- 00:34 RT @NotableNYC RT @ChrisGriswold Giant Thriller dance organizing in NYC to remember Michael Jackson: bit.ly/s7aHa #
- 18:54 @ironicsegue I only see one blue hand! One by one, hands of… fun? *mamboes?* #
- 18:55 My mom got me a little jade foo dog! Help me name him. #
- 19:01 RT @featherjean Awesomely hilarious AND true: How to meet and woo a nerdy girl tinyurl.com/mlx5ca #
- 19:01 @Esperacchius Come on, I don’t want to be /that/ predictable. :D #
- 19:25 @fourteenacross I am so in love with "200 Stories"! Does Katy Pfaffl have a date for her upcoming album? #
- 19:25 @Esperacchius "Mouse" is predictable. Phil is insufficiently regal. :D #
- 22:59 @fourteenacross I’m in! Just got my ticket–thanks for the heads-up. I love Ingrid Michaelson. #
- 23:38 *snort* One of these things is not like the other… www.imdb.com/title/tt0061791/mediaindex #
- 00:05 Augh! Pat Rothfuss is going to Comic Con! Why on earth am I not going, too? #
- 00:06 @SheckyX *eyebrow* #
- 00:07 @paulandstorm I thought @(o_o)@ was Princess Leia #
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