Twitter Driveby

  • 10:25 @AnnLarimer Not yet! We don’t even have a release date for the Season 2 DVD. Lame, ABC! #
  • 10:26 @jimmyaquino Understandable. Woeful, but understandable! Wouldn’t want to get you in trouble. :D #
  • 10:38 Ooh, awesome! Check out the lovely new covers for the UK editions of the Codex Alera: #
  • 10:40 Rarg, St. Patrick’s Day. Sometimes it sucks to work on 5th Avenue. I’m going to have to listen to bagpipes for like six hours straight. #
  • 11:04 @AnnLarimer Well, they’re both half-seasons, for 22 episodes total. #
  • 11:08 @emshore Should I start calling you "Snake"? #
  • 13:01 Ah, the struggle of ordering lunch on a Parade Day! All my favourite places are on the east side. #
  • 15:00 So Apple is announcing iPhone 3.0 today, but they aren’t releasing the software until the summer? LAME. #
  • 16:46 *sigh* I thought I was done with my cold. Painfully tender lymph nodes, brain fog, and exhaustion not a move in the right direction. #
  • 17:37 Lovely. Air duct jimmied so it now blows cold air directly at back of my neck. Just what I needed when I may be getting sick again. #
  • 17:43 @thericachica I won’t squawk! #
  • 17:52 Seriously? That eternity that just passed was SIX MINUTES? One hour to go… I can make it! #

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