Twitter Driveby

  • 11:21 @Uilos That is just… oh, man. I’m tearing up. Jim is a class act. We miss you, Bob. #
  • 11:58 Can someone that watches SCC please explain the "Trousers" thing to me? Because it sounded like an April Fool’s joke from the audio dept. #
  • 12:00 *imagines a sad, slow version of Rodney Carrington’s "Carlos, Man of Love" or DaVinci’s Notebook’s "Enormous Penis" over Dollhouse* #
  • 12:19 "Beyond the Pole: Mystery of the Horror-Dirigible" is officially the most awesome title I’ve ever heard. Viva sci-fi pulp! #
  • 12:21 Is anyone else going to the NYC Pillow Fight in Union Square at 2 this afternoon? I know @Uilos is! #
  • 13:00 Why do I smell tuna? #
  • 13:30 *blinks* Someone named their child Priskilla. Poor, poor girl. #
  • 14:09 I’m in Union Square at 2, yet I see no one with a pillow. Perhaps this is because the event is taking place at Wall Street. Whuh? #
  • 18:41 Any ideas how to remove an inundation of down feathers from a wool coat? Lint roller ineffective. Should I try packing tape next? #
  • 19:34 Wow. There was so much wonderful color at the pillow fight, yet my photo series is looking gorgeous in b&w. Whoda thunk it? #
  • 19:47 Just realized why my photos were weirdly grainy. The woman put a Sharpen on all of them! ARG. I use a Lensbaby! The blur is intentional! #
  • 19:58 And the reason they look better in b&w than color? She clicked "Auto Levels" on all of them. Grr, let me do my own post processing! #
  • 20:01 Yeah, yeah, Priscilla. Want some cheese to go with that whine? Feeling silly about my disgruntlement. One more reason to go digital! #
  • 21:26 @Jamie1km Dude, congratulations! Bravo! #
  • 21:55 @jimmyaquino Attention must be paid! #
  • 22:28 Wow. After nine years of Nikon-loyalty, am I going to switch to Canon because they work better with Lensbabies? #

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