Twitter Driveby

  • 11:09 @mkcho73 Toast with jam! #
  • 11:10 @mydeira How does that work? #
  • 11:17 Obama just sang a few lines of Chaka Khan at a rally. I love this man. Watch live webcasts of his rally speeches at @BarackObama #
  • 11:20 @mkcho73 Yup. #
  • 11:29 @mkcho73 He said it was Michelle’s theme song. :D Hopefully, it’ll show up on YouTube before too long! Daytona Beach, FL. #
  • 15:04 @feliciaday Finally watched S1 of The Guild. BRILLIANCE. I eagerly await season 2! #
  • 17:57 USA marathonning PotC trilogy on Talk Like A Pirate Weekend! Coincidence, or is USA the best network ever? #
  • 19:29 @Wraithmaker Solution: Do the same to them at the next funeral. They’ll never harass you again! #
  • 19:32 @sinspired Curse you, Justin Timberlake! #
  • 19:53 @sinspired Oh–if it makes you feel better about Mama Mia, Orson Scott Card thinks it’s "dangerous; perhaps evil." #
  • 23:02 @mkcho73 hypothalamus? #

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