Twitter Driveby

  • 08:41 Awful dreams last night. Woke up at 8 and was so anxious I couldn’t go back to sleep. Hopefully, some time in Central Park will relax me. #
  • 09:02 Fighting my way through The Black Company, feeling w/ every page I’ve turned over three at once. Is it supposed to be this incomprehensible? #
  • 09:07 @Phil_Boswell Is there a better place to start from than the beginning, then? #
  • 10:49 @fredhicks There’s a leap from no sense to "We got decimated by a wereleopard–let’s slaughter a barracks to make ourselves feel better!" #
  • 10:51 @fredhicks Ooh, the Garrett series sounds interesting. I’ll have to check it out! #
  • 11:24 @robaiello You’re complaining about near-cloudless 81 degree weather? Heathen. #
  • 13:31 Off to Central Park for some sun and relaxation! Avast ye, Vitamin D deficiency! #
  • 16:53 Little girl across from me on bus has kept up a string of "infinity times infinity times…" for a full ten mins. I admire her conviction! #

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