Twitter Driveby

  • 10:20 Alarm didn’t go off. Instead, enjoyed dream combining Jim Butcher, Weird Al, RPing, and bowling/pictionary with Oprah. Way to go, brain. #
  • 10:25 Oprah was surprisingly good at pictionary. Had a gift for quickly capturing faces. #
  • 10:42 @SheckyX Poor Shecky! Hope your trial is as entertaining as mine was. I still need to blog about the complete incompetence of the lawyers. #
  • 11:03 There’s a brand of paper napkin called "Vanity Fair"? After the English novel about man’s sinful attachment to worldly things? Napkins? #
  • 11:14 New spot landed! My WOTD: "butyraceous" — n., of a buttery consistency. Thank you, @psychwrites, for the gift of that word! #
  • 12:23 Highly amusing song: Rock and Roll Nerd, by Tim Minchin — #
  • 12:23 @Esperacchius They use a different font in their logo. I don’t think they’re related. #
  • 13:34 @jimmyaquino It’s because people don’t know how to read instructions. There’s nothing wrong with Zicam, only with the morons misusing it. #
  • 17:21 Whee! Just swapped out my non-functional speaker with one that works! I think I shall serenade my coworkers with this: #
  • 17:47 Almost halfway into 2009. Yup, I still refuse to accept "webinar" is a word. #
  • 17:57 Hmph. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away my speakers. I wonder if there are any downstairs that aren’t being used… #
  • 18:12 Huzzah! Another pair of unspoken-for speakers has been located! Mine, all mine! #
  • 18:14 Also, I have hummus! All is right with the world. Except, y’know, in Iran. Okay, all is right with the Celliebelly and the Cellears. #
  • 20:22 Roommate all packed to move out tomorrow, taking cookware. I am reduced to eating leftover pad thai off a paper plate with a plastic fork. #
  • 20:24 @jimmyaquino Lookin’ sharp, there, Aquino! #
  • 20:27 Got my paper tweet from @sampotts! Yay for social experiments that don’t involve explosives! #
  • 20:42 @spodalicious Ooh, checking out their website now! This stuff is adorable! Thanks so much for the tip. #
  • 20:44 @Esperacchius Lord, no. I bought a fry pan, a saucepan, and a couple of cute mugs the weekend before last. It’ll get me through the week! #
  • 21:38 @AnnLarimer Harkness, Sparrow, or Billy Joel? #
  • 21:41 @mollycrabapple The first two remind me of Ronald Searle’s work. Great drawings! #
  • 22:14 RT @kitoconnell Blame @tanaise: Same-Sex Marriage Argument, the flowchart: #

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