Twitter Driveby

  • 12:21 A car alarm has been going off outside my window for nearly fifteen minutes now. Urge to kill rising. #
  • 14:06 Arg. AA just changed my flight back to NY after Thanksgiving, so my hour-plus layover is now 30 minutes. I love traveling. #
  • 14:23 Just found a light blue hair in the futon. What bizarre shenanigans has my Molly wig been getting up to while I’m at work? #
  • 16:58 @mkcho73 Is this the latest R Kelly knockoff? #
  • 19:48 @edeainfj TELL ME MORE. #
  • 21:49 Why am I so tired at 9:49? Must finish betaing and do a bit more cleaning before I go to sleep. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 11:22 I rarely get nightmares, maybe once a year. Last night’s was something out of "Sandman"’s depiction of Hell. *shudder* #
  • 11:29 @sinspired Definitely weird. *puts on Choirgirl* #
  • 11:56 @xiehicks Zounds! How many people are you expecting to feed with that? #
  • 12:04 Great job, McCain? I never imagined the nomination of a woman to candidacy for high office could feel so demeaning. #
  • 12:58 @sadbhyl Also runner-up for Ms Alaska! That won her a scholarship, where she majored in Journalism and MINORED in Politics. So qualified! #
  • 17:35 Priscilla Predicts The Headlines: Someone needs to write an article on the insanity of McCain’s VP choice titled "Beyond the Palin" #
  • 18:11 Watching Palin’s speech. She pronounces it "nucular." #
  • 19:08 @mkcho73 *hums "Donald Where’s Yer Troosers"* #
  • 22:26 James Carville is talking about Palin’s appeal to "Pat Buchanan Republicans." Um… did you hear Pat GUSH about Obama’s speech last night? #

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India’s poor urged to ‘eat rats’

And an even more brain-injuring political move: A McCain advisor seeks to solve the health care crisis through semantics. I did a double-take, convinced I was reading an Onion analogue.

Illustrating and cartooning blog Drawn! posts some excellent Ronald Searlerelated links! So much love for Ronald Searle! Anyone that hasn’t read Molesworth is missing out on something extraordinary.

Aaron Sorkin writing movie about Facebook. My face looks like this: o_O?

Biden: “Think About It”

Chris Crocker’s soulmate in an angry rant against the Twilight haters

Twitter Driveby

  • 10:39 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KRISTIN! May your day be as awesome as you are. #
  • 10:43 From @txvoodoo: “A woman voting for John McCain would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.” –Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood #
  • 13:05 Watched last night’s Daily Show during my lunch break. ilu so hard, Dean! #
  • 13:06 @meganfrau Isn’t confusing their owners the whole point of being a cat? #
  • 13:12 OMG. Bruce Campbell is playing Rob Anybody in Raimi’s "Wee Free Men"? SO MUCH YES!!! #
  • 18:37 Dude, Schweitzer is a freaking rock star! Fabulous speech. Glad to have him representing my party. #
  • 20:11 Artichoke dip pizza. Guuurgle. There is a god, and he hates my arteries. #
  • 22:11 Wish I’d headed up to Times Square to watch Obama’s speech with a crazy crowd, but now I don’t dare leave my TV! #
  • 22:12 EEEEE, MAH BOY!!! Speak to us, Obama! #
  • 23:50 @jonathancoulton Join the club. We should have t-shirts! Or at least handkerchiefs, which we can cry in. #
  • 23:59 @fourteenacross *tears up* I just have something in my eye… And that something is HOPE. #

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Four years ago, I posted the following in my blog:

Barack Obama. WOW, how awesome was he tonight? I had never heard of him before. Now I want to move to Illinois just to be able to vote for him.

How soon can he run for President?

Oh, four-years-ago me.

That time is right now.

Twitter Driveby

  • 00:14 @sinspired Nope. Gotta save some of those vacation days and frequent flyer miles for non-convention shenanigans! #
  • 09:34 Why does every pair of "nice" shoes I own cause me excruciating pain? And people wonder why I wear flip flops and tennies 99% of the time… #
  • 11:06 @meganfrau My brain just exploded. By that logic, fanfic that retells Shakespeare with Harry Potter characters is the only true literature. #
  • 12:28 @sinspired WIN! My best friend finally read the first two Alera books, which I lent her last year. She picked up CuF the other day. :D #
  • 12:55 CATS WITH WINGS. That sound you just heard was every six-year-old girl on the planet spontaneously combusting. #
  • 14:26 Reason seventy frillion I love Obama: (also his font got serifs) #
  • 18:18 @boymonster Do they sing? #
  • 22:33 @smuu Try rectangles! You can do a lot with rectangles! #
  • 23:01 TaraLJC brings us 101 Reasons to Love "Middleman": #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 07:41 @boymonster It’s on my to-read list! My library claims it’s checked in, but it’s not shelved properly. I’m now on the waiting list. #
  • 07:45 @sinspired Yikes! I can’t even access the site admin panel. I’ll poke Fred when he gets on. #
  • 08:18 I’ve now seen footage of Michelle’s excellent speech, but does anyone know where I can see the cuteness with her kids? ILU OBAMAS! #
  • 08:30 …I just got Javi’s "Ode to Die Hard in a Building" stuck in my head AGAIN. Curse you, Marxuach! #
  • 09:43 @sinspired Forums are back! Thanks, Fred! #
  • 12:51 Obama assassination attempt thwarted, but… could he wear a Kevlar vest to be safe? I’m sure the Pope will lend him his bulletproof dome. #
  • 13:55 @mkcho73 You call it "manufactured saccharine trash;" I call it "my heart just melted into a puddle on the floor." #
  • 17:19 @hodgman How very MAX FUN! I saw a guy outside dressed as Treasury Secretary Hobo Joe Junkpan! Oh wait, that wasn’t a costume… #
  • 18:43 Hope I don’t have to stay late. I’ve been exhausted all day. They need to start giving us our "stay late" verdicts before 7:05pm. #
  • 19:01 Yay, Rebecca just received the duplicate Molly jacket, safe and sound! #
  • 21:11 @jimmyaquino Shall we tweet silly things at you while you record? #
  • 21:38 @mkcho73 FOOLS and LIBERALS. #
  • 22:24 The Middlecast! Podcasting with live audience participation! Joooooiiin uuuuus. #
  • 22:48 @jimmyaquino Actually, turns out the plug hasn’t been pulled yet. We live in hope for a season two! #
  • 23:14 Is Ed Rendell drunk? #
  • 23:30 And does Stephen Colbert have a cold? #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 08:20 For the Twilight release, I’m getting friends together and seeing it while drunk, wearing mocking gothwear and glitter. Best idea ever Y/N? #
  • 08:21 @mkcho73 There’s at least one mosquito in space! #
  • 09:45 WTF? I charged my iPhone to 100% last night, and I’ve barely touched in since! How is it suddenly below 10%? #
  • 10:09 @boymonster *gasps, points to my previous entry* Coincidence? I THINK NOT. #
  • 13:17 Mmm, The Big Picture blog is back from hiatus! Check out their gorgeous Olympics photos: #
  • 13:38 @fredhicks Rocks like Stonehenge. #
  • 16:40 @mkcho73 I dare you. #
  • 18:05 @boymonster Well, it would certainly help you classify your body type afterwards. #
  • 20:26 @xiehicks I went through a period where the only music I could concentrate while listening to was Gilbert and Sullivan. My brain is weird. #
  • 20:27 @mkcho73 Cheery. #
  • 20:28 @meganfrau Sweet! ART CRAWL! #
  • 20:40 @meganfrau …I don’t know how that happened. It should have gone to @sinspired. But that was a pretty fantastic accident! #
  • 20:42 …Move over, BSG. You just got owned in the Cracktastic Art History Reference Promo department. #
  • 21:15 @boymonster "Pushing Daisies," only the most ridiculously adorable TV show in the history of the universe. Check it out! #
  • 21:58 Hmm, Middleman or Michelle Obama? #
  • 23:07 Chose Middleman. Now give me Michelle’s speech footage, internet! #
  • 00:04 It’s so hard to start a new book after finishing something amazing. Gotta pick something completely different, so there’s no competition. #

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