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  • 06:51 What circumstance could find me on a bus at 6:45am, a good half-hour before I normally wake up? Only the Pushing Daisies mobile Pie Hole! #
  • 09:26 @ABCPieHole Yes! I got delicious cherry pie, made friends with some of the fans in line, and won a copy of the DVDs in the trivia contest! #
  • 10:10 @sinspired I dunno, their lead balloon was pretty delicate… #
  • 10:42 @jimmyaquino Crazy night owl! If we have any pie left over from my Pushing Daisies premiere party, I’ll bring you some. Sad you can’t come! #
  • 15:50 Moment of terror when I thought they weren’t going to let me take tomorrow morning off to see Simon Pegg. Fortunately, looks like I’m ok. #
  • 17:55 @mkcho73 Where are you volunteering? #
  • 18:00 @txvoodoo One is useful for people named Adam introducing themselves to French women. Or pretending to be named Adam, because one is a spy. #
  • 21:29 @fourteenacross …Creamsicle cupcakes? Marry me. #
  • 22:04 Now watching Nancy Pelosi’s speech from earlier today. WHY DID YOU DO THAT? #
  • 22:05 @mkcho73 It sounds like Mystical Negro keeps calling him "Pac-Man." Does he eat ghosts? #

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  • 13:50 Tina Fey returns to SNL, reprising her eerily accurate Palin impersonation. Brilliance! #
  • 13:53 Re-tweeted from @txvoodoo: McCain retracts Palin’s Pakistan comments #
  • 15:15 The latest hot chick with a song about her favourite candidate: Huckabee Girl! #
  • 22:55 @boymonster Got to your comment after bunch of posts from friends in NY and was like "Burritos? WHERE?" then realized who it was. I miss TX. #
  • 22:56 @ABCPieHole I’ll see you there! #

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  • 09:56 Fox News, CBS, CNN, Insider Advantage, and Mediacurves say Obama won 1st debate. "Dewey Defeats Truman," anyone? #
  • 12:16 You will be missed, Paul Newman. #
  • 17:06 Improv Everywhere mp3 experiment was fantastic! Praise Steve! #
  • 17:48 @mkcho73 You’ve had a bad experience with them? Or is this from observing them from afar? #
  • 21:10 @sinspired New song! #

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  • 10:49 I don’t know what my coworker is listening to, but it sounds like "Phantom of the Opera" sung by the Elephant Man. #
  • 10:51 @txvoodoo My favourite line from those high fructose corn syrup ads is how they try to assure us "It’s fine in moderation." #
  • 12:09 McCain’s bluff called! Un-suspends campaign and attending 1st debate, even though $700B agreement not reached yet. #
  • 17:45 @ABCPieHole I’m a hetrosexual female, and I would LOVE to go on a date with Olive. #
  • 20:00 Any day you fit "klaxon-like wail" into normal conversation is a good day, even if it’s rainy. #
  • 22:10 Can’t pronounce "Ahmadinejad"? Just think "I’m a dinner jacket," John McCain! "I’m a dinner jacket"! #
  • 23:12 @sinspired McCain’s line about not /telling/ Pakistan we’ll invade them was rather chilling for me. #

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  • 00:42 @sinspired I want book six! #
  • 00:45 @edeainfj It makes no sense. McCain’s busy fixing the economy, so we’ll just keep Palin sequestered? Shouldn’t she be his surrogate? #
  • 09:53 FYI, Marcy Kaptur pwns. I wrote my local rep, asking her to support Kaptur’s bill. Palin-this is what reform looks like! #
  • 09:55 On Palin and Elitism. Well worth reading. #
  • 09:56 @sadbhyl *rummage, rummage, rummage* Ah, here we are! Viggo endorses Obama: #
  • 11:30 Holy cow! I have 1mm of sole left in one place on my habitual sandals. They started 1in thick! After work tonight, I’m going shoe shopping! #
  • 11:31 @ABCPieHole Kristin Chenoweth! I adore her. #
  • 13:41 Sarah Silverman presents The Great Schlep: Calling on Jews to visit their grandparents in FL to get them to vote Obama! #
  • 14:25 @boymonster Better than Flight of the Conchords? #
  • 14:42 Aww, MAN! I wish I’d put more effort into imagining my Evil League of Evil character. Admissions are open, but they close Oct 11? So soon! #
  • 14:43 That’s, by the way. #
  • 15:56 @mkcho73 You were supposed to bake me a delicious pie and massage my feet. How could you forget! #
  • 17:02 @mkcho73 Yes. You massage my feet while it’s cooking. #
  • 17:24 HA! Matt Damon’s Sarah Palin Disney movie now has a trailer! Check out "Head of Skate"! #

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  • 07:33 Re-tweeted from @txvoodoo: FREE SARAH PALIN! CNN calls her out, and it is beautiful. #
  • 11:58 @Wraithmaker Half-birthdays are awesome! Invaluable in school, when birthday celebrations with friends were sidelined by Thanksgiving. #
  • 12:01 Linked from @ABCPieHole: Pushing Daisies likes its corpses like it likes its coffee: COVERED IN BEES! #
  • 12:06 Re-tweeted from @edeainfj: Religious nutjubs make baby Jesus cry. #
  • 12:07 @boymonster That sounds both painful and humiliating. #
  • 12:33 Oh, I am *so* in the mood for Toasties right now. That just hit me like a sledgehammer. Greek salad and prosciutto sandwich, mmm. #
  • 12:36 Lessig blogs on Palin’s lack of experience compared to all past VPs. Unfavorable to say the least. #
  • 14:38 Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) speaks out against Palin comparisons: #
  • 15:17 Oh, PETA! You are so gloriously batshit insane. #
  • 15:19 @sadbhyl Did you see the clip of Viggo vehemently endorsing Obama? It was pretty awesome. #
  • 18:43 Oh, man. This McCain pullout drama is DELICIOUS. I feel I should be eating pie as I read about it. #
  • 21:18 @boymonster Watch it for best effect. The Palin/Couric interview reminds me of Miss Teen South Carolina. #

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  • 09:39 @sadbhyl …Pop version of LotR music? I am afraid, yet intrigued. #
  • 10:50 @boymonster Even tintinnabulation? #
  • 17:14 Re-tweeted from @ABCPieHole: Pushing Daisies 5-minute recap! Is it October 1st yet? #
  • 20:00 Yay, Felicia Day on House! #
  • 20:41 Jeep ad just used "infotainment" in a non-ironic way. I didn’t know that happened. #
  • 21:03 @feliciaday You were awesome! Brava, dahling! #
  • 22:43 @sinspired "Peace! Hokum! Want some nitrous oxide?" *hums ‘It’s Just the Gas’* #

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  • 00:28 @fredhicks Oh, no. I like the text on Fringe. I’m mocking the Fringe-style text in the aforetweeted McCain ad. #
  • 08:31 @mkcho73 …Wow, it never even occurred to me to look for the Heroes premiere. I’ll care with you! #
  • 08:32 @mkcho73 You’re right! Those Fringe VFX folks are filty plagiarists! How dare they copy John McCain! #
  • 12:09 @mkcho73 I read "allspice" as "Old Spice." I lol’d. #
  • 14:21 @mkcho73 A person I know dresses like that EVERY DAY. #
  • 20:42 @sinspired Which is superior: alliteration or palindromes? #
  • 21:00 Woo, Heroes season 3! #
  • 21:57 …Two episodes of Heroes? Sweet! #
  • 22:25 IT’S WEEVIL! Weevil and Veronica, together again! #
  • 22:30 Carwoman? My god, could Hiro get any more adorkable? #
  • 22:31 And that would be "Catwoman." I should look away from the TV before pressing the "post" button. #
  • 22:32 @boymonster Did you bring enough for the rest of the class? #
  • 22:56 @mkcho73 My X-Men alterego is Toastito. I manipulate toast! That has to be lamer than Carwoman. :D #
  • 23:01 @boymonster Fret not, my dear kiwi! I didn’t give anything away. Your viewing experience shall remain unsullied. #

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  • 08:35 NOOOOO. CHRISTMAS IS CANCELED. VP debate between Biden and Palin de-toothed! #
  • 08:47 Retweeted from @fourteenacross, OMG OMG OMG! Aaron Sorkin pens meeting between Obama and Bartlet! Read it! #
  • 09:16 "Barracuda" songstresses ratchet McCain’s Cease and Desist up a notch: #
  • 10:42 Wow, I thought this McCain ad was a parody. Esp funny, as econ crisis the result of NOT ENOUGH govt regulation! #
  • 10:42 "Fringe"-style text is icing on hilarity-cake. #
  • 11:11 Off to Pushing Daisies marathon! Email/tweet/text me for details if you want to join in. All are welcome! #

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