Twitter Driveby

  • 08:21 @beachkid by the way, thank you for introducing me to the word "sealclapping." It filled a very important hole in my vocabulary! #
  • 09:26 MADE OF WIN! The recycling program Linda and I started is now official company policy and has been expanded from just plastic to paper, too! #
  • 14:40 RT @mkcho73: #
  • 21:10 Picked up the new Neko Case album on my way home from work. I love her voice! Listening now. #
  • 21:12 @NeilMSchwartz Maybe they think she’s constantly on her way to a convention and/or to chop wood? #
  • 21:14 @kitoconnell Sounds like the perfect way to spend a day! #
  • 21:47 @fourteenacross My favourite burger in the city is vegan: black bean patty with assorted veggies and soy bacon. Your soul should rejoice! #
  • 22:35 32 minutes of frogs? Really, Neko Case? I let myself zone out and embrace the sound, but when I came back, less than 5 minutes had passed. #
  • 22:35 I’m not without a tree-hugging hippie streak, but I’d rather have 27 more minutes of actual music. #

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The recycling program Linda and I started a few months ago is now OFFICIAL COMPANY POLICY! And it has been expanded from just plastic to paper, glass, and aluminum cans, too!

Thank you, Awesome Boss!

Now I have to figure out what my next goal will be. Now that “recycle” is in place, it’s time to “reduce” and “reuse.” I’d like to find a way to reduce the number of plastic bottles we go through, whether that be by getting a Brita or a water cooler, and having everyone use reusable glasses/mugs. Or if reusable glasses are too much to hope for, maybe we could replace the non-recyclable paper cups with a biodegradable alternative. Recyclable paper towels in the bathroom would cut down on waste quite a bit, as well.

And of course, because my boss is trying to run a business, it all needs to be cost-effective. I’m going to make an appointment to chat with our financial guy to figure out how much we’re currently paying, to see what kind of wiggle room I have.

This is going to be fun. It’s nice to have a mission!

Twitter Driveby

  • 00:30 Duuuuude. Levelator magically removed like 80% of the annoying noise reduction artifacts. That shouldn’t be possible, but… yay! #
  • 00:31 @featherjean I second that! Gluten is nasty, but it’s almost impossible to avoid. #
  • 00:32 @NeilMSchwartz Only if the vampires in question are badly written. #
  • 00:40 @Esperacchius The snow will be over Monday afternoon. You should be fine by Wednesday. #
  • 00:42 @Uilos *smirks annoyingly* #
  • 00:44 @paulandstorm That’s so adorable my teeth hurt. #
  • 00:53 @featherjean I use Twittelator. It gets the job done! #
  • 01:16 Dude, when did it get to be 1:16? I swear I looked at my clock 15 minutes ago and it was 11:40. Stupid aliens. #
  • 08:31 Argh! Not one of my THREE alarms went off today. Stupid alarms–my job doesn’t believe in snow days. Woke 10 min before I had to leave. #
  • 08:35 Also, the pristine snow I went to sleep to is all grungy and trod upon. Hmph. Ah well. I’m going to make it in time! Life remains good! #
  • 08:37 @Esperacchius Dude, you can *always* wear your browncoat. You don’t have to have an excuse. You can wear it to the beach! It’s that awesome. #
  • 09:18 Actual Metro paper headline this morning: "’Dumpster Divers’ Rate the Best Trash Eats." Is the economy really that bad? Or just the writers? #
  • 09:45 Oh, wow. The snow is SO PRETTY outside my work window! Pure white flurries, buoyed by currents of wind rushing between the buildings. Mmmm. #
  • 09:45 @Uilos *smirks more annoyingly* #
  • 10:30 Woe! The snow stopped! I thought it was going to continue well into the afternoon. #
  • 11:29 The word of the day is "sanguine." Someone should tell Mal. #
  • 16:58 The trouble with having long hair is no one notices when you hack off six inches. Or maybe the trouble is that my coworkers are all guys. #
  • 17:09 @Esperacchius Just stop before you start seeing pink elephants, k? #
  • 21:24 @Esperacchius That’s because men singing French arias are hot. #
  • 21:25 @boymonster Rush Limbaugh doesn’t care if you’re a bunch of scary alcoholic bums! #
  • 22:24 @gypsyjr Is it the "very close talking" episode? Because that was hilarious. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 13:10 @Uilos That makes three of us! #
  • 14:54 Off to the Doctor Who NY meetup! Their tribute to Three will be my first exposure to Old School Who. Let it begin! #
  • 23:04 The snow is coming down in gorgeous, swirling gusts. It’s mesmerizing. #
  • 23:05 @hobbitwriter *laughs* Wonderful! Stay strong! #
  • 23:08 @neilhimself It’s okay. We’ll feel the joy for you! Fingers are crossed for more screens for Coraline. #
  • 23:31 Unsurprisingly, @viennateng’s "The Last Snowfall" is a really, really good snow-watching song. #
  • 23:32 @smuu I don’t know how to do a cartwheel, either. It’s not uncommon. #
  • 23:51 What the… why can’t I reduce noise on chapter 4? I’m on the lowest setting, but I’m still getting crazy artifacts. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:22 Just found $200 in gift cards given to me a Christmas ago! My hiding spots are too clever for their own good. #
  • 02:08 @mkcho73 Hope you like Nordstrom and Anthropologie! #
  • 12:13 Why do I smell burnt hair? #
  • 15:19 @Uilos *cocks eyebrow* I’m covered! #
  • 15:38 @donttrythis I don’t believe that’s how "goblin" is spelled in this instance. #
  • 16:01 @boymonster I think of it as the onomatopoeia for the sound Homer Simpson makes when he scarfs donuts. I like it. #
  • 16:10 @Uilos Let me know if you find it. #
  • 16:19 @smuu In interviews, does he have a goatee? #
  • 16:21 @featherjean On a galactic scale? Earth. #
  • 16:25 Really, ice cream truck? Really? You’re aware there’s a windchill of 29 and a 60% chance of snow, right? #
  • 16:27 Mrsfgl. Feeling crampy and gross. Considering spending the rest of the day in the bath with my copy of "Watchmen." #
  • 17:00 Ooh, devouring Watchmen a second time is going to be a treat. I still think Rorschach reads like he should have a Russian accent, though. #
  • 17:35 Mmm, feeling human again. Also, after an hour in peach cinnamon bubble bath, my skin feels really, really soft. #
  • 18:54 Dear everyone involved in the "Neverending Story" remake: Don’t make me hurt you. No love, Priscilla #
  • 20:26 @gypsyjr Actually, Baconnaise is vegan. I know this because my coworkers are obsessed with it. I’m looking at you, @redone17. #
  • 20:28 @CBSisSlayer730 That scans beautifully in place of the last line of "I’ve Got a Theory." #
  • 20:36 @beachkid Watching the "Oceanarium Reimagined" video. It entertains me that the narrator’s last name is Ramirez. :D #
  • 20:38 @Esperacchius Feh, cinnamon is manly! Bubbles can be manly, too, like the character from "Lilo and Stitch." #
  • 21:40 @Uilos Happy to be of assistance! *tips hat* #
  • 21:46 @Esperacchius Sitting in the bubble bath, arms crossed, trying to will the rubber ducky out of existence as he scowls up at an amused Murph? #
  • 21:52 @Esperacchius If it would help his case, it could be a pirate rubber duckie. Or a ninja. It certainly would not be pink. Certainly. #
  • 21:59 @Uilos All the important bits would be hidden! There would be a lot of bubble bath! I meant no romantic overtones. Only silliness. #
  • 22:00 @Uilos Though to answer your question, probably squee a lot while trying to seem sober and mature in my beta-comments on the scene. #
  • 22:02 @gypsyjr Ah. My coworkers lied, then! For shame, coworkers! You have borne me false witness with your Baconnaise! #
  • 22:05 @Uilos Just the duckie. He’s a big guy. There probably isn’t a lot of room for bath toys. #
  • 22:06 @Esperacchius Okay, but I warn you. It’ll smell like peach cinnamon. #
  • 22:23 @Uilos Can’t freaking wait. :D #
  • 22:28 @feliciaday You are a rock star. #
  • 22:39 @beachkid Any day in which there is no cackling and sealclapping is a day wasted. #

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