Twitter Driveby

  • 10:14 Dear Weather, Please stop torrenting rain in time for the Prop 8 protest! This is lameness squared. Love, Me #
  • 10:16 @stephenfry You terrify me. But at least you haven’t started chanting "I like to move it move it" incessantly! #
  • 16:07 Back from the Prop 8 protest at City Hall! My arms are exhausted from holding a "Straight Against H8" sign. Fight for equal rights, woo! #
  • 22:12 Is someone smoking directly beneath my window? #
  • 23:06 New Star Trek trailer! Simon Pegg, how are you so awesome? #
  • 23:07 (Anybody else think he sounded a little like Billy Boyd there? Aww, I miss my hobbits.) #

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