From Twitter 10-10-2009

  • 00:01:34: To @etherius — the general public will see the Alera map on November 24th, when the book is published in the US! It’ll be on Jim’s website.
  • 01:03:38: Whew, damage control done! My sister is awesome. <3
  • 08:15:35: @etherius Well, if the map had been made for the first book, I wouldn’t have been the one to make it. :D
  • 09:08:59: @wishingforwzrds @longshotAuthor The cover model is John Paul Pfeiffer. He actually looks more like a Thomas. :D
  • 13:13:54: @ShannonKButcher It says you are a woman of impeccable taste! It’s high on my “To-See List.” :D
  • 13:17:39: Yahoo’s 10 TV Spin-Offs Better Than The Original Shows suggests Torchwood is better than Doctor Who. Hahahahaha no.
  • 13:25:25: @fourteenacross I ADORE The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari! I saw it Freshman year for a Film Noir class. I need to see it again–maybe Halloween!
  • 13:41:15: @DerekRuiz I bet Unemployed Skeletor (@Unemp_Skeletor) could sing it better. :D
  • 13:49:38: @Esperacchius Did Mab ever leave you alone this summer? I feel like Winter never let go up there.
  • 13:50:29: @nataliemorales At least your whole bathroom will reek of a scent you like?
  • 14:36:00: @ShipLizard I’d read it!

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From Twitter 10-09-2009

  • 00:00:35: Huh, my earlier tweet didn’t post. Was outside in line, surrounded by people speaking German. Is Billy that popular among Deuchlanders?
  • 01:07:59: Got Billy Boyd for Project Teddybear! @lisawalkscom
  • 01:25:33: @Dark_Puck D’ohtsch!
  • 01:36:46: @RockyShields I’ve never counted! This week is quite atypical. :D
  • 01:37:46: @mkcho73 That happened to me the other day! Talk about long tail.
  • 01:43:54: @ksmccarthy24 In this case, ignorance truly is bliss.
  • 01:45:29: So what’s this I hear about NASA bombing the moon? Please let the Daily Show headline be “Lunabomber.”
  • 01:49:23: Also, bombing the MOON? I feel like NASA should stroke a white cat while discussing the project. This is comic book villain territory.
  • 02:02:22: GAH! Completely forgot to put the word out–I have an extra ticket for Saturday’s “An Evening Without Monty Python.” Anyone interested?
  • 08:26:25: NASA LCROSS discovery #1: It’s not a moon; it’s a space station!
  • 10:48:06: Posted videos from Billy Boyd’s gig last night to YouTube:
  • 11:14:01: @ShannonKButcher Sending healing vibes his way and a Time Turner yours.
  • 11:47:35: RT @fourteenacross: Thanks, @neilhimself! For the first time, I know how to pronounce Cornelia Funke’s name. // HANDY!
  • 11:49:29: RT @nprnews: Golf, Rugby Accepted As Olympic Sports // Dad, I take back what I said about rugby rotting your brain. <3
  • 11:56:29: @kelldar Ugh, same thing happened to me recently. Broke a gorgeous platter, 3 bowls, and 2 painted glasses. Salvaged platter and 2 bowls.
  • 13:22:13: @lisawalkscom That is SO FREAKING COOL! All my coworkers are mystified as to why I’m gleeing out over a weather report. :D
  • 14:37:45: @beachkid You know he must have the most twisty-minded, creative accountant in the WORLD. I’d read it!
  • 14:38:35: @beachkid And having both an account and a bodyguard named Nathan would be entertaining, as well. :D
  • 14:40:31: Hey, our job server just got accidentally moved! The moon is ANGRY and making us crazy. :D
  • 14:48:04: @beachkid Nooo, not the D:!! Mister Hendricks, tear down this wall!
  • 15:01:44: @beachkid Gotcha. I shall not intrude upon your D:!! wall further. :D
  • 15:04:45: @beachkid Alas, Hendricks is not a secret accountant, but… You are going to get a kick out of “Even Hand.” :D
  • 16:35:53: Hmm. Word of the Day was going to be “antediluvian,” but Charles requests something to do with the food chain. Any ideas?
  • 16:59:33: @sarah_haskins Welcome to the Future! Here, take your complimentary jetpack, robotic companion, and meal in pill form!
  • 17:24:21: @vampirecowboys That would be amazing! I’d love for my non-NY friends to be able to experience the VC majesty.
  • 17:24:58: RT @featherjean: Yay, yuletide! (The rare-fandom fic challenge, I mean.) Fandom nominations open next week!
  • 17:46:38: @ksmccarthy24 Have a great time! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! :D
  • 19:25:53: At a lecture on Jung’s Red Book. Arrived 10 minutes before start, yet found a seat in the 2nd row, just off center! I lead a charmed life.
  • 19:28:20: I believe I am the youngest person in this audience by at least a decade and a half.
  • 23:55:44: GAK. Must’ve neglected to tell my sister the Alera map was NOT to be shared with others. Damage control!
  • 23:57:01: @gypsyjr There’s more than one? I’ve just seen Candy Mountain!

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From Twitter 10-08-2009

  • 00:02:24: Hmm. If you have a long conversation between two women, but dating is mentioned briefly, does it still satisfy the Bechdel Test?
  • 00:12:17: @beachkid Yup.
  • 01:33:54: Posted videos of Katy Pfaffl’s gig last night to YouTube: Loooooove her. (Attn @fourteenAcross and @ravenOfOctober!)
  • 01:35:28: @Uilos It’s been leaving “Leverage”-shaped dents in your skull as I whack you over the head with how awesome it is! Fool!
  • 09:06:28: @Dark_Puck I’m a tall person?
  • 09:08:05: @ksmccarthy24 YES! It’s Miles, and he’s short! What a concept!
  • 09:10:04: @beyondabsurdity JOY! Please say this Saturday’s episodes will be recorded, too? I have to miss this month’s brilliance.
  • 09:10:49: RT @beyondabsurdity SATURDAY NIGHT SALOON returns in two more days! Vids of two of the Saloon’s pilot episodes are here
  • 09:18:06: @gypsyjr Why *wouldn’t* you wake up with “Skullcrusher Mountain” stuck in your head?
  • 10:01:21: @singerneil Quite active. I help run the website.
  • 19:33:26: In the theater with an abundance of coworkers for the Rifftrax Live encore! If only said theatre had sound…
  • 22:17:43: @ShannonKButcher *makes incoherent gurgling sounds*
  • 22:41:15: Mrghle. Sleepy. Billy Boyd’s band’s manager, why did you book a gig for 11:30pm on a weeknight?
  • 22:55:26: Wish I’d badgered someone into seeing Billy Boyd with me.
  • 22:56:01: Despite being in group of 5 coworkers for Rifftrax, I felt isolated in the theatre, being 1 of perhaps 3 singing along to “Re: Your Brains.”
  • 23:37:38: And why do they feel no compunction towards line-jumping me? Like 15 of them have done so!
  • 23:58:46: Despite Poland-level German Incursion, am 7 feet from stage! Triumph!

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From Twitter 10-07-2009

  • 00:18:50: @ShipLizard I can’t look away. It’s like a train wreck with glitter.
  • 00:30:43: @spodalicious SATURDAY CANNOT COME SOON ENOUGH! (Yes, Saturday. Yet another scheduling brainfart.)
  • 00:37:54: @jimmyaquino What a cutie! Lucky girl, to be surrounded by family that adores her.
  • 00:38:32: @spodalicious Oh, nothing wrong. I said I was going to the Thursday show, but I meant Saturday. It was all correct on my calendar.
  • 00:40:44: Yay, Lie to Me! Nice to see James Marsters playing a role that isn’t all HEY IT’S JAMES MARSTERS LET’S MAKE A VAMPIRE JOKE OR SOMETHING
  • 00:49:27: Kat is evil. She linked me to a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes. SHARE MY PAIN.
  • 07:57:06: Dreamed I was on “Project Runway.” Was aufed because my business suit “did not sufficiently advance the goals of feminism.”
  • 07:59:36: This coming from a woman who models underwear for Victoria’s Secret! Also, it’s, y’know, the fashion industry.
  • 08:00:36: However, I knew anything I said to defend myself would be butchered in the edit so I’d look hypocritical instead of the judges. Curses!
  • 08:01:49: @spodalicious Hmm. Wonder if I’ll have better luck on the last night? I’ll definitely try, anyway!
  • 08:08:26: @ksmccarthy24 Woohoo, pronz!
  • 08:14:03: @mkcho73 Have you been watching too many M. Night Shyamalan movies?
  • 18:52:31: @OKBJGM I don’t know of any other six words from you that could excite me more. Maybe “MORE MIDDLEMAN AND PONIES FOR EVERYONE!”
  • 18:55:30: RT @thinkgeek: TAUNTAUN UPDATE: is for real (in stock ~Nov) & YES, adult sizes!! Sign up for news & fresh pics: // JOY!
  • 19:00:16: @SheckyX Throw salt at them!
  • 19:02:24: RT @devilbunnyart, @bpal In honor of Graveyard Book staying on the NY Times children’s bestseller list for one year:
  • 19:05:30: @Dark_Puck *lower lip trembles*
  • 19:12:22: @smuu *makes grabbyhands*
  • 19:16:15: @Esperacchius Good lord! I wasn’t aware passes had even gone on sale!
  • 20:55:21: RT @BreakingNews: URGENT — Canadian scientists report “major breakthrough” in breast cancer research:
  • 23:13:55: Tonight, I checked out the gym next to my job, and it’s awesome! Time to get healthy, boys and girls.

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From Twitter 10-06-2009

  • 08:00:01: @fredhicks What an endorsement! *adds to “To Read” list*
  • 08:01:55: @Uilos The goods are delivered!
  • 08:05:34: Only B&N in the city that has “Unseen Academicals” in stock yet is inconvenient. Also, Eric Idle event canceled. Inauspicious start, Day.
  • 08:07:22: Ah, well. Katy Pfaffl concert is still on, and Katy Pfaffl is liquid joy in a human-shaped mold. And @fourteenacross will be with me, yay!
  • 15:45:10: @ShannonKButcher I searched Jim’s site’s news archives, and he attended in 2006.
  • 15:45:33: @ksmccarthy24 How about hugs? Need those? *glompschnoogles*
  • 17:24:34: New Doctor Who logo! I could get behind that. As long as they don’t start referring to the show as “The DW.” :D
  • 18:50:06: @spodalicious Ooh, I’m seeing it Thursday! Have a great time!
  • 18:50:32: @spodalicious Let me know which actors you nab for PTB so I don’t get duplicates. :D
  • 23:01:44: Good day, full of Pterry and Pfaffl! Feel like I should now be doing something involving Ptolemy, pfifltriggi, and a pterodactyl.

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From Twitter 10-05-2009

  • 08:19:57: @terioncalling They’re very faithful to the first book, but I actually prefer the “Dexter” TV show. Didn’t read the sequels.
  • 15:36:58: @ksmccarthy24 You’re awesome over there!
  • 17:23:12: Some folks did a photo shoot involving pie at work today. Coworkers and I get to eat the leftovers. I love my job!
  • 19:31:25: Feh, working late on Castle/Lie To Me night. At least both are readily available on Hulu.
  • 19:44:38: @ksmccarthy24 I will take you to see any movie you desire when you live in New York. <3
  • 21:15:33: Second half of the prologue of @longshotAuthor’s “First Lord’s Fury” goes live at midnight MDT! Read it here:
  • 21:21:40: @WriteRCastle You picked the wrong kind of Freudian pun, Rick. :D
  • 22:15:26: @OKBJGM Ooh, hope you had a fantastic time! I saw Kooza a few months ago. My jaw dropped a minute in and did not go back up the whole show.
  • 23:26:42: Heading home! Hope tonight’s OT buys me points for when I’m begging to go out for lunch tomorrow to see Eric Idle at B&N across the street.
  • 23:28:02: Also tomorrow: Pratchett’s “Unseen Academicals”! I could use some Discworld right about now. And Katy Pfaffl! Maybe crepes!
  • 23:55:43: Roommate’s mother informed her she is sending me two packs of bindis for no apparent reason. Thank you?
  • 23:56:43: @jimmyaquino Yikes. Sending positive vibes her way!

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From Twitter 10-04-2009

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From Twitter 10-03-2009

  • 00:12:16: Oh, man. It’s been so long since I’ve let myself lose myself in TV Tropes. I needed this.
  • 01:24:22: Huh. Guess I have my work cut out for me. Also my retinas. #weakzeugma
  • 01:39:12: We already knew @Uilos was awesome, but… he is ridiculously, universe-conqueringly awesome. THANK YOU!
  • 01:44:07: Have I mentioned @Uilos is awesome?
  • 08:16:45: The fact that I am awake right now is an affront to God and man.
  • 11:49:50: A coworker has “Day Man” from “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” as his ringtone. Makes working Saturday marginally less agonizing.
  • 11:52:45: *stares* My To-Do List is going to take me like 2 hours. Why couldn’t I have stayed late Fri and NOT COME IN TO WORK ON A SATURDAY?
  • 12:01:30: On the other hand, I get paid double time over the weekend, as opposed to time and a half overtime on weekdays. Okay, job, you may live.
  • 12:02:33: Happy Birthday, @viennateng!
  • 12:20:05: @beachkid Once you find it, let me know. In the meantime, I and my default 50-hour work week offer you hugs of empathy.
  • 12:21:30: @Uilos SLEEP.
  • 12:36:26: RT @USA_Network: “Dinosaurs Welcome.” // I love this network.
  • 15:01:40: Woohoo, headin’ out! Off to see “District 9” with @spodalicious.
  • 15:50:49: A young woman, LOUDLY, in the theater: “Who the hell is Gerard Butler?” My brain: “It’s who @longshotauthor pictures playing Bernard…”
  • 18:12:47: “District 9” was incredible! So glad I saw it on the big screen. And to my surprise, the theater was PACKED. Must be doing well!
  • 18:33:39: @fredhicks It doesn’t help that half the characters in the series have names starting with “M.” Be strong, my man!
  • 18:39:38: @Uilos *seraphim and cherubim sing their joy*
  • 18:43:45: Mmm, cozy rainy day. *curls up on the couch with a chocolaty beverage to drink and a fic to write*
  • 20:09:56: @ksmccarthy24 ROCK STAR! *tacklesnugs* I’m so proud of you!
  • 21:19:21: @Dark_Puck Are they making you flip out? *ba-dum tssshhh*
  • 21:27:13: @Dark_Puck My 7th grade math book had a problem featuring a dude named Manuel Dexterity dragging his friends’ bodies across the ground.
  • 21:50:37: @ShannonKButcher Good thing it’s not a snuggie. Your description would conjure shades of Cruella DeVille.
  • 22:00:11: @ShannonKButcher I consider them a source of amusement now. Like those bizarre targeted Gmail ads.
  • 22:54:46: @beckyh2112 Sweet, thanks. Would you mind saying so in the comments, so I’ll remember? They’re screened, so only I can see them.

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From Twitter 10-02-2009

  • 00:24:48: Wow, just remembered today is Thursday, and I need to be at work tomorrow. It felt like a Friday all day! Better head bedwards, then.
  • 00:41:38: Finally watched last night’s “Glee,” btw. @KChenoweth was sensational! But then, I’d listen to her sing the phone book. :D
  • 08:10:19: @mkcho73 I don’t think so. “Am” is a bit too bland a linking word. Thank you for reminding me of that word, though! Totally today’s WOTD!
  • 10:48:05: WOE! Second @vampirecowboys’ Saturday Night Saloon is the same time as “An Evening Without Monty Python.” Wish they recorded the Saloon.
  • 13:03:15: #FF: Singer-Songwriters I dig! @ViennaTeng @KatyPfaffl @IngridMusic @LenkaMusic @JennyOwenYoungs @SaraBareilles @JillSobule @NekoCase
  • 13:19:06: @Uilos Double-checked, and it’s definitely Saturday, the 10th.
  • 15:34:57: *sporfle* Okay, guilty. My mom loves teasing me about my jeans-and-a-t-shirt uniform vs. my ComicCon costumes.
  • 16:22:29: @nelspen Welcome to Twitter, daddy! *kiss*
  • 16:36:50: RT @thinkgeek: UFL pulled Zombie Attack Sim Exercise from their site, but hilarious PDF here: PAGE 5 = MUST READ!!
  • 17:01:06: RT @holajupiter: Srsly guys, Twilight is messed uppp.
  • 17:14:15: To @beachkid: Oh my god. The White Court published Dracula to undermine the Black Court, then Twilight to pacify tweens against themselves.
  • 17:17:16: Fact: Madrigal Raith secretly ships Team Jacob.
  • 17:28:33: @Dark_Puck Madrigal does.
  • 17:35:25: @Dark_Puck I’m not sure Twilight fandom is something that can be won.
  • 17:39:32: Devastated to learn the “IgNobel Prize” actually exists. I thought I coined the phrase for my unfinished Evil League of Evil application!
  • 17:45:43: @Dark_Puck *salutes* Noted.
  • 17:46:55: ARG. Asked at 5:45 on a Friday afternoon if I can work tomorrow. DO NOT WANT DO NOT WANT DO NOT WANT.
  • 18:04:57: RT @laughingsquid: Mad Men on Sesame Street
  • 18:16:39: @ksmccarthy24 I was tired! I fell victim to the office grammasite.
  • 19:57:04: Feeling glum. Thursday felt like Friday, then Friday went on forever, and now I have to work Saturday. This calls for Middleman DVDs!
  • 21:18:45: Hearing Alex Denisof’s normal accent is kind of unsettling. It’s like he’s lip syncing to someone else’s words.
  • 22:10:40: Yay Dollhouse! I’m usually less fond of the straight-up “Imprint of the Week” episodes, but this one was solid.
  • 22:19:37: @ShannonKButcher He’ll punch someone in mowing the lawn? In opening jars of pasta sauce? In retrieving things from really high shelves?
  • 22:24:06: @longshotauthor @mike23 FLF and TC on Kindle are $9.99, while the hardbacks are $17.13 on Amazon/$25 MSRP. “Changes” should be similar.
  • 22:25:51: @ShannonKButcher Always happy to provide rose-tinted spectacles upon request! Or horse blinders. :D
  • 22:31:28: @NeilMSchwartz Read as “Springsteen covered Schoolhouse Rock,” which = GLORIOUS. Why isn’t the universe as awesome as my brain thinks it is?
  • 22:33:00: @sue_sue4 I do. This calls for watching them!
  • 22:33:18: @ksmccarthy24 Hey, m’love! Did you get my email?
  • 22:35:32: DUDE. I had no idea the SoHo Apple store recorded their celebrity guest talks! Hear @NathanFillion and more at
  • 22:36:48: @paulandstorm @jonathancoulton I wonder how many folks are going to tweet “I made this half-baby half-monkey to please you!” in response?
  • 22:50:04: @sinspired I don’t believe I did! Link?
  • 23:09:38: Oh, man. Lee Pace’s big, muppety eyebrows are INSTANT slayers of woe! No funk can dare withstand “Pushing Daisies.”
  • 23:17:10: Has anyone made a list of all the Hitchcock references in “Pushing Daisies”? It must be pages long!

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From Twitter 10-01-2009

  • 00:56:55: Oh! Did I mention I’m still at work? Because I am. 1 o’clock, and all’s weeellllll…..
  • 01:16:00: @ksmccarthy24 I posted twice for extra grovelicitude! HAIL THE GLORIOUS GM!
  • 01:27:18: @nickjfrost At least you’re seeing the sun rise over your office from the correct side!
  • 01:34:51: @longshotauthor *eyes steel letter opener appraisingly*
  • 02:09:54: Heading home at 2am! I am simultaneously diurnal, nocturnal, and crepuscular. That’s a Word of the Day for you.
  • 08:56:26: RT @neilhimself: RT why I love librarians @fatbird2: re banned books. This librarian’s letter to patron is classic
  • 08:56:47: @Dark_Puck Isn’t it wonderful?
  • 09:00:51: @spodalicious It’s so exciting that you’re finding such opportunities to reach a new audience! Keep it up!
  • 09:53:00: Woman next to me on bus keeps popping her gum. Considering emulating that woman from Chicago’s Cell Block Tango.
  • 13:34:10: @ShannonKButcher Congratulations! Hope your day is deservedly relaxing.
  • 15:17:03: Urk. Just got hit with the sleepybat.
  • 15:37:02: “The Grim Reaper is now following you on Twitter!” A fortuneless cookie, and now this? Perhaps God is telling me to watch more Bryan Fuller.
  • 17:52:26: @Esperacchius ‘Tis better to have watched “Pushing Daisies” and lost than never to have watched “Pushing Daisies” at all!
  • 18:47:13: @Uilos Did you just pull a Dresden?
  • 19:08:39: Look at me, going home at 7 like a normal person! Except normal people don’t work 9-7 5 days a week. Curses! :D
  • 19:09:55: @psychwrites “I know / You know / That I like eating YOUR BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAINSSSSSSS…”
  • 22:51:34: @featherjean Wow, what book?
  • 23:10:00: @ShannonKButcher Congrats on the Examiner spotlight!
  • 23:25:32: “2012” preview during Project Runway looked brain-achingly dumb. CGI is no substitute for story, guys. Especially when the CGI is BAD.
  • 23:30:12: Wow, 3 @KatyPfaffl + Guests concerts in Oct? At The Living Room, near the Creperie and Sugar Sweet Sunshine cupcakery? I am SO IN.
  • 23:31:11: @lisawalkscom WOOHOO! I’m so thrilled it worked out! Did Hugh ever get to read your letter?
  • 23:33:30: Listing to music on @KatyPfaffl’s website. Oh, Katy, when are you coming out with your new CD so I can give you more money?

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