Twitter Driveby

  • 10:06 New York Friends! Are any of you interested in seeing the live-action musical of "Coraline"? Tix are $39. #
  • 10:18 Kangaroos on the loose in Toulouse! Is this news by Dr. Seuss? #
  • 10:28 @mkcho73 Take it easy this week. #
  • 10:38 Addendum to last post: It’s better than a platoon of Judoon on the moon! #
  • 11:19 RT @noncultured — Twins commit perfect crime: DNA @ jewelry heist matches both twins. #
  • 11:21 @AnnLarimer It’s okay. Just try not to do it again. Resurrection is just so messy. #
  • 18:39 I posted a bunch of new photographs in my LJ. Check ’em out! #
  • 18:55 @AnnLarimer A shelf of Gelf! #

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Oooh! I accidentally bought the sweetened chocolate almond milk instead of the unsweetened! I like cutting down on sugar whenever possible, and the unsweetened is tasty enough, so the choice is obvious. But I do *prefer* the taste of the sweetened, so that was a pleasant surprise!

(Yes, this is the kind of drivel I’m compelled to share with others. Aren’t you glad you kept poking me to take blogging back up, Ko and Chungy? :D)

For Jo, and anyone else that was curious: The bizarre antiques store I visited yesterday was Billy’s Antiques, located at 76 E Houston.

For everyone not mentioned above, I shall legitimize this entry with cover art for the upcoming Middleman DVD (Fighting evil that distorts perspective and makes the heroes look like they’re on completely different ground planes, so you don’t have to!) and Really Geeky Political Cartoons.


I enjoyed the Battlestar Galactica series finale. I certainly blubbered enough during it! The first half was pure poetry, with the brilliant payoff of the classic “vision” sequence. However, the episode tanked for me as soon as Lee’s “no cities” plan came up and was actually embraced by the others.

Whuh? This is a society whose raptor pilots are offered the last tube of toothpaste as the ultimate form of incentive. This is a society that’s used to a (more or less) ready supply of pharmaceuticals and cigarettes and feminine hygiene products and meals you may have to squabble for occasionally, but you don’t have to grow yourself or track down and kill. Relief from an all-algae diet may be a brief morale booster, but I give them a week before some horde of survivors whose slates weren’t all that dirty to begin with revolts and steals Adama’s raptor and flies to some other part of the planet to create their own frakkin’ city, thank you very much. Maybe that’s what Atlantis was.

The idea of cities somehow being a source of evil boggles my mind. In its simplest form, evil is the human desire for power, unchecked by human empathy. Human, human, human. Whether you life in a city or a farm or a nomadic hunter/gatherer culture or a crumbling Battlestar, the potential for human weakness exists in equal measure. And the “moral education” of the prehistoric humans being painted as some kind of noble undertaking was WAY too “White Man’s Burden” for me.

Also, I consider the explanation of Starbuck being some Wild Mass Hallucination (yet still capable of interacting with the world) to be a massive fumble.

Fortunately, there were enough Moments of Greatness that I’m happy with it, overall. The idea that modern man is descended from the Awesome Fighting Agathons gives me great hope for humanity! And Roslin’s death scene had me in tears. Oh, and then there were Head!Six and Head!Baltar being awesomely smug in the Great Preachifying Coda! I kind of love the idea of them head!traveling about the globe, observing events and commenting in a similarly smug fashion. The Awesomely Smug Adventures of Head!Six and Head!Baltar! This I can get behind.

It was a fitting finale, a satisfying ending to an extraordinary show. Despite the fact that this post is 90% rant, I am a happy camper.

Today was weird.

I mentioned in passing that one of my coworkers is doing a weekly photography workshop. I ended up submitting this image last week, which was not taken in my front yard.

Our assignment for next week is to take a picture that illustrates motion. I had to run an errand over at Houston and Broadway–an area of town stupidly close to me, but which I rarely ever get to–and afterward, I decided to prowl that area for potential shots.

The first place that caught my eye was a curios shop, which specializes in countless shiny odds and ends, subway signs, opera props, and bizarre statues and masks. I set up a number of shots of people reflected in mirrors among the odd bric-a-brac. One such shot featured the legs of a tall, slim man in black jeans and cowboy boots, who spontaneously walked into frame. Yay happy accidents! Then I looked up, and it was one of my coworkers! We stopped to chat and have a laugh about it, and he explained that he lives very nearby, and he stops in occasionally to see if there’s anything new and interesting to see. That’ll be a story to share with my fellow photographers!

My next stop was a basketball court, where a bunch of young guys had banded together an impromptu game. I must have watched them for 15 minutes, taking photo after photo, before the game ended. I smiled at the guys in greeting afterward, ready to explain my presence to any who asked, when suddenly I caught the eye of the son of one of my family’s oldest friends. We spent a few minutes catching up and generally boggling, then I was off once more.

I strolled around a little longer, then made my way back home, whereupon I got my first jury duty summons in the mail.

Yeah, today was weird.

Twitter Driveby

  • 08:32 What the… is that SNOW? #
  • 14:24 @stephanieyee Why do parents do that to their children? I did theatre with a Tom Tompkins in high school. #
  • 14:46 @Esperacchius Yes! And it was coming from the sky! But tomorrow is the first day of Spring–how could it have been snowing? #
  • 17:19 Dear Priscilla, Hot tea is hot. Love, Priscilla. #
  • 21:25 Man, Dollhouse is AWESOME tonight! Love Patton Oswalt. #
  • 22:01 FRAK. I knew BSG was going to be 2 hours tonight, but I didn’t know it would start an hour early! Gotta avoid Twitter for tonight. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 08:17 Feeling much better this morning. Neck glands still swollen and painful to the touch, but otherwise energetic, clear-headed, and ache-free! #
  • 10:25 Applied essential oil to swollen throat glands to increase circulation. Coworker says I now smell like basil. #
  • 17:02 Energy waning. Give me something silly and joyous and perhaps fannish! #
  • 17:21 @mkcho73 Thank you! #
  • 17:56 @AnnLarimer EPIC. #
  • 20:09 Oh, man, I’ve been sitting on this a week, and now I can finally share it! Dresden Files: WttJ comic Hugo-nominated! #
  • 20:32 "Welcome to the Jungle" is the comic my friends Fred, Mickey, and I consulted on, by the way. Hence my SQUEE-SPLOSION at the Hugo nom! #
  • 21:24 @EuropaMoon I love that video! There are few things that warm a fangirl’s heart like Alan and Nathan goofing on each other. #
  • 21:32 @AnnLarimer Eww! Ann cooties! Not as bad as boy cooties, but a near thing! #
  • 21:50 ugh! I had an Oxford comma missing from my resume! So *that’s* why Pixar didn’t hire me. :D #
  • 22:00 @emshore Woo, go Eric’s Team! What do you call yourself again? #
  • 22:02 @emshore "Yourselves," rather. Man, I’m so excited I can’t use proper grammar! #

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Protest the Moronic Casting of Avatar: The Last Airbender!

For those who aren’t aware: Avatar is a popular cartoon series based in an Asian-inspired world, yet for the live-action movie, Paramount is casting whites in the heroic leads while relegating people of color to villains and extras. Two of the heroes set to be played by white actors are brown-skinned, belonging to an Inuit-based culture in the original series, and the third hero, also set to be played by a white actor, is from a Tibetan Buddhist-based culture. This is dumb and frankly offensive.

If you’d be so kind as to sign the petition, I’d really appreciate it! It takes thirty seconds.

Most online petitions are worthless, but this one is going straight to Paramount, MANAA and the EWP. It’s absolutely worth the 30 seconds to sign and the two minutes it takes to spread the link in your blog or over email, if you think your friends/readers are likely to be interested.

Check out and the LJ comm aang-aint-white for more info.

(Ganked from bzzinglikeneon and quietrevolution)