Twitter Driveby

  • 10:32 @sinspired Jim still has to finish Alera 6 before we can even talk about future Dresden fixes! He just posted ch6, and it’s a doozy! #
  • 10:33 @robaiello WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! #
  • 10:36 RT @cleolinda – "Take it easy on the kid, SilverFox316; everybody kills Hitler on their first trip": #
  • 10:40 RT @rdonoghue – From NPR: Teacher Sells Ad Space On Tests – #
  • 11:07 @stephanieyee Yes. #
  • 16:13 @stephanieyee Your coworkers disappoint me! #
  • 17:07 "Make him look more like Bruce Campbell in ‘Burn Notice’," they say. I’ll be happy to! #
  • 17:07 @Esperacchius WOOHOO! Big Apple, beware! #
  • 17:41 EpicBruceChin is Epic! #

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