Remember that CSE midterm?

Mean: 60.63
Median: 60
3rd Quartile: 72.75
1st Quartile: 46.25
Me: 68.

Yeah, I kind of rock. In Penn Computer Science, only freaks, geniuses, and hopeless nerds beat the mean. And me.

This calls for dance!

It was actually pretty funny. Before the midterm started, everyone was obviously stressing, so Professor Khanna told us to breathe and adopt the Peacock Posture (which, according to Google image search, is not the Peacock Posture at all!). I joined a small number of students in humoring him. Without our knowledge, he must have written down the names of the students that did so, because he computed the mean for the Peacock Posture students as well: 69. Was it the posture that cleared our minds and allowed us all to thoroughly trounce the Non-Peacock mean? Or do we just rock extra hard? I choose the latter.