- 07:11:59: @nataliemorales Ooh, you’re going to be on “White Collar”? Another reason to watch the show! @USA_Network is on a roll.
- 07:13:19: @WilliamBabel Not appropriate, dude.
- 09:47:25: @travelingheidi Send up the bat signal somewhere else?
- 10:08:15: @MickeydotFinn Mmm, I like your definition better. *devours pie*
- 10:30:23: @KevinConn That is absurdly lame. I want to key their limojets.
- 10:42:58: RT @AnnLarimer RT @violetinbloom: *whistles casually* http://tinyurl.com/pu8hyz
- 10:43:15: RT @rdonogue Beautiful image of caffeine vs. Calories. http://bit.ly/Qii01
- 11:48:08: “We need to find a shader that works instead of doesn’t work.” –Eric summarizes our technical difficulties
- 14:17:36: Hummus, roast cauliflower, and quinoa… *gurgles happily* The Celliebelly has been appeased.
- 14:18:55: @mkcho73 Harmonica style!
- 14:25:39: @ShannonKButcher It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this. *hands you a kitten*
- 14:31:34: @Uilos I’ve long argued that Morgan was a Gilbert and Sullivan fan in his youth. *nods sagely*
- 15:28:32: @ksmccarthy24 About five minutes! *leaptackles*
- 16:20:58: @ksmccarthy24 *sends in team of sherpas and a spool of thread for Thesus-style extraction*
- 16:39:05: @longshotauthor Try iambic pentameter next time? And a big rock dropped from a height?
- 16:40:48: @AnneSowards Wow, and I thought I had it bad, leaving at 7 most days! You have my respect, madam.
- 16:42:06: Cold Stone ice cream cake for Eric’s birthday! I guess this job can stay. :D
- 18:19:43: @longshotauthor I’m gonna sing the doom song now! http://bit.ly/159i4w
- 18:43:32: .@Uilos Seriously. Dresden, Dexter, Dollhouse, True Blood… Valerie Cruz is the female Mark Sheppard.
- 20:03:47: Find myself inexplicably singing the Sorceress’ role from Dido and Aeneas. Wow, senior year of high school flashback.
- 20:58:19: @Uilos Am I going to have to turn on “Dollhouse” in the background, as I work on the map? Fiend.
- 20:59:46: Leverage first, though!
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