From Twitter 11-19-2009

  • 01:51:36: Okay, it is now I Have Stopped Caring O’Clock. Good night, job! See you in the morning!
  • 02:57:11: @rdonoghue Awesome! And wow, what a name. Was it created by a Mistborn fan?
  • 03:09:14: Dear Crappy MySpace Bands, Stop stealing my %^#@$& artwork. No love ever, The &#$&(% Artist.
  • 03:09:25: RT @rdonoghue: One other practical thing from the art theft thread on – – reverse lookup for images
  • 03:11:06: Methinks is going to be more of a source of frustration for me than a useful tool. Easier to pretend the theft isn’t happening.
  • 03:21:59: Yay! @ksmccarthy24 provides perfect antidote to Crappy Thieving MySpace Bands:
  • 03:26:23: OMG! You know what else I needed? John Barrowman dancing to “Single Ladies.”
  • 08:48:45: Dreamed I had some kind of abdominal surgery. Don’t recall why. Woke up very gingerly.
  • 09:27:56: FRAK. Found another mistake on the map. “Aricholt” should be “Aldoholt.” Maybe if we do a poster, I’ll be able to fix it.
  • 09:45:04: @SheckyX Ha! I’d rather have my art ripped off my a million crappy MySpace bands than remove it from the web.
  • 11:33:45: omg, @subpress is publishing “an 80+ page off-kilter tale” by Pat Freaking Rothfuss! Yes, please! *makes grabbyhands at*
  • 12:12:10: Woah! I have the same birthday as Doctor Who! November 23rd is clearly the best day ever.
  • 12:28:00: @AnnLarimer Kennedy’s Assassination and C.S. Lewis’ death were both November 22nd, not the 23rd. My birthday remains unsullied!
  • 12:50:49: RT @flourish: Whenever someone tells me I’m a good cook I want to send them this:
  • 12:51:28: The official Twitter’s RT function doesn’t allow you to comment on the link? What’s the point of that?
  • 13:13:40: @Uilos The show in general!
  • 13:20:44: In Grand Central this morning, I was handed a mini bottle of Tabasco to advertise “Fringe.” Splainy?
  • 13:22:21: @Dark_Puck And I shall stick with my beloved TweetDeck!
  • 13:34:53: @scifantasy Nothing to “remember.” I only watched the first handful of episodes. :D
  • 13:35:38: RT @Islandwoo: FREE GODIVA CHOCOLATE at any NYC store 5-7pm TODAY. Locations: (thx @pulsejfk)
  • 17:36:25: *cackles* Texas may have banned straight marriage, too:
  • 23:05:32: @theliz13 Try Wikipedia!
  • 23:06:28: @mightykatemusic You are Mighty Kate! Of course you are that daring! Do it for my birthday. :D
  • 23:21:50: Oh, wow! Check out gorgeous concept art for Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal. (h/t @Esperacchius)
  • 23:44:18: One of the coolest things about the map is seeing how people who don’t know me react. A thing I created is reaching so many people…
  • 23:44:42: @ShannonKButcher We had a great time! Thanks for taking the time to chat with us.

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From Twitter 11-18-2009

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From Twitter 11-17-2009

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The time is finally upon us! Check out the map I illustrated for Jim Butcher’s First Lord’s Fury, which hits stores November 24th. For those new to my mapsquee, FLF is the sixth book in the internationally bestselling fantasy series The Codex Alera. I’m so thrilled to be a part of it.

Download the map as desktop wallpaper in about every desktop size imaginable:


I’m eager to hear your thoughts. :D

From Twitter 11-16-2009

  • 01:04:58: @nataliemorales It reminds me of “Tjuzs,” that term from Queer Eye that sounds like “juje.”
  • 01:07:26: @jbkuma Sorry to hear it! Better luck next year!
  • 01:08:15: @jimsissy Follow it! Maybe you’ll find out where all the missing socks go!
  • 03:44:41: Just over 23 hours until MAP. (Single-minded? Moi?)
  • 03:45:12: @ksmccarthy24 *gives you panic-eradicating hugs, then goes to sleep herself*
  • 10:50:40: Herc’s eye is bloodshot. I’m joking that he has pink eye, though he claims not to. Now my eye itches in sympathy. Psychosomatic pink eye!
  • 15:51:32: Woohoo, my VIP ticket for @ViennaTeng’s December 3rd concert just arrived in the mail. Getting excited!
  • 17:51:48: I almost walked into a closet. I have been working in this office for 2 1/2 years. I’m kind of awesome that way.
  • 19:54:58: Uploaded videos from @LenkaMusic’s recent gig at the Mercury Lounge! Check em ‘out, especially “Like a Song” in exquisite a cappella.
  • 19:56:13: @smuu “…And that was what led to my eating problem.”
  • 19:59:28: RT @drhorrible: @motancharoen and I made a new food song. just for you. // HA! Remind me to play this for my coworkers.
  • 20:42:19: Overheard in Victoria’s Secret dressing room: “Not only are you two sizes bigger, but you also have an extra nipple!” –an employee
  • 22:35:44: RT @Uilos: Conservative show are retards about non american culture // siiiiiiigh.
  • 23:11:57: @jonathancoulton WELCOME BACK! *steals your wallet* –NYC
  • 23:23:19: @Uilos *cackles maniacally*
  • 23:28:10: ANCIENT BLUE BEETLE on Castle! Oh, shameless Dresden FIles references, I missed you.
  • 23:28:58: It’s so nice to be able to cackle at Sarah Palin on my teevee without having to worry about her potentially destroying my country.
  • 23:33:50: Wow, @ActuallyNPH is actually NPH! Welcome to Twitter!
  • 23:44:15: @OKBJGM It couldn’t happen to a more deserving show!
  • 23:57:29: @anglophile80 After “Marcone” and “Storm Fall,” I’m inclined to think at least one writer is a fan. :D

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From Twitter 11-15-2009

  • 02:27:32: @Uilos Only if I get to be lowered from the rafters in a harness! And if can I wear the Maeve wig. :D
  • 03:13:48: Finished @BrandonSandrson’s “Warbreaker,” and it was excellent! Took me a while to get into it, but after that, I couldn’t put it down.
  • 03:14:47: @CapricaSeven Good word! Was it you who added “zoeae” to my Scrabble vocabulary?
  • 03:22:37: D’oh! Just realized I accidentally left dinner leftovers at the Vampire Cowboys theatre. RIP, John Shanghai pork buns and veggie chow fun.
  • 11:07:30: @Badthorn I’ve heard great things about @Leverus’ “The Magicians.” It’s high on my To-Read List, too.
  • 11:41:30: RT @Dark_Puck, @foresthouse: New LJ Entry: Copyright and Fair Use: UR DOIN’ IT WRONG (And How To Do It Right)
  • 11:44:50: @CUnderkoffler In the land of happy little trees, where the animals of the forest like to romp around and have fun.
  • 11:47:30: @jimsissy Michael Bay wept angry, jealous tears when he read the climax of “First Lord’s Fury.”
  • 12:27:32: Cheered by @BrandonSandrson seeing his books in the DFW airport. I’m flying home on FLF day–wonder if my map will be in airport bookstores?
  • 12:29:18: RT @factlets: Statistics show that making abortion a crime does not lower the abortion rate. Economist chart:
  • 13:35:23: RT @nprnews: Terra Cotta Warriors March Through Washington // Augh! Somebody call @OKBJGM and @NatalieMorales!
  • 14:45:56: @featherjean The rules of punctuation marks’ placement with regard to quotation marks are explained here:
  • 14:51:01: @jimsissy *checks the page* The winner gets to be harassed by the mailman?
  • 14:51:21: @featherjean What’s the sentence?
  • 17:24:32: Seriously, Hulu? You describe Stephen Fry as “‘Bones’ guest star”? America, you fail.
  • 18:32:03: @mightykatemusic I am so jazzed. The 23rd is my birthday, so I’m dragging a bunch of friends to the concert to celebrate. More converts!
  • 18:41:41: @travelingheidi Exactly. He’s had so many extraordinary roles! Amazed Hulu felt America would best know him from some dinky guest spot.
  • 18:43:35: Definitely going for the TiVo. Currently researching models and retailers, so I can tell my parents what I want for my birthday/XMas. :D
  • 21:26:28: Woohoo, at the Doctor Who New York meetup to see “The Waters of Mars”! Speak to me, David Tennant’s hair!

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From Twitter 11-14-2009

  • 00:20:10: RT @SheckyX: @priscellie “You’ve just been abducted. Of course you need crepes!” – Walter Bishop // This is my new life philosophy.
  • 00:23:29: Four days left of “enhanced” TV on Time Warner’s dime. Spoiled rotten by ability to restart half-over shows. Seriously considering TiVo.
  • 00:29:29: RT @OKBJGM: yep, this is awesome… // Battlestar Galactica Gets Repossessed!
  • 01:05:46: RT @denofgeek: First picture from Doctor Who: The End Of Time
  • 11:59:02: New Disney princess CD features Pocahantas singing a song called “Where Do I Go From Here.” Does this end with her snogging Spike?
  • 15:07:25: @SheckyX I don’t. It was advertised in an email Amazon sent me.
  • 15:14:11: Ooooooh, this pineapple, orange, banana and strawberry smoothie has GINGER in it! Makes me crave my Peach Ginger Pie.
  • 20:41:32: Omg eeee! Got my Yuletide assignment, and I could not be more thrilled! @ksmccarthy, will you beta a Mistborn fic for me?
  • 21:07:39: Brandon is trying to steal the Avon bear touched by Mark Sheppard. I shall bury her deeper in my purse…

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From Twitter 11-13-2009

  • 00:17:44: RT @Islandwoo: This Saturday: Apple to open new NYC Upper West Side store (free tshirts!) (thx @applespotlight)
  • 00:28:12: @stephanieyee I’m morbidly fascinated. I think I may have to try one on, too. The horror-fueled adrenaline rush would be good for me!
  • 00:36:42: Looking over Project Teddybear photos. So much awesome, and all for such a good cause! Check ’em out:
  • 00:36:49: RT @lisawalkscom: Pls RT! Check out Proj. Teddy Bear: I’ll give @avonwalks $.01 (to $100) for every click by EOD Fri!
  • 00:44:51: RT @ksmccarthy24: This? BEAUTIFUL. // This is the pinnacle of humanity. God bless us, every one.
  • 00:47:33: And don’t miss this video from the comments: Barrowman singing, prancing around in red shorts and heels! (Thanks, Kat!)
  • 00:53:37: RT @beachkid: this is a serious double dose of classy, i tell you what. & // PURE EVIL.
  • 00:54:03: Think I need to watch Barrowman’s “Single Ladies” video again after reading that.
  • 01:00:56: @ksmccarthy24 We should add him to the Simon Tam Society For People Not Allowed To Wear Shirts Ever Again.
  • 01:13:52: @ksmccarthy24 Dear god, YES. Will the universe explode if someone other than Rachel gets an iota of attention for half a second?
  • 01:18:14: RT @terioncalling: Independence Day sequel possibly to be TWO movies named ID4-ever Pt 1 & 2. / WHAT IS THE WHY?
  • 01:25:34: @scottlynch78 Glad to know you’re still alive! Make sure you stay that way. Feel better!
  • 01:31:20: Ooh, I’d forgotten about this extraordinary stop motion video from Oren Lavie: ‘Her Morning Elegance’. (h/t @qikipedia)
  • 01:38:08: @AnneSowards I would think someone who gets motion sick would prefer subways to cabs. NY cabbies are psychotic. Subways are more chill.
  • 01:41:03: @mightykatemusic That is so cool!
  • 16:34:57: Eric: “A netbook is like three hundred dollars! I fart that much money!”
  • 17:29:59: @ksmccarthy24 What did I do? Is this about the booty dance?
  • 17:41:03: @ksmccarthy24 *adores!*
  • 18:26:41: Today’s Amazon Gold Box deal: Any season of the new Doctor Who for $32.49 —
  • 21:06:48: At the Mercury Lounge to see @LenkaMusic! So much joy!
  • 21:09:21: @CUnderkoffler It’s the Internet. You’re NEVER the only one.
  • 23:28:56: Argh! Had the opportunity to ask Lenka to participate in Project Teddybear, but my bear wasn’t in my purse. WHA? It’s been there since July!
  • 23:29:58: Could a coworker have taken it out of my purse as a joke, and I never noticed? It’s not in my apartment…
  • 23:40:08: Have to work tomorrow. Will check the office. In the meantime, I shall enjoy the Thomas Raith and Wendy Watson Show! #whitecollar
  • 23:58:02: Neat! RT @heidi2524: @KnightAgency online chat w/ @ShannonKButcher next Thurs 11/19 9 pm ET chatroom =

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From Twitter 11-12-2009

  • 00:09:24: @lisawalkscom You’re back on the horse!
  • 00:11:57: Happy 11:11 on 11/11!
  • 00:14:09: Glaaaaarg, must come up with Yuletide prompts! Love my first one, but the other two are just uninspired.
  • 00:26:10: RT @AnnLarimer: RT @kyuuketsukirui: Excellent and witty response to an anti-gay-marriage screed:
  • 00:30:18: One advantage to fight class being over: I don’t have to keep my nails short any more!
  • 00:40:07: Yay, Jim gave me the go-ahead to post the map on Tuesday the 17th, instead of the 24th! So very sooooooooon!
  • 01:17:00: Mwaha, converted another friend to the rabid adoration of Pat Rothfuss!
  • 19:22:54: Wow, Google Wave isn’t stinting with the Firefly references! Coworker just got an error message, “Everything’s shiny, Cap’n! Not to fret!”
  • 22:56:05: @nataliemorales Methinks a nap would be more welcome. Take care of yourself!
  • 23:21:20: @Uilos *wibbles* WHY?
  • 23:28:11: Ooh, really long ad for “Nine”! The musical, not the Tim Burton movie. Waaaaaaaaaant!
  • 23:43:04: New Victoria’s Secret bra “adds 2 cup sizes.” If the part of the point is to seduce, what happens when the bra comes off? *shakes head*

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From Twitter 11-11-2009

  • 00:38:53: @BrandonSandrson D’oh! I recced the series to Jim, and he said he’d check it out, but the autographed copy was going to be a surprise. :D
  • 00:39:37: @BrandonSandrson Ah, well. Surprise, Jim! It should arrive in 2-3 business days! :D
  • 00:43:39: Had a blast at the rebounder class with @spodalicious. After a thorough trouncing, we basked in the sauna and were generally decadent.
  • 10:25:23: Sweet! Was just given a Google Wave invite. Thanks, Paris! Looking forward to exploring…
  • 15:56:24: Intimidating drum beats coming from parade downstairs. Feel like horde of orcs should be chanting “GROND! GROND!”
  • 18:34:51: Best error message at my company ever: Could not find initial GOD.
  • 23:58:49: Hey, @LongshotAuthor fans! Pre-order a signed copy of “First Lord’s Fury” from Dog Eared Books:

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