PhauxCon was FABULOUS. I love these women! Sleep calls to me now, but expect a big entry in the next few days.
In the meantime, highlights include:
- Denny kicking butt and taking names
- Sadbhyl totally blowing my mind as far as The Dresden Files is concerned. Can I borrow a time-turner and/or TARDIS so I can reread the entire series without dipping into the time needed for homework?
- The most gentle crashing and burning of my panel anyone could imagine.
- Me trying Bailey’s Irish Creme and liking it, marking the first time I’ve ever not detested the taste of alcohol.
- Hearing about the totally awesome projects my fellow attendees are planning. And I sincerely hope Xi wasn’t joking about the “bunch of sex” PhauxCon ficathon. Dude, I can’t write fic and I’ve never had sex, and I still want to participate.
- A Dutch bakery!