- 00:04:15: Ha! The file number on my Project Teddybear photo of Eoin Colfer from his HHG2G book signing ends in “42.”
- 00:25:20: http://twitpic.com/oyn9a – Eoin Colfer (Artemis Fowl, And Another Thing) participates in Project Teddybear!
- 00:31:57: http://twitpic.com/oyo1b – John Hodgman reveals which teddy bears have hooks for hands. @LisaWalksCom
- 00:33:55: http://twitpic.com/oyob3 – Maria Simmons, Harriet McDougal, and Brandon Sanderson for Project Teddybear! @LisaWalksCom
- 01:04:21: RT @mightykatemusic: My gig @ bamcafe in brookln on nov 20th! I’m so excited! // I’m so there! I’m roping together a big group to see you.
- 01:16:56: @featherjean I agree completely! And humor with heart will always win out over fart jokes. <3 @USA_Network
- 08:52:06: The final sample chapter of @LongshotAuthor’s “First Lord’s Fury” is up at http://bit.ly/1LACui — Hits stores 11/24!
- 09:08:09: @SheckyX Harry Dresden vs Phlegm Demon. I’d read it! Are you hearing this, @LongshotAuthor?
- 14:33:13: Happy Birthday, @NeilHimself! May your birthday candles not be arranged in a pattern that would summon some dread God from his slumber.
- 14:59:44: RT @Islandwoo: Taxi on side accident 36 & 3rd NYC http://twitpic.com/osswj (thx @PinkDeb) // Holy moley, how does that happen?
- 15:00:43: @AnneSowards If I ever try to get published with you, should I change my last name to Bspencer?
- 15:02:20: RT @laughingsquid: Google is offering free Wi-Fi service at 47 airports across the United States from now until Jan 15th http://bit.ly/HbUCg
- 15:15:04: @beachkid “Free” being the operative word. I’m struggling to remember the last airport I visited that had free WiFi.
- 16:33:19: @KevinConn You = AWESOME!
- 16:59:45: RT @smuu: This “Girl” comic strip is really cool: http://bit.ly/D8Gcu // Oh, wow, I had no idea Dana had a new project! Loved Ozy & Millie.
- 17:32:58: HOLY COW YOU GUYS I JUST TOUCHED MY TOES! I haven’t done that since like fourth grade! Inflexibility, your days are numbered.
- 17:53:44: @xiehicks Just my legs/hips. My arms and fingers and shoulders are crazy bendy. It doesn’t help that my legs are long relative to my torso.
- 17:55:31: RT @WhiteCollarUSA: Get caught up on WHITE COLLAR this Friday! 9:30am: Pilot, 11am: Episode 2- “Threads”, 12pm: Episode 3- “Book of Hours”
- 19:57:17: Eric: *moans* Ohhhh, I’m hungry! Paris: Oh, you should have had the fries I just ate.
- 20:18:25: Just made The Map into desktop wallpaper. Gurgled a bit. May have to ask Jim if I can post it next Tuesday, instead of the following.
- 21:03:25: Off to a rebounder class with @spodalicious! +1 fabulosity!
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