Why do I keep falling asleep with wet hair when I *know* I’m going to wake up with a head full of unmanageable ringlets and frizz? Clearly, because under the ringlets and frizz, I have no brain.

Remember that CSE midterm?

Mean: 60.63
Median: 60
3rd Quartile: 72.75
1st Quartile: 46.25
Me: 68.

Yeah, I kind of rock. In Penn Computer Science, only freaks, geniuses, and hopeless nerds beat the mean. And me.

This calls for dance!

It was actually pretty funny. Before the midterm started, everyone was obviously stressing, so Professor Khanna told us to breathe and adopt the Peacock Posture (which, according to Google image search, is not the Peacock Posture at all!). I joined a small number of students in humoring him. Without our knowledge, he must have written down the names of the students that did so, because he computed the mean for the Peacock Posture students as well: 69. Was it the posture that cleared our minds and allowed us all to thoroughly trounce the Non-Peacock mean? Or do we just rock extra hard? I choose the latter.

Lost fans: Now that Veronica Mars no longer conflicts with Lost, why not give it a shot? Tuesdays at 9 on UPN, repeating Wednesdays at 9 and Sundays at 7!



Your film “Zeyen and Nazia” has been chosen as an Official Screening Selection of the 2006 Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival and is in competition for the BEST UNDERGRADUATE FILM prize.

This should come as a great honor as this year we received 65 films totaling in 9 hours of footage from 5 different schools.

The screening and announcement of winners will occur on April 13th at Cine at Penn at 7PM. Cine at Penn is the former CineMagic theater and is located at 3925 Walnut Street in Philadelphia (just off Penn’s Campus).

Also, there will be an after party located nearby (exact location to be determined) which you will also be invited to attend.

Congratulations again and we hope to see you in attendance at our event.

Brian Walsh and Sara Axelrod
Co-Founders and Directors
Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival

We didn’t win at the Ivy Film Festival, but that was to be expected. We did win 3rd place at the Upenn College House Festival, but that hardly sounds prestigious. :D

At the screening, I’ll talk to Josh and see if we can’t arrange some kind of online version, so that you guys can see it, should you so desire.

I haven’t known them 24 hours, and I’m already on the way to converting them! Liz saw the picture of James Marsters on our Wall of Sex, and she started gushing about him and Buffy. I burned her a CD with the first three audiobooks of The Dresden Files. Shelly saw my Firefly stuff and commented that she’d seen a handful of episodes on Sci-Fi, and that she really liked them. I told her she was welcome to watch the episodes she hadn’t seen while she was here.

Yeah, I kind of rock.

When a poor Gypsy teen goes on a quest for money and women, he and his gang of street kids find more worldly power than they ever imagined. Time travel, singing crack whores, dogfights and nuclear annihilation are just around the corner in this gorgeous musical animation gem from Hungary.

That is the film I saw this afternoon at the Philly Film Festival. The animation was awesome, and the story was hilarious.

Also, I posted my second Frankenmix, for whom it may concern.

It’s prospies this week! We’re putting up two girls, Liz and Shelly, which is rather awkward, as Ko calls me “Cellie”, so there’s all kinds of confusion.

Flans are squeeing about Firefly: The Official Companion, due September 30th. Sounds very cool, but I’d be hard pressed to imagine what “new” Firefly material hasn’t been discovered by the fans already.

Booooo, V for Vendetta has left the Philadelphia area before I got a chance to see it. Fortunately, Thank You For Smoking has not! I saw it this afternoon, and it was awesome. Then later in the evening, Ko and I exercised for an hour at Pottruck. It’s a bit embarrassing to note that this was my first time to work our there. I felt fantastic afterwards, though, and it was air conditioned enough that I didn’t feel disgusting, so I’m thinking I’m going to start working out for half an hour or more before class. Better with two weeks of class left than never, no? Ah well, if I can get myself in a routine in the last couple weeks of this semester, I won’t have an excuse to not get into a routine in the Fall.

Today’s Links:

New York Times: Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals (registration required — bugmenot.com)

Poking fun at every organized religion ever: Kissing Hank’s Ass

Wired News: Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room

Season Two of the New Doctor Who starts in the UK on April 15th. Still no date set for the US. And here I thought it was annoying waiting one extra day for Lost… (Oh! Remember, Veronica Mars is at a new time this week! Tuesdays at 9, during House. *pitches a minor fit*)

Sam posts a new batch of student gems! It makes me wish I was TAing anything but Mathematics of Computer Science next semester. “…So this guy tried using strong induction instead of weak induction, leading him to a totally fallacious conclusion! He thought f(n)=O(g(n)), when any moron could see it was the other way around!” Yeah, that’ll be a kneeslapper.

Scary as all heck: Forensic Vagina Specialist. This Sunday’s New York Times Magazine cover story will be a profile of a nation 8 years into the complete and total criminalization of abortion. No rape clause, no life of the mother clause. Nothing. Rachel Maddow interviews Jack Hitt.

Today’s Linkmine!

More Gud Summries from Stoney321. I laughed so hard I cried, and Ko closed the door so my riotous giggling wouldn’t upset her studying.

National Geographic: The Gospel of Judas? (linked from Sam)

Mouse Experiment

A man with several dozen microphones strapped to his body walks into a room full of speakers. Hear what happens next.

YES OH YES, THANK YOU JESUS! Ganked from Renata.

In recognition of the unprecedented Internet buzz for what had been a minor movie in their 2006 line-up, New Line Cinema ordered five days of additional shooting in early March 2006 (principal photography had wrapped in September 2005). While re-shoots normally imply problems with a film, the producers opted to add new scenes to the film to take the movie from PG-13 into R-rated territory and bring the movie in line with the growing fan expectation. Among the reported additions is a line that originated as an Internet parody of Samuel L. Jackson’s traditional movie persona: “I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!”

In short, intarweb > the universe.

You can now get Strong Bad emails via podcast! It’s currently #1 on iTunes, so it’s easy to find. Ah, the things you learn hanging out with the DMD geeks in the HMS lab…

Meanwhile, the most terrifying sculputre in the universe: Daniel Edwards’ “Monument to Pro-Life”. And the back. *wibbles*

In other news, Rob Cordry (or more likely, some unpaid intern) hates me! &lt3! This is a lot funnier if you watched last Wednesday’s Daily Show.

Edit: Some context here.

Wikimeme! Ganked from everybody and their dog. Three events, two births, and one death on November 23rd.

1499 – Pretender to the throne Perkin Warbeck is hanged for reportedly attempting to escape from the Tower of London. He had invaded England in 1497, claiming to be the lost son of King Edward IV of England.
1890 – King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become Queen.
1963 – The first episode of the science fiction television series Doctor Who debuts on the BBC.

1860 – Billy the Kid, American bandit (d. 1881)
1887 – Boris Karloff, British actor (d. 1969)

1990 – Roald Dahl, British author (b. 1916)