From Twitter 09-08-2009

  • 00:41:13: @longshotauthor LEGENDARY! Now go to sleep, you crazy man!
  • 00:50:30: @longshotauthor Enjoy your triumph! Our beta muscles are primed and ready. Bring on the words!
  • 00:51:16: @boymonster You can take my double spaces between sentences when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers!
  • 00:52:59: @boymonster Clarity of design never goes out of style!
  • 01:57:05: Whee, final map tweaks have been made, and the file is all formattified for @AnneSowards and Penguin! Time to upload and SLEEP.
  • 02:58:49: @longshotauthor Vince, Butters, or Hendricks!
  • 03:06:53: Sleep. Right. *goes*
  • 08:06:41: RT @theliz13: @priscellie You get inside information. Then leave tantalizing hints on twitter. //Me: Marcone’s favorite color is polka-dot!
  • 10:47:51: @mkcurry Thanks, but how on earth did you see the map? It shouldn’t be available to the public.
  • 10:55:33: @mkcurry PHEW! I think my heart skipped a beat, there. Nice to put a Twitter user to a face! Poke Jenn to show you the final version. :D
  • 10:59:00: FYI, @longshotAuthor, the forum folks without Twitter accounts are weighing in here:
  • 11:05:19: @fredhicks I like the way you think!
  • 11:07:18: @fredhicks Yup! Faith Astor is about the same age as Molly. And suddenly I want to change my vote, @longshotAuthor… :D
  • 11:21:59: Current task at work: googling pictures of George Clooney. My life is so hard. :D
  • 13:19:48: Coworkers have partaken in @ShannonKButcher’s Victory Cookies! They cheer for me with bellies full of peppermint!
  • 14:52:41: @SheckyX I found a similar recipe that called for 6 tbsp milk. It worked, but still tasted too floury. It’s 2.5c *sifted* flour, not packed.
  • 14:53:46: @sinspired *wild applause*
  • 15:25:24: Phone call I just made: S: Hello? Me: Your crotch has been kicked. S: Thanks. ::hang up::
  • 15:25:27: Oh, my job. Every time I think it can’t get weirder, I am surprised.
  • 17:20:46: @Esperacchius You should flex them! You never know what could come of it.
  • 17:22:14: @fourteenacross I’m late to the party, but Y!
  • 19:15:01: @ksmccarthy24 TESLAAAAAA! o/ /o o
  • 19:18:49: @spodalicious *cheers wildly* You can do it!
  • 20:24:54: @NathanFillion Come to the Bull Moose saloon to hang with the NYC Browncoats!
  • 21:06:09: Oh, man. I just realized I could go to sleep RIGHT NOW without repercussion. How wonderful it is to be done with the map!
  • 21:06:26: @scalzi The archangels are bowling.
  • 21:25:33: Lovely Twitter stats from @infobeautiful:
  • 21:33:44: James Patterson signs 17-book deal btw now and end of 2012. *twitches*
  • 21:52:00: @ShannonKButcher Two Jims would be superfluous. The romantic in me is happy to have a Butcher who doesn’t doom her hero to die alone. :D
  • 23:02:46: It’s 11:01. I’m going to read a bit, then go to sleep. MADNESS. Y’all can ring in 9/9/09 without me, right?

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 09-07-2009

  • 09:55:43: @REMGS I’m not a gamer, so nope. I’d fit in like a cheerleader at a Star Trek convention.
  • 10:00:43: @theliz13 Thanks for the awesome points, but I’m by no means a fantastic novel person. I point out Jim’s baby-warts and make pretty maps. :D
  • 10:08:26: @gypsyjr *jaw drops* Yeah, that would be creepier.
  • 10:09:40: @ksmccarthy24 *tackleglomps* Collapse well!
  • 10:20:56: @JHOCHE I was in Italy when it came out. I remember seeing ads for “Dracula: morto e contento.”
  • 10:30:39: So exhausted this morning. Zzzzzz. Last night’s food coma annoyingly persistent.
  • 10:30:45: Come on, Priscilla! The map is due in 25 1/2 hours!
  • 12:42:19: @kelldar Hee! Is the halo part of his costume or an amusingly-placed bit of decor?
  • 12:43:45: @ksmccarthy24 At least you aren’t living in the WW-verse! Then your feeling might be literal. :D
  • 12:53:38: Why is @BronxScene following me on Twitter? I’ve been to the Bronx ONCE, and it was entirely unrelated to music. Oh, bots. *patpat*
  • 13:45:05: @beyondabsurdity Buzzkill!
  • 18:05:22: @Uilos There was a period in my childhood when that was my favourite movie ever. I still find myself humming the songs occasionally.
  • 19:45:32: If I finish the map by 10, I will go to the grocery store downstairs and get supplies for @ShannonKButcher’s victory cookies! Motivation!
  • 20:03:35: @SheckyX You’re welcome to drive over here any help me eat them! Assuming I finish the map in the next two hours.
  • 20:06:45: @ksmccarthy24 *gasp of horror*
  • 20:07:15: …What just came up on iTunes, and why is it in French? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  • 20:26:17: HOLY YIKES. Might’ve helped if I noticed that mistake a week or so ago. Still, it’s an easy fix, and I’m still on track for cookies!
  • 20:32:56: Attica can bite me. The whole city.
  • 20:34:59: Just came upon version of map from July 12th. Laughed really, really hard. Wow, I’m freaking proud of this baby.
  • 20:43:22: Does that smell done to you? Because it sure smells done to me!
  • 20:43:58: I still have an hour’s worth of work getting it into the proper format for Penguin, but…. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I’M FREAKING DONE!
  • 20:47:34: brb, saving in 50 places
  • 22:04:55: The map will be unveiled on November 24th, @orbitaltrans, when the book is published! After that, it will be available on the website.
  • 22:50:42: Gagck, just got a big whiff of peppermint dust. It’s like inhaling a fairy.
  • 23:09:05: In 10 minutes, I got 3 responses about shamefulness of snorting Toot and 1 RT by a drug culture bot. Predictable internet is predictable. :D
  • 23:09:56: @gypsyjr That’s how I feel about Animaniacs. It’s eerie how many of those songs I still have memorized!
  • 23:10:43: RT @gypsyjr: “Rodents of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.”
  • 23:16:04: @Requiemm @ShannonKButcher posted the Victory Cookies recipe on her website!
  • 23:17:04: @visionseekers Ah, sorry. My mistake!

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 09-06-2009

  • 07:51:53: @gypsyjr *hugs* I couldn’t agree more.
  • 07:55:36: Slept until I couldn’t sleep no more!
  • 08:07:57: Season premiere dates for Fall 2009. Oh, man, I need to cut down on the number of shows I want to watch.
  • 08:26:01: @Esperacchius *looks at clock* Okay, I’m impressed!
  • 08:58:40: @ksmccarthy24 You can do it! *cheerleads*
  • 10:05:24: Man, my hair looks cute this morning.
  • 10:11:32: @sue_sue4 Watch 6 (LtM, Castle, 30R, Sunny, Dollhouse, Dexter) + interested 4 new (V, Glee, Flash Forward, White Collar) = WAY too much TV.
  • 10:14:10: Hmm. How does one make causeways beautiful?
  • 12:56:25: @Uilos There were no bunnies in FLF! @longshotauthor speaks falsehood before The One.
  • 12:57:15: Finished audio book listen-through of Alera 1-5. Where’s my audio book of “First Lord’s Fury”? :D
  • 13:02:03: @SheckyX Oy! I like the greyscale! And did you neglect to notice that the map is due in 47 hours? Greyscale is time-consuming enough. :D
  • 13:04:25: @SheckyX @AnneSowards There will be no dope-slappage of the beautiful people printing my baby inside an international bestselling novel.
  • 13:14:50: *hacks merrily through forests & mountains to make room for causeways* Alerans are not afraid of geography. Geography is afraid of Alerans!
  • 13:45:52: RT @beatonna: ha! RT @walrusmagazineRT @CBCNews: Bowie gets spider named after him // Alas, not from Mars.
  • 14:10:21: @MickeydotFinn You are a deeply peculiar man. I knew there was a reason we’re friends. :D
  • 14:38:01: FYI, @Uilos, @MickeydotFinn, @SheckyX, and @Esperaccius owe me beignets. They know why. @LongshotAuthor doesn’t want to know. :D
  • 14:39:56: @jonrog1 He’s got a chair on every set!
  • 14:40:06: @SheckyX Check your email. :D
  • 14:41:40: @SheckyX Blame @MickeydotFinn!
  • 14:51:13: @SheckyX Pfft, he knows my nature. Only a fool seeks a quarrel with a tavar, & only a madman suggests a crackpic w/o accepting consequences.
  • 15:35:22: Off to join @Uilos, @SheckyX, and @Sue_Sue4 for sun and beignets!
  • 22:12:16: Good company + buff male model being photographed near us in park + amazing food – beignets + bookstore browsing = Lovely evening out!
  • 22:16:23: @MickeydotFinn Or a la those annoying Bing ads!
  • 22:17:45: @Dark_Puck *piles bunnies, puppies, and kitties on you until you cannot see the sky*
  • 22:25:09: RT @mkcho73: Knock-Knock.
  • 23:28:48: Was just nailed upside the head by the Sleepybat. I surrender!

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 09-05-2009

  • 09:58:47: Just slept 10 hours. All that tension in my shoulders is gone, and the exhaustion adding a punch-drunk hue to my thoughts has vanished!
  • 10:21:12: @Uilos *SQUEALS* Oh, I hoped you’d choose that prompt!
  • 10:28:09: @ShannonKButcher In the Butcher household, a “crafting” session takes on a whole new meaning. Two new meanings, in fact.
  • 10:30:16: @eddieizzard Eep! Hope you have some good people taking care of you. I made my donation a few days ago–what you’re doing is extraordinary!
  • 11:00:07: @Dark_Puck Oy! I spent a month getting only 4-5 hours of sleep per night! Save your hate for someone who deserves it! I earned this sleep.
  • 11:44:28: @AnnLarimer I can’t tell if she’s being ironic or not. Please tell me she’s being ironic. PLEASE.
  • 12:44:05: @mkcho73 Solution: You need to become a five-year-old grandmother.
  • 12:45:49: @ProfBanks Lovely! And Adorable Child #2 lives up to his moniker.
  • 13:56:25: Gah! Just realized I made a mistake in the layout of Canean ranges. Fortunately, it’s a ridiculously easy fix.
  • 18:02:50: Roommate got a new bed, so the ridiculously comfy futon in her room has replaced the cute but not as comfy couch in the common room. WIN!
  • 19:11:28: @fourteenacross I walked past Victor on “Dollhouse” on the Brooklyn Bridge without realizing it, either. Celebrities: they’re just lik …
  • 19:20:21: @holajupiter *dials 1-800-CEPHALOPOD to fix this error*
  • 19:24:10: @ksmccarthy24 Only a few more weeks to new episodes!
  • 19:24:54: @ksmccarthy24 Have fun storming the castle!
  • 21:25:58: Yikes. My tablet is dangerously close to giving up the ghost. Pleeeeeease, I only need you to last until Monday, when I finish the map!
  • 21:27:44: I’m frankly gobsmacked my tablet has lasted this long, though. I believe I got it in 2001. Wacom Intuos 1, baby! They don’t mess around.
  • 21:28:45: @fourteenacross Animaniacs cosplay win!
  • 21:34:07: @kelldar I’ve told you, on the one hand, the hunger—the thirst—that, deplorable creature that I am, I feel for your chicken strips and soda.
  • 23:52:28: May have just cajoled one of my best friends into writing my crackship! POTENTIAL JOY!
  • 23:53:31: @Uilos Bring me the still-beating hearts of my foes tomorrow, and I’ll see what I can arrange. :D

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From Twitter 09-04-2009

  • 00:10:46: @Uilos The reward for hard work is more hard work. :D
  • 06:54:18: After weeks of waking @ 6:15 for map work, decided to sleep in a bit. Body started giving WAKE UP NOW vibes at 6:40. Body kind of a psycho.
  • 10:56:30: Dear Fan, Thanks for your question re: the “Fresden Files” series. I will answer with as much care as you gave your inquiry. Love, me
  • 15:36:59: @ShannonKButcher That sounds so cool! Have fun!
  • 15:59:06: RT @thinkgeek: In case you had any doubt about newly rebranded @syfy, 2 words: cooking shows. *facepalm*
  • 18:54:07: RT @feliciaday “Men lose their minds speaking to pretty women”
  • 19:18:29: I’m getting a new computer at work! Like, right now! Squee!
  • 19:19:15: @fredhicks @xiehicks Happy Dodecaweekaversary, Evie!
  • 20:34:30: For the record, @ShannonKButcher is a public menace. I actually *did* miss my bus stop tonight.
  • 20:54:09: @SheckyX @Esperacchius It’s better than having feet of clay, but not as good as having nerves of steel. *nods*
  • 20:54:46: @Esperacchius Up there with Hello Vader!
  • 20:57:02: Save reproductive-health coverage for women. Block anti-choice amendments to healthcare reform! #health Plz RT
  • 20:59:42: @neilhimself Adipose plushie! Also bookgasm.
  • 21:26:45: RT @REMGS @longshotauthor Is Priscilla on Twitter? I miss her. // She is indeed. :D
  • 22:56:07: @Uilos You know what my vote is!

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From Twitter 09-03-2009

  • 07:02:06: @longshotauthor And it’s WONDERFUL! THAT’S how you end a series. Well done, man! Congrats! *trundles off to go wart-hunting with Shecky*
  • 07:24:59: @SheckyX Oh, I know. I read JC for a history of sci-fi literature class, so I was fully aware of the context. Didn’t make me loathe it less.
  • 12:47:01: @CUnderkoffler Is that “flan” as in the tasty dessert or the malapropism-inspired nickname for Browncoats?
  • 12:48:38: RT @mkcho73: // I don’t know where this is from, but it is glorious.
  • 13:08:00: “Canada is America’s hat.” –coworker Tommy
  • 15:57:41: @SheckyX Yup. And I had to read it the same week as Hugo Gernsback’s “Ralph 124C 41+.” It was my Week of Insufferable Leading Men.
  • 16:00:00: @SheckyX *beams* Thank you so much! Can’t wait for the world to see the map on November 24th.
  • 16:22:10: How is it not 7 o’clock on Friday yet? I didn’t approve this.
  • 16:24:03: @kitoconnell They look like something out of Alice in Wonderland.
  • 17:00:51: @beyondabsurdity Man, my friend’s birthday party is that night! Will I be too terribly lost if I miss the first “episodes”?
  • 17:36:42: @ShannonKButcher Those cookies sound AMAZING! I love peppermint. I will totally take you up on that offer. :D
  • 17:39:56: @longshotauthor Thank you! If you need a map for your next series, you know who to call. :D
  • 17:58:13: Was told to go to kitchen for coworker’s birthday cake, but it was not there yet. THE CAKE IS A LIE.
  • 18:19:33: The cake is now true! And it is delicious!
  • 18:37:50: @DerekRuiz Nope! Just regular-type! Chocolate and delicious.
  • 18:48:14: @ShannonKButcher Complete with Victory Cookie recipe! Huzzah!
  • 20:29:08: Dined upon white bean salad and hummus of the gods from Pera. Sometimes, it’s worth working late!
  • 20:45:42: @ksmccarthy24 You know it!
  • 20:47:51: @alyankovic I prefer the acetabularia: Btw the two, though, go w/ paramecium. It gets less love.
  • 22:34:03: Lease is signed! *crushes drama beneath sandalled feet*
  • 23:00:51: @holajupiter What an extraordinary relief!
  • 23:12:53: @fredhicks So. Freaking. Cool. Everything I see from you guys makes me more and more impressed and excited about the game!
  • 23:22:50: RT @mental_floss: ‘They Might Be Giants Release Educational Science Album for Kids’ —
  • 23:43:44: @OKBJGM That means WE will soon have cause to celebrate! Can’t wait to find out more about it.

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From Twitter 09-02-2009

  • 08:08:24: @ce_murphy Pfft! Who reads books? Books are for people that can read!
  • 08:09:12: @sinspired Solution: Spider-Man underoos.
  • 08:12:01: Added the metalcraft border and took the Aleran crest to the next level. I am so ridiculously pleased with how the map is shaping up!
  • 09:54:48: The entire asset department just got rickrolled at our morning Dailies meeting. I love my coworkers!
  • 12:14:58: @CUnderkoffler Poultry pantaloons?
  • 12:15:25: Woah. Am I actually in the mood for Japanese food? I haven’t been in the mood for Japanese in like a year.
  • 14:46:50: @Uilos ME ME ME! And speaking of “9,” I also want to see “Nine” and “District 9.”
  • 15:50:20: @longshotauthor Yay reaction chapter! There were a number of things I wanted to see before the epilogue began. :D
  • 16:02:23: Oh my gooooooood, how is it so cold in my office today?
  • 16:44:46: @DerekRuiz A couple years ago, one of my coworkers got a tranny cake. I wonder if I have pictures…
  • 20:22:24: Was so engrossed in @ShannonKButcher’s “Love Me To Death” I nearly missed my bus stop. That family needs to stop hogging all the awesome.
  • 20:23:03: @featherjean Yay! Take that, Dick Cheney!
  • 20:52:21: RT @whedonesque: Meet Nathan Fillion! That is, of course, if you are in NYC. // Whee!
  • 21:14:31: @ShannonKButcher Welcome to the sisterhood! After I dyed my Maeve wig, my fingernails were blue-green for four days.
  • 21:16:59: @ProfBanks Not yet. September 29th.
  • 21:33:46: @SheckyX I haaaaaaaaaaated that book. Hopefully, I won’t want to brain movieverse John Carter with a shovel, too.
  • 21:51:51: *boggles* Did Ellen Degeneres just say inner beauty was less important than outer in her Cover Girl ad? SO MUCH FAIL.
  • 22:05:06: Oh, “Leverage,” you are so full of joy! Another fantastic episode, @jonrog1!
  • 22:42:46: hmph. My stylized shields are reading as boobs. Back to the drawing board for the metalcraft border.
  • 22:46:59: @Esperacchius I remember the JC rights being purchased over two years ago, shortly after I read the book. I remember saying “WHY?”
  • 22:48:46: (And by “Love Me To Death” I meant “Love You To Death.” Way to promote your friends’ books, Priscilla. :D)
  • 22:50:21: RT @Jess_Wade: @annesowards @priscellie Cannot. Stop. Watching. Middleman. // *cackles* My plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity!
  • 22:56:35: @viennateng Can’t wait! for the NYC show! I was so bummed to have missed you at Bowery.
  • 22:58:56: Ha! “Bildungsroman”! I was trying to remember that word a few weeks ago, and it just now came to me. Don’t remember why I needed it, alas.
  • 23:15:49: D’oh! Went to the grocery store for cereal. Got bananas, almond milk, pasta, pasta sauce… and no cereal. So not ready to be a grown-up.
  • 23:38:53: @NathanFillion Product placement win!

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From Twitter 09-01-2009

  • 00:08:00: Feeling the siren call of sleep, but gotta beta the penultimate Alera chapter before going to bed. No rest for the fangirly!
  • 07:23:08: RT @whedonesque: Season 3 of The Guild kicks off on MSN.
  • 09:12:09: @holajupiter I would so join that comm! I would also write fanfic. Man, I think someone needs to write the Xavier School Musical already.
  • 09:13:13: @featherjean Wow, since when are Trending Topics back? They were gone yesterday.
  • 13:53:47: @MickeydotFinn Oh, I suck! I’ll send out your package in the next few days. You owe me nothing–they gave it to me for free.
  • 14:00:27: @beachkid I like Molly in PG. I just want to pat her on the head and say, “Oh, sweetie, no.”
  • 14:22:22: Man, ever since we joked on the beta list about the Canim hunters being a barbershop trio, I can’t take their appearance in PF seriously. XD
  • 15:02:49: Oh my GOD, how is it only 3 o’clock? It feels like 5:30!
  • 15:03:39: …is someone dribbling a basketball on the floor above us?
  • 15:27:53: @beachkid That’s why I prefer her in PG–her potential. By TC, I feel like she’s had the same breakthrough several times, w/o changing.
  • 16:07:16: Gmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail!!!!!! </stella!>
  • 17:17:11: Gmail is back! I didn’t have to resort to cannibalism after all! (Well, maybe a little.)
  • 17:59:58: Getting twitchy with long workday + post-gmail withdrawal + Alera overload. One more hour, and a few more days!
  • 19:53:53: Man, it’s so cool to look back and admire all the guns @LongshotAuthor hung on the wall, now that I’ve seen the full arsenal unleashed.
  • 19:58:11: @Dark_Puck I’m a beta! Whipping you guys into a froth of WANTBOOKNOW is my job! (And it’s not as bad as what @LongshotAuthor does to us. :D)
  • 20:02:06: Feeling too lazy to walk ten feet to my fridge to rustle up something for dinner. Natural selection, have your way with me!
  • 20:23:19: @sinspired There are no fish left in Alera–only Knights Pisces!
  • 21:42:32: My new roommate and I use the same shampoo! This bodes well. :D
  • 22:03:04: @MickeydotFinn *boggles* Since when? *eyes two DVD sets and considers adding to them*
  • 22:09:03: @boymonster I am suddenly uncertain! How do I tell?
  • 22:12:39: @boymonster I dunno, I think it’d be handy to have an alternate personality around. It’s cheaper than cloning.
  • 22:50:57: @Esperacchius I defeated the Pax through energetic music by @LenkaMusic and @JennyOwenYoungs! My life-force is restored!
  • 22:55:25: Aldis Hodge’s tie makes me think bad thoughts.
  • 23:23:04: *snorks* Regina Spektor just sang “I am part of a composite” just as Photoshop said “Generating Full Resolution Composite.” Serendipity!

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From Twitter 08-31-2009

  • 07:18:08: @SheckyX Waugh, I’m reading now! Shut up shut up shut up! *flails*
  • 07:29:08: @longshotauthor Holy. Freaking. Moley. I think you meant “Apocalypsiest.” Or “Apocalypsigeddon.” Or “Apocalypsnarok.” Also WAH.
  • 07:40:45: @sinspired Ahem. and, plus about 30 other mentions. You should subscribe to Jim’s announcement list!
  • 07:43:50: Man, it’s so nice to have my roommate out of town. I can make my breakfast smoothie ridiculously early without fear of waking her up.
  • 07:47:56: @SheckyX Oh, you were talking about beignets! I saw your tweet and assumed you were talking about the Apocalypsiness.
  • 07:51:17: WOOHOO! My hard drive backup is working again! Thank you for your awesomeness, Apple tech support people!
  • 07:53:42: @featherjean *golf claps*
  • 08:38:31: Did I seriously just pause and consider which umbrella would go best with my outfit? Man. I really am a girl, aren’t I?
  • 10:31:51: @AnneSowards The unfilmed final episode is the “Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse.” Have you seen video of the Comic Con table read?
  • 10:32:48: @SheckyX Jim exercised his apocalatissimus dorsi. On steroids.
  • 10:34:24: @beachkid Will you wear a festive hat, at least? *blows curly noisemaker*
  • 10:38:55: Read 1st chp of @scottlynch78’s QotIS on the bus. Great stuff, made niftier by the scifi lit class I took in college.
  • 11:01:23: @scifantasy No, you’d graduated by that point. But I took the class on your recommendation, and for that alone I’m grateful. :D
  • 11:01:57: @KevinConn …You do realize @paulandstorm are yanking your chain, right? :D
  • 11:05:13: @ksmccarthy24 Um. OH LOOK A BIRD.
  • 11:06:07: @MickeydotFinn No, it’s a short story not in the Locke universe. I haven’t read the book 3 sample chapter yet.
  • 11:46:15: @sinspired Okay, I’m sold! The world needs Drake Fury.
  • 11:48:31: @tomlenk That’s THRILLING! When do you take over?
  • 14:39:44: @beckyh2112 I have to set three alarm clocks. If your monotheistic alarm religion doesn’t work for you, consider a Holy Trinity?
  • 17:08:52: Gizmodo: 100 Years of Visual Effects.
  • 17:58:38: @Dark_Puck Show?
  • 19:47:48: Glee! Got my “Love You To Death” ARC in the mail today! Thanks so much, @ShannonKButcher and @SKBbooks!
  • 19:56:31: @JHOCHE That’s so cool! Are all of Qui’s plays represented?
  • 19:57:29: @featherjean Dick Cheney stole your “Lie to Me” DVDs! Just when I thought he couldn’t get any more nefarious…
  • 20:02:53: @anglophile80 I’ll try! My free time is still pouring into the map, but LYTD has shoved its way to the top of the To Read queue. :D
  • 20:12:26: @Dark_Puck First bunch to come to mind are “Angry Situation” by Save Ferris, “Hysteria” by Muse, and perhaps “200 Stories” by Katy Pfaffl.
  • 20:13:00: RT @TimeOutNewYork: Theater | The FringeNYC Encore Series brings back festival highlights // Go see “Viral”!
  • 20:17:31: @sinspired Ajar. If the door were a jar, that would be *really* Zen. :D
  • 20:23:35: @sinspired *checks* I stand corrected! Though false parallelism can be funny, too. :D
  • 20:43:27: RT @laughingsquid: @nparts has published leaked memo that Disney sent to Marvel about the upcoming “transition”
  • 20:47:05: @CapricaSeven I wish meetings at my job were that exciting!
  • 21:52:43: RT @txvoodoo: “Chubby Hubby” is “Hubby Hubby” for the month, in honor of VT getting marriage equality.
  • 21:53:41: @gypsyjr I adore the expression on the dog! You always infuse your drawings with so much character.
  • 22:05:48: Mwaha! Always nice to find my bizarre map ideas backed up in canon.
  • 22:18:15: @sinspired Uh, chicken? Whichever one means “it was in canon first.”
  • 22:33:40: @longshotauthor Does that mean there are going to be three of them? :D
  • 23:29:41: I ship it!
  • 23:30:00: (Image sent to me by @Dark_Puck, btw)
  • 23:33:14: Y’know what? Thana is just as important a feature of the Calderon landscape as Garados. *adds*
  • 23:36:12: @sinspired She is. But this is Alera, after all. They’d map it!
  • 23:51:27: @DerekRuiz Gorgeous, but not enough Mickey!

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