- 02:21:05: Woohoo, posted my ficathonfic!
- 10:16:58: Brought all my wigs to work today! Linda makes an adorable Delirium, Fatima is a gorgeous Maeve, and Pascy is a surprisingly pretty Wendy.
- 10:30:18: http://twitpic.com/ninqg – Launch costumers group photo!
- 10:32:16: http://twitpic.com/ninzr – Office pets Georgie and Charlie as Simba and a bee
- 10:32:27: http://twitpic.com/nio1d – Circle of life!
- 10:33:20: http://twitpic.com/nio5z – Linda is deliriously adorable
- 10:34:19: http://twitpic.com/niobb – Fatima is a true queen of Winter
- 10:35:23: http://twitpic.com/niogr – Matt has no idea what is going on… Like telephone ice cream.
- 10:45:40: Hah! A coworker just said I look like “Stripcilla.” Is that better or worse than “Frankenhooker”? (GAH! Just realized I forgot piercings!)
- 10:58:07: “Your costume looks like a gay German Robin Hood. You steal from the Reich and give to the Polish.” -Eric’s friend, re: photo of his costume
- 11:04:10: http://twitpic.com/nisoa – Matt has no idea what is going on… Like telephone ice cream.
- 11:04:36: http://twitpic.com/nisrg – Ryan is so glad this photo is on the Internet!
- 11:06:24: http://twitpic.com/nit1j – Eric looks a-Maeve-ing!
- 11:11:11: http://twitpic.com/nitqq – Paris humors me like a pro
- 11:26:18: http://twitpic.com/niw1p – Chris becomes “Christine”
- 11:27:16: RT @laughingsquid: wonderful “Fantastic Family Circus” comics mashup by @ryandartist http://bit.ly/2ezVUT
- 11:45:42: @beachkid Wow, that snuck up on me! I haven’t ordered my copy yet. To Amazon!
- 14:18:33: Molly Carpenter is now wearing the Wendy Watson wig. ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN ON HALLOWEEN, or so Tim Curry tells us!
- 16:56:41: Eric: Did you know “dollarization” was a word? Me: Yes. Eric: I knew it better.
- 18:01:28: I’m working six hours on Sunday. I don’t know if I’m okay with that.
- 18:29:26: @bleusuns I’m dressed as Molly Carpenter, of course!
- 18:33:42: RT @featherjean: Felicia Day booked for a #LieToMe guest spot. She even gets musical! // THANK YOU, WORLD. Just when I was feeling bummed!
- 21:19:28: RT @QMxInsider: Proof that *everyone* wants to be a Sci Fi geek these days – from this morning’s Today Show: http://bit.ly/2BBd63
- 21:26:25: RT @spodalicious If you aren’t following @lisawalkscom yet, now’s the time! If I get 500 followers by 10/31, I’ll donate xtra $100
- 22:07:57: Whee, #WhiteCollar! *does the dance of “Guest Starring @NatalieMorales”*
- 23:02:52: @fourteenacross Steampunk haunted house on my stomping grounds? Woah! How did I not know about this?
- 23:28:31: Man, post-ficathonfic, I’m not sure what to do with myself. Sure, I have a lot of stuff I *can* do, but nothing that demands top priority.
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