Twitter Driveby

  • 00:25 I finally got around to posting photos from my trip to the Bronx Zoo! Check ’em out! #
  • 09:49 In the waiting room, rather bored. Entertaining myself by trying to pronounce "Rural Juror" in my head. #
  • 10:00 Oh, lovely. The trial has been delayed an hour, until 10:30. Guess I didn’t need to chase the M9 bus two blocks after all. #
  • 10:41 Guy outside the courtroom having angry phone call about how he is being extorted and his life has been threatened over course of case. #
  • 10:41 To think they spent yesterday convincing us jury duty *wasn’t* like TV drama. #
  • 10:48 Dude, how do you not show up for your own trial? I know "innocent until proven guilty," but you have to know you’re not helping your case. #
  • 11:17 At 11:15, we’re finally going in! #
  • 17:18 Mwahahahaha!!! 5pm and I’m gone! And they don’t need me at work, so the evening is mine, all mine. Groceries and laundry time! #
  • 20:38 RT @Islandwoo NYC’s First Blacklight Glowing LightSaber Battle @ Washington Square Park – – Saturday 4/25 #
  • 21:05 Marsters’ Ebenezar reminds me of True Blood’s Bill when he says the word "vampire." I’m picturing Eb glowering and saying "Suckeh is mahn." #
  • 21:25 …some dude on the Rachel Maddow show just used the term "whomper-jawed." I think I’m in love. #
  • 23:03 GG suggested I was not a sneakyhor, and Kat is defending my sneaky honor! I have the best internet friends ever. #
  • 23:51 "I ship Murphy/Chuck Norris and Harry/Your Mom." #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:30 I sleep now, but in the morning, there will be jury duty. Mrgle. #
  • 08:46 In Juror’s Lounge, watching video on History of Jury Duty. Opens with Folks On The Street talking about how much it sucks. I am so amused. #
  • 08:49 Now Diane Sawyer is talking about how uncool jury duty is compared with what you see on TV. At least it’s educational! #
  • 08:57 Surly looking juror in video looks like Helen Thomas. (Why yes, I am livetwittering this. I wonder how many people will unfollow me today?) #
  • 09:32 Jury Duty is more important than voting! Your opportunity to seize the power! #
  • 09:43 "This area of New York is a discount shopper’s Mecca. That’s an extra few minutes of your lunch hour you’re going to have to allow for." #
  • 09:49 "In New York City, we have about three crimes a year, so we keep you for two days." #
  • 09:56 "Top engineers have worked around the clock to ensure the vindictiveness is taken out of juror selection. *holds up bingo ball hopper*" #
  • 10:13 Man, how wild is it going to be to work a 9-5 day? It’ll be just like being a normal person! #
  • 10:41 "Pfft! What’s the use of science if it can’t make Obama-shaped laser-cut pizzas?" #
  • 11:00 …wtf? Why is rerouting to a facts page about the NY court system? This isn’t happening to anything else. #
  • 11:09 @boymonster That’s my guess. Must be some kind of limitation on what one can access on the Court system wireless. #
  • 11:10 First juror call! *crouches down in chair* #
  • 11:16 Spared! Despite @boymonster’s fiendish attempts at sabotage. #
  • 11:47 Argh! Last person called for an 80-juror criminal trial. I’m going to be here forever. #
  • 13:29 Lovely. First to the box. I’m going to be here a week. Thank goodness for lunch break! I could feel myself getting dumber in that room. #
  • 13:38 Universe, I forgive you. Compensating for the lameness in my life, Jim just sent me an awesome secret thing, filling my world with squee! #
  • 15:31 I’m done with Court for the day! Oh wait… I’m going back to the office, even though I am not legally required to do so? I am the bes … #
  • 15:54 Just got slammed with the exhaustion bat. Don’t know if I’m going to stay past 7. #
  • 17:12 It’s Puppy O’Clock! Time to take a break from work and play with Coworker Erica’s toy maltese. Someone’s gotta do it! #
  • 19:32 And at 7:30, I am so gone! #
  • 21:16 Roommate is making brussels sprouts. Urgh, that reeks. #
  • 21:26 @Uilos But… isn’t she dead? #
  • 23:02 @Uilos Count me in! #
  • 23:14 @KChenoweth Welcome to Twitter, from the girl who gave you the address of the awesome Southern/Creole restaurant at your NY signing! :D #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 09:35 Wow! Contrary to Friday’s weather report, looks like today is going to be gorgeous as well, albeit not as warm! Too bad I’m at work again. #
  • 10:48 Subject of an actual work email this morning: "Dinosaurs to buy." I wish it were real! #
  • 17:28 Pushing Daisies is coming so sooooooooooooooooooon! T-minus an hour and a half and counting! #
  • 19:04 ABC, stop crashing NOW. Give me my Daisies! #
  • 19:28 @neilhimself Are you using Word? Their "Compare Documents" feature is invaluable in those situations. #
  • 20:57 Oh, Pushing Daisies! Best TV show ever. Why were you canceled? Can’t wait for them to air the next as-yet-unaired ep! #
  • 23:36 Hours worked this week: 82. I AM MIGHTY! *poses dramatically* #
  • 23:49 @Jamie1km Yes! I’ve also been known to walk and chew gum at the same time. #
  • 00:08 Happy Birthday, @Esperacchius! *smooch* #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 12:23 The word of the day is "smorgasbord"! My back room coworkers and I pooled our meal allowance and ordered a banquet of Greek food for lunch! #
  • 12:53 @boymonster YES WE CAM! #
  • 18:56 I just realized the acronym of "Polka Will Never Die" is PWND. All is right with the universe. #

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Twitter Driveby

  • 00:33 ABC took away Pushing Daisies. Then ABC Family took away Middleman. And now, ABC is taking away Castle. I will cut this entire network. #
  • 10:00 New Yorkers: Kristin Chenoweth book signing at the Lincoln Triangle B&N @7:30! Who’s coming with? #
  • 10:40 @featherjean @mkcho73 @MickeydotFinn Castle hasn’t actually been cut yet, but it’s clear it’s going to be. Its ratings are in the toilet. #
  • 10:42 Dear Nielsen Families, Please gravitate towards TV that doesn’t suck, so the brilliant shows I love actually stand a chance. Love, Priscilla #
  • 20:26 Kristin Chenoweth is about fifty trillion times cuter in person! So lucky to have gotten a seat. #
  • 22:00 OH HELL YES! "Turn Coat" is #1 on the NYT bestseller list! #
  • 22:27 @billharting @kitoconnell No link yet. Shannon just emailed the betas to share the squee! Breaking news, boys and girls. :D #

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Ooh! Barb re-posted her recipe for Pear and Cream Cheese Pie, one of my all-time favourite things to make. Check it out, and share the deliciousness with your friends and family at your next pie-friendly occasion!

Speaking of pie, Kristin Chenoweth (Olive on Pushing Daisies, as well as the original Galinda in Wicked) did a book signing at the Lincoln Triangle Barnes and Noble last night! You know I was there! Man, that woman is about seventy trillion times cuter in person.

It’s amazing, the effect she had on the audience. People love her. People are enraptured by her. I’ve seen people fanboying and fangirling over actors, but this was something special. After her interview, she took questions from the audience, and every other person opened their question with an ejaculation of “I love you!” She’s like a human joy-generator.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to give some of that joy back! She mentioned in the interview that she despaired the lack of good Southern cooking in New York, so I gave her the address of Mara’s Homemade, a fantastic Southern/Creole restaurant in the East Village. She seemed absolutely delighted! As a thank you, she signed my Pushing Daises DVD case, even though the Barnes and Noble folks wanted to limit signatures to her book only.

I lead a charmed life. :D

My world has been so full of exciting events lately. On Friday, Mike Cho and I saw Vienna Teng perform at Le Poisson Rouge, as part of her international tour. She’s such a fantastic performer, and I rejoiced to hear her sing a number of my favourite songs, including as “Blue Caravan,” “Antebellum,” and “Stray Italian Greyhound.”

Before she went on, though, a band called Paper Raincoat and a solo performer, Ben Sollee, played a few numbers. After Paper Raincoat played their first song, I happened to glance to my left and realize I was standing one person away from Vienna herself! Between songs, I said hello and re-introduced myself.

We’d met in February, when she did a gig benefiting the Caffe Vivaldi. We had a mutual friend in Jenn Jackson, Jim Butcher’s agent, and the three of us spent quite a while chatting after her show. I gave her lessons in being evil and she gave me a hug. It was an awesome night. I’m amazed I never got around to blogging about it! Bad Cellie!

Anyway, she remembered me, and she greeted me with enthusiasm. We didn’t have time to say much then, as the Paper Raincoat’s next song started up, and I didn’t want to be disrespectful, but we got to chat briefly after the show again, at which time she signed my Book, “Always great to see you! :)” Mike took some great photos here, including two of Vienna and me together.

But the fun doesn’t stop there!

Sunday, Craig, Shecky, Sue, Sue’s mother, and I went to the Bronx Zoo on Sunday! It was Easter, so we had much of the zoo to ourselves. I took oodles of photographs, though my shutter finger was tempered somewhat by the fact no store in or near the zoo sold film, and I had to be conservative with what I had. It’s unbelievable how difficult it is to get film these days! I’m so grateful that my mom is lending/giving me her sexy digital camera, as she hasn’t used it in ages. It’s something like eight years old, but it was top of the line then, so it’s still a fantastic camera by today’s standards.

I think I got a handful of decent shots from our explorations, but I felt “off” photographically most of the day. Some recent feedback I received on my photos, raising a skeptical eyebrow at my attachment to my Lensbaby, struck a nerve. In reaction, I tried to take a mix of Lensbaby and traditional photos, but I ended up sabotaging myself, obsessively questioning every move I made instead of letting inspiration strike organically. I need to get over myself. Hopefully, I’ll have the few good shots ready for posting in the next couple days!

Anyway, photography aside, it was fabulous to spend time with the crew. Craig is also a big Dresden fan and Shecky is a fellow beta, so we spent part of lunch squeeing over Turn Coat. Afterward, Craig invited me to his family’s Easter dinner, a feast of Italian family proportions.

And that’s all I have to say about that!

Twitter Driveby

  • 11:40 @boymonster That’s why God invented TiVo and Hulu! #
  • 11:40 @Uilos ‘Splainy? #
  • 12:12 My workplace is hilarious in its desperation. Today feels like setup to a particularly wacky sitcom episode. Wonder what moral we’ll learn? #
  • 12:13 RT @nprpolitics: Obama Wins First Pirate Battle. More To Come? #
  • 12:16 @Uilos That’s where "Soul Samurai" was staged. Great location! #
  • 12:18 @vampirecowboys I don’t care if it’s "Watch Paint Dry For Fun and Profit." I AM SO THERE. #
  • 13:03 @fredhicks Worlds of lame. #
  • 13:05 RT @neilhimself: Was just sent beautiful GRAVEYARD BOOK inspired grave images at #
  • 18:36 Reason eleventy frillion twelve I love my president: Obama reading "Where The Wild Things Are" to a group of kids. #
  • 19:52 I love those days where you sit around, backing up the library until 4:30, then get handed an emergency job and have to do overtime. #
  • 23:57 @featherjean Yeah, I misread your tweet! I thought I deleted my reaction quickly enough, but clearly you were faster. :D Good call, NASA! #
  • 23:59 @Uilos "Gone With The Wind"? #

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