss*

So Teddy Dunn (Duncan on Veronica Mars) was on Grey’s Anatomy tonight! He must get typecast for “crazy,” not unlike Summer Glau. :D

Whoever came up with the track names for the Lost soundtrack needs to be arrested by the bad pun police.

This GOF deleted scene screencap is fantastic. Now I’m curious as to what was actually going on!