- 08:59:06: @holajupiter Yikes! Hope you weren’t injured in either. Take care of yourself!
- 10:10:38: Woohoo! As of 8:10am CST, I am officially 25!
- 11:13:24: @ShannonKButcher Thanks! *high fives @jimsissy’s daughter* Woo, fellow Sagittarius on the cusp of Scorpio!
- 11:24:08: @ShannonKButcher What a relief! Glad she’s doing better.
- 11:24:37: @donttrythis What myth requires a sitting U.S. President to bust?
- 11:25:08: Woah, do I have the same birthday as @jennyowenyoungs? Neat!
- 11:26:41: Oh, never mind. Her birthday is the 22nd. She’s a Kennedy Assassination/C.S. Lewis’ death baby. :D
- 11:53:42: @Esperacchius Get off mah lawn!
- 12:46:35: @xiehicks It’s not belated! Today is the day! :D
- 12:47:26: @boymonster Clearly, the answer is a Lovecraftian Speak-And-Say for society’s youth.
- 12:48:28: RT @devilbunnyart: My Murder a Trois illustration from the Dresden Files RPG: http://jenniferrodgers.livejournal.com/50025.html Sexy danger!
- 12:50:13: @DerekRuiz Many online stores offer Black Friday deals, too. You don’t have to wake up at 3am and get crippled in a stampede!
- 12:51:38: Welcome to Twitter, @BrowncoatsofNYC! I’ve met so many awesome people through this group.
- 13:21:55: Hmm, what super-healthy thing shall I have for lunch to make up for the gluttonous dietary ruin that will be Thanksgiving?
- 14:27:11: @terioncalling Do you? I don’t remember. I’ll always be overjoyed to get one, though! :D
- 14:27:40: RT @donttrythis: http://twitpic.com/qnibr – Crazy honor to meet him and everyone there. // Mythbusters + Obama = I love the world.
- 14:55:15: @terioncalling *sporfle* Yay! Did I request something?
- 15:03:35: @dresdenfiles Thanks! Though that sounds like something you’d say to the Octo-mom. :D
- 15:45:21: @terioncalling Yay! I’d still make the same request today!
- 15:48:34: *watching a robot break dance* Casey: That robot can dance better than I can. It’s only a matter of time before they have all of our women.
- 17:11:10: @AnnLarimer When is it not?
- 17:11:50: @xiehicks Thanksgiving cheater. :D
- 19:52:42: @mkcho73 I suffer from a similar predicament. I’ll hear a song and say, “Oh, so *that’s* what Weird Al was parodying!”
- 19:53:05: The breakdancing robot mentioned in my earlier tweet, btw: http://bit.ly/5sCIDp
- 19:53:54: @ksmccarthy24 Can I be your Companion?
- 19:56:42: My company celebrates every employee’s birthday with baked goods and song. 6:54pm and no sign of either. :(
- 20:01:50: @jimsissy Bravo! You’re definitely raising them right. :D
- 20:06:29: Man. This whole day has been an enormous lovepile on my Twitter feed, Facebook page, and the forum, but this work thing is bumming me out.
- 20:07:24: Sure, the office is CRAZY BUSY, but we’ve been busier than this before and still found a few minutes to celebrate a birthday.
- 20:14:16: …and banishing the dark cloud, I just got a phone call from my aunt and uncle! Yay!
- 20:20:47: @Uilos *hands you the Mrs. Field’s factory*
- 20:31:29: OMG, Linda is my favourite coworker EVER! She got me an ADORABLE purple wig! Gonna wear it out tonight. :D
- 20:56:51: At theatre. Think Bill Heder may be in line behind me.
- 21:01:40: LISA IS WONDERFUL! She brought baked goods for me to the show!
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