- 08:20:57: RT @fredhicks: Fred Astaire and Cyd Charise in Smooth Criminal. YOU MUST WATCH. http://bit.ly/63yl1
- 09:25:14: Wow. @EdgarWright and @SimonPegg are exchanging Hot Fuzz slashfic links. My brain hurts.
- 09:25:20: RT @edgarwright: Me and @simonpegg once wrote some Nicholas Angel and Danny Butterman slash fiction. It was called HOT FUZZ…(applause)
- 12:03:42: Me: Why are you Google-searching for Michael Cera’s penis, Eric? Matt: The real question is, why wouldn’t you be?
- 18:28:58: RT @mkcho73: TARDIS cake sure _looks_ pretty! http://bit.ly/2y06xY
- 18:31:17: @Dark_Puck What happened?
- 21:55:35: @grabman I think you just won at life. :D
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