Twitter Driveby

  • 13:42 Oh my god, I ate soooooooo much lunch, and it was AMAZING. I love Nirvana. Tandoori chicken and lentils and spinach and rice nom nom nom. #
  • 14:03 @Uilos For that, I shall let you live. #
  • 15:01 @Uilos But… he *was* an emo twit. #
  • 15:18 @beyondabsurdity Got my Soul Samurai ticket for tonight! Can’t wait. And I’m already making plans to bring a group on March 5th. #
  • 17:32 Ah, the precious alchemy of creating "coolness" out of "schlubbiness" while adhering to an impossible set of guidelines. I kind of rock. #
  • 20:09 Woo, Soul Samurai time approacheth! #
  • 22:39 Everyone capable of visiting New York before March 15 needs to see Soul Samurai at their earliest possible convenience. Brilliant! #

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