From Twitter 11-25-2009

  • 10:18:15: Mmmmm, slept nine hours! Me likey the sleep-sleep.
  • 10:29:22: @ShannonKButcher Just learned my parents ordered a copy through the Virtual Signing! Hope Jim had fun signing “to Priscilla’s Mom and Dad.”
  • 11:42:31: @beachkid I double-dog dare someone to write it! Rule 34 can be both traumatizing and a great source for hilarity.
  • 11:44:01: RT: @mightykatemusic Episode 1 – check it out! – Up Late with Mighty Kate:
  • 11:45:36: @mightykatemusic Woah, I got the first question! I feel special. :D
  • 11:47:58: Man, Dallas is weird. In NY, I’m used to having to leave ~40 minutes early to get wherever I need to go. For today’s errand, 5.
  • 11:52:23: @terioncalling “It was easy to be a vegetarian by day. (…)
  • 11:52:58: @terioncalling “It was preventing yourself from becoming a humanitarian at night that took the real effort.” –Angua, “Feet of Clay”
  • 12:03:35: Just passed truck for Atmos Energy. Should I be afraid?
  • 12:08:40: @beachkid Hendricks definitely deserves love! Pining after Gard can only go so far. Kirby is dead–wonder if he was taken by a Valkyrie? :D
  • 13:42:44: First cavity at age 25! And my sister missed her flight in! Tragedy and woe!
  • 14:30:01: RT @CUnderkoffler: I love that @BarackObama actually said this to a crowd of kids:
  • 14:31:55: RT @CUnderkoffler: “Stormtrooper: was forced to kill a giant teddy bear. FML.” ==
  • 14:35:31: @FakeAPStylebook Beetophile?
  • 14:37:45: The scientific name for “beet” is Beta vulgaris. *writes notes about @longshotauthor’s latest chapter and hocks a loogie on someone’s shoe*
  • 14:56:12: @spodalicious You took more pictures? Oh dear!
  • 17:19:52: @hobbitwriter Tossup btw Marat chick and herdbane, Molvar fjord, Rubicus River, and blatant racism of “the barbarian lands.”
  • 21:10:03: @Esperacchius *hugs tightly*

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