Meme ganked from Renata: Give me up to 3 things you would like me to take a picture of, and… I will. and then I will post them all here. DO IT.

HOLY COW, last night’s LOST. It was like Fight Club meets Buffy‘s “Normal Again”! That episode was so much crazy fun. Combine it with last night’s Veronica Mars and you have an hour of television that redefines awesome. On one network, OH MY GOOD GRAVY, WEEVIL! On the other, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, HURLEY! Mac! Beaver! Logan! Thumper! Wallace! Jackie! Dave! Sawyer! Jin! Henry! Libby! Charlie! And lots of wasted food.

Dude, what would Claire have to say about Hurley taking that entire tub of peanut butter? Anyway, best moment ever: Jin and Sun cracking up as Hurley whaled on Sawyer.

House and The Daily Show are next! Plus James on tonight’s Smallville. *does a dance*

Snow. Wasn’t it in the 70s a couple days ago?

In other news, my alarm clock somehow got shifted to PM instead of AM, which explains why it hasn’t been waking me up lately.

Edit: Holy cow! In the 10 minutes I’ve been awake, the weather has shifted from violent snowstorm to nada.

Gotta love math recitation. A problem I thought I’d solved in 4 lines ended up taking 3/4 of a page. 1:02 AM (2:02 EST, but I was born in Central, so that’s all that matters) on 04/05/06 and I’m where I thought I was at 6:30 this evening. Laaaaar.

Hmm. Temperature is 97.2.

I wonder if I’m just one of those people with an abnormally low average body temperature. It was in that range when I visited the clinic a couple weeks ago. Maybe someday when I’m feeling particularly healthy I’ll try again.

In the meantime, I’m working my tail off on Math and CSE. I feel like I’ve been spending more time in office hours than in class! I can’t wait until this particular gauntlet is over on Thursday. I’ll have House, Veronica Mars, Lost, a week’s worth of Daily Shows, and episode 4 of Three Deep waiting for me that afternoon!

News roundup:

My dad emailed me to point out that tomorrow morning, April 5th, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That’s hot.

Makani posts Lost doodles, one of which includes Sawyer reading HP&HBP.

Me: Sawyer’s revelation reminds me of this. XD
Makani: ahaha i’ve seen that xD i was going to make a comic out of the sawyer one too.. like he reads that and then yells into the camp “Hey, Snape kills Dumbledore!” and someone in the camp yells back “YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!” and Sawyers like :]
Me: Haha, that is SO something Sawyer would do!

Hurley: [re: Sawyer’s glasses] It looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter.
Sawyer: Oh yeah? Well it looks like SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!

Sawyer: Hey, Doc, I want my stash of medicine back.
Jack: And what can I expect in return, Sawyer?
Sawyer: I won’t tell you SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.
Jack: OMG UR MEEN! *wailsob*

Sawyer: Hey, Mr Clean! Guess what?
Locke: Snape kills Dumbledore.
Sawyer: SNA-What?
Locke: The island told me.
Sawyer: O_O
Locke: Actually, I overheard you shouting the last 48 times when you were spoiling it for the tailies.
Sawyer: Harry hooks up with Ginny.
Sawyer: *smirk*

I got my Maya working again!

The Universe: 0
Me: Ten billion

Now back to math homework and studying for my CSE midterm!

The Universe: *breaks the scoreboard*
Me: Negative infinity