- 15:52 @fourteenacross You are a shelving rockstar every day! #
- 22:51 @edeainfj I love your brain. #
- 00:13 Why does betaing always give me the curious urge to diagram sentences? #
- 07:54 mrglfrsl. feel weak and queasy again, after being back to 100% yesterday. what the hell, body? #
- 08:01 trying to muster resolve to force down h2o and yogurt (only thing that made me feel better Wed), but I quail at the idea of eating anything. #
- 12:29 This is the lamest sickness ever. I feel like if I could just get on my feet and get moving, I’d be fine, but if I tried, I’d throw up. #
- 12:57 @boymonster I’m convinced New Zealand and Australia actively want me dead. On the other hand, I live in New York, so that’s nothing new. #
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