From Twitter 12-30-2009

  • 01:10:49: Watched the first four episodes of “Mad Men.” Um. What do people see in this show? And I wanted so much to like it.
  • 02:02:58: @Dark_Puck Many airplanes do; you just need a DC adapter for your computer. They aren’t expensive.
  • 12:53:52: Fun petrochemical term: “fracking.” Petition asserts, “A handful of fracking carpetbaggers shouldn’t hold NY’s environment hostage.” Heh.
  • 12:55:54: RT @MoTancharoen: This is hilarious. @zdubdub sent it to me
  • 18:09:57: @fredhicks Ooh, I know this one! Marge Simpson?

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From Twitter 12-29-2009

  • 18:26:22: RT @laughingsquid: “Never a Year Like ‘09”, the 2009 year in review animated video by @jibjab
  • 18:32:11: RT @NathanFillion: This reminds me of good times. Enjoy. // I miss my brilliant, canceled space cowboy show!
  • 18:50:07: RT @viennateng_news: Show added! 1/09 New York @ City Winery. Vienna & Alex share the bill with @WPAmusic, Jeff Daniels, & @GrantLeeTwee
  • 18:55:43: Had lunch with Mr. Loh, my high school advisor and sponsor of the engineering club, and Ashley, a fellow member of said club. Memories!
  • 18:58:10: Yesterday, nabbed a bunch of cute consignment store jackets and button-up shirts I can wear to dress up my t-shirts. GEEK FASHION, FTW!
  • 19:18:10: RT @smuu: The Ruins of Detroit (click the arrows for the amazing pictures):
  • 19:18:54: RT @KevinConn: SWEET! Just in time for #indycomicbookweek, @MidtownComics has LAVA-ROID listed on there site:
  • 19:29:01: Played the Character Guessing Genie ( with Elend Venture of @BrandonSandron’s “Mistborn” trilogy. It guessed Jesus.
  • 19:29:15: Elend Venture: He’s Like Jesus, In A Way.

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From Twitter 12-28-2009

  • 02:17:17: Government Security Rules to Fly After the Crotchbomb = dumbest thing ever written, including Palin’s biography.
  • 02:20:53: The genius of @gypsyjr is great and glorious. Holmes : Watson :: Shawn : Gus. I demand crackfic!
  • 09:11:56: Woke up at 6:30 on a vacation day. This hour is an affront to god and man.
  • 13:24:08: @ShannonKButcher Wow, from the birthdays in late October to Christmas and New Year’s events now, does the party ever stop chez Butcher?
  • 13:25:25: @Uilos Elend <333333
  • 13:45:17: @ShannonKButcher Have you bought a bunch of snuggies? Because that’s a dead giveaway right there.
  • 13:51:48: @ShannonKButcher Maybe you could find a manly tartan snuggie to complete his weapontastic look from Christmas. Or camo for stealth coziness.
  • 14:23:43: RT @paulandstorm: [P] Speaking of bad fantasy art, @theresa_lauren has a FABULOUS collection, here: …and here: http …
  • 14:36:26: Oh my lord, why am I the only person to have commented on @Uilos’ insanely awesome Ehren fic? Read and review, y’alls!
  • 14:38:05: RT @neilhimself: There’s an excellent thread at Making Light on What Twitter Is. You all know, but you can show it to your friends htt …
  • 15:41:06: – For the Easily Amused file: I like how the table’s stripes refract in the glass.
  • 20:46:30: I have been friended by @SnuggieCult. I blame @ShannonKButcher :D

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From Twitter 12-26-2009

  • 00:32:52: Wow. Today’s Doctor Who was really, really awful. John Simm looked like he was having fun, though.
  • 00:33:49: @Esperacchius I’ve never done pear and gruyere. It was definitely pear and cream cheese.
  • 00:43:30: RT @TerriEdda: Love, Love, Love.
    Weepy alert.
  • 01:31:47: @ksmccarthy24 *is prodded*
  • 16:54:20: @ShannonKButcher Sounds cozy and wonderful! All you need is some peppermint hot chocolate and a furry friend to keep you warm.
  • 23:19:59: @fredhicks I figured you two needed something relaxing to detox some of that New Parent stress. Hope Evie likes her gift, too. :D
  • 23:53:26: Went shopping with Mom and Sister! Got some new bras, a new watch, and an extravagance of earrings! Gotta love post-Christmas sales.

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From Twitter 12-25-2009

  • 01:15:06: @SheckyX I think it was either Peach and Ginger or Pear and Cream Cheese.
  • 02:36:54: It’s amazing how a little ice paralyzes this city. Saw 7 crashed/abandoned cars on way to airport. DFW is a mess.
  • 03:44:25: Glee! Got a “Castle” fic for Yuletide! — And it only took 10 minutes to load! Poor AO3 servers. :D
  • 12:41:35: @ShannonKButcher Gadzooks! May visions of sugarplums and chlofiends disguised as Christmas trees dance in his head. Merry Christmas!
  • 12:42:35: Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! Happy December 25th to those who don’t! May your day be filled with joy.
  • 17:37:12: @ksmccarthy24 Thanks for making MY HEART STOP. Read “Sir Pterry’s Death” as, well,”Sir Pterry’s death.” Thought I’d missed something tragic.
  • 21:51:16: – Box lid from the pecan pie my uncle brought:
  • 22:46:06: @Esperacchius Here I thought the mini-blizzard was my fault! The weather plummeted as soon as I arrived.
  • 22:53:14: @ShannonKButcher Sounds like a lovely Christmas, even though the timing was a bit off-kilter! May your holiday cheer live long and prosper.
  • 23:08:27: Amazon believes my purchase of Brian K. Vaughan’s “Runaways” means I’d be interested in a book on Runaway and Homeless Youth. Aaaaawkward.
  • 23:14:58: @ShannonKButcher Hope he enjoys! The rules are joyously convoluted, and the cards were clearly designed by a sadistic geek. My kind of game!
  • 23:16:42: @ShannonKButcher He’s ready to take on the After-Christmas Sale rush at Wal-Mart!
  • 23:21:55: @ShannonKButcher The Middleman DVDs are his too, though I imagine you’d all enjoy them. A smart, hilarious love letter to cheesy sci-fi.
  • 23:37:14: Woohoo, time for the Doctor Who Christmas special!
  • 23:57:01: @longshotauthor Merry Christmas!

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From Twitter 12-24-2009

  • 02:04:07: Tonight, I sleep the sleep of the just.
  • 10:54:02: It still hasn’t clicked that tomorrow is Xmas, so I’m currently anticipating the Yuletide reveal more than the holiday. You are weird, self.
  • 12:40:59: @Uilos I’ll be in my bunk.
  • 12:41:58: @Uilos EHREN. He’s the crowbegotten Batman!
  • 13:30:28: Turns out I was on the same flight last night as two wonderful family friends. We got to catch up as we waited for bags. NYC + Dallas = <3
  • 13:44:44: It just started snowing! I’m going to have a White Christmas in Dallas!
  • 13:48:32: RT @Soullumination: @ShannonKButcher Congrats on the TRS Cupid and Psyche Award noms! Paranormal book & Fave Author // CONGRATS!
  • 14:13:25: – Mom blew my hair straight. Pretty! I should do this more often!
  • 16:45:06: @sergeantmurphy Let me know if you need a bit of arm candy/backup. I’d very much like to have a chat with this sister who done you wrong.
  • 16:51:11: okay, I KNOW I sent that last tweet from the correct account. And Tweetdeck for iPhone has no delete feature. Sigh.
  • 21:58:01: RT @Uilos: New Codex Alera Fic! // OMG OMG OMG CRAIG WROTE ME EHREN FIC AND IT’S AMAZING!!!! *FANGIRLS*
  • 22:00:34: @ShannonKButcher It’s like the “before” shot in an article about piranha.
  • 22:30:09: RT @qikipedia: To get you in the mood for tonight’s #QIChristmasParty : David Tennant get his “sonic thing” out
  • 22:30:56: RT @nprnews: Where’s Santa? Track Him Online
  • 22:33:46: RT @mental_floss: Ricky Gervais sings Elmo a celebrity lullaby —
  • 23:38:01: Does anyone know what time Yuletide stuff will be posted? AO3 looks much more automated and mod-friendly than the previous system.
  • 23:42:53: – I want to put this entire pie in my mouth right now. I will accept the consequences Physics demands.
  • 23:50:13: It’s “Pushing Daisies”-inspired Apple and Gruyere Pie, btw. *drools* Recipe here:

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From Twitter 12-23-2009

  • 01:49:53: RT @laughingsquid: The Hitchhiker’s Guide To Murder
  • 08:53:09: RT @mightykatemusic: here’s 1 for the heart & holidays – Up Late with Mighty Kate #6 – – recorded in spr …
  • 09:14:45: Hey, who here has a Fandom Stocking? Link me to it! The mods haven’t posted mine yet, but here’s what it will be:
  • 09:27:11: Obviously, because I am the slowest writer to ever slow, I can’t promise anything, but who knows? My corral needs more bunnies.
  • 10:03:45: Ye gods, what happened to all the cabs in this city? Was NOT looking forward to lugging two huge bags on bus and subway this morning.
  • 12:50:29: Wtf. They reimaged my computer yesterday so I’d have the latest software, but I’m now missing Maya and Photoshop, where I do 80% of my work.
  • 12:51:14: Ensuring your employees are productive: You’re doing it wrong.
  • 12:59:31: @ShannonKButcher Aww, that’s sweet. I’m sure Jim appreciates it.
  • 13:01:09: Okay, I’m a moron. I was trying to open 32-bit Maya and Photoshop, whereas this new computer is 64 bit. PEBCAK.
  • 13:04:18: @sue_sue4 @nelspen I ended up going the public transportation route. Urgh, I never want to see another stairwell again.
  • 13:15:51: Ah, called off the drama warning too soon! There’s no iTunes for XP 64-bit, and new admin privileges won’t let me install Tweetdeck. Sigh.
  • 13:37:19: @SheckyX Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.
  • 13:54:53: @Sue_Moe Oh, this stocking is for my friends, not my family. My family doesn’t do the whole fandom thing. :D
  • 14:59:11: One upside to having no iTunes (I’m working on it) is taking a break from the usual fare and getting introduced to new artists on Pandora.
  • 15:14:41: Dev Team Eric informs me that my computer was reimaged wrong. Yay! Looking forward to diminished (though not eliminated) cracktasticness.
  • 15:18:46: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: Old World Order: White Council Allies
  • 15:35:02: Twitter spammer says, “Want to Send 50 readers to read this new blog post?,its FREE” Um. I’ll have to check, but I’m pretty sure I don’t.
  • 15:54:46: “Didn’t Edgar Allan Poe write the screenplay for ‘Back to the Future’?” –Ish
  • 15:55:10: “I hear ‘Back to the Future’ invented the casserole.” –Ish
  • 17:12:35: @nelspen You have an abundance of them!
  • 19:04:56: Wall-sized ad features photo of Tiger Woods and the legend “It’s what you do next that counts.” *snicker*
  • 19:25:01: 95 people attempting to fly standby on flight before mine. I’m number 8. Let’s watch what happens!
  • 19:41:01: Holy shamoley! Not only did I make the earlier flight, I’m in first freaking class!!! You rock so hard, universe!
  • 19:51:43: Oh, man. This chair is like the Baby Jesus’ La-Z-Boy. I could get used to this spontaneous pampering.

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From Twitter 12-22-2009

  • 00:02:12: RT @BreakingNews: US to impose three-hour limit on how long airline passengers can be kept waiting on airport tarmacs.
  • 00:05:54: Man. If only that rule had been in place when I sat on the tarmac for FIVE HOURS before my flight was CANCELED, going to SDCC 2008.
  • 00:23:37: RT @Islandwoo: Photo: NYC Snowball Fight in Times Square (via thisisalexking1)
  • 00:35:15: RT @billyqc: Ahh, folksy homespun bigotry! RT @LisaKenney “Fuck G.Keillor”
  • 00:40:21: RT @BrandonSandrson: If you missed it on Friday, I posted a free short story as a holiday thank-you to my readers:
  • 00:46:21: @spodalicious HOLY COW HOLY COW HOLY COW THAT’S AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve it!
  • 00:47:37: @NeilMSchwartz What, seriously? I see multiple rats on the subway tracks each week.
  • 01:00:06: RT @OKBJGM: “the middleman – the collected series indispensability” is finally back on amazon…kinda in time for xmas!
  • 01:09:30: @gypsyjr I love it!
  • 01:11:04: There’s a fic waiting for me at AO3. We waaaaaants it! Is it Christmas yet?
  • 01:19:43: @Uilos Ficcity ficfic?
  • 09:59:13: Freaking OW. Was running to catch the bus when my foot slipped on slippery pavement, I twisted my ankle, and I fell, banging my knee.
  • 10:00:01: Is it vacation time yet? At least the bus driver stopped and let me hobble on.
  • 11:05:47: They switched around our workstations yesterday.
  • 11:05:49: Now I’m trapped in the windowless 3D pit, using monitors with a max resolution of 1280×1024. Like an ANIMAL.
  • 11:22:01: Hey! The extension here is the first three numbers of my actual phone number! That’s awesome! I now hate this station somewhat less.
  • 12:57:40: “We should have Christmas every month. It makes people more efficient.” –Adam
  • 20:17:35: Cleaned up in the holiday gift exchange! Got a mug w/ peppermint cocoa mix, cookies, and a cranberry caramel scented candle.
  • 20:17:50: Today did not altogether suck!

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From Twitter 12-21-2009

  • 00:13:01: What is the etymology of “slanket”? My pet theory is “slacker blanket.”
  • 00:13:37: @sue_sue4 Yup! It got set up last Monday.
  • 01:46:05: Woohoo, finished my Yuletide fic! This fandom has its first non-crossover fanfiction!
  • 02:29:36: Woohoo, Yuletide fic submitted, most of a day early! Quite an improvement over last year, when I submitted at 8:51 for a 9:00 deadline.
  • 10:14:56: RT @neilhimself: My friend @jessebdylan just tweeted Plastic Toys Reformed Into Grotesque Art — go and look. Amazi …
  • 12:05:40: Lovely. Someone at work screwed up, and no one knew I was taking the day off. Bureaucracy fail.
  • 16:09:23: “Benjamin Franklin was the Tony Stark of the Revolution.” –@Uilos
  • 19:37:20: Katness is on her way home. Am now wrapping presents in a Starbucks. I love wrapping presents. My anal-retentive streak is unleashed!
  • 19:42:34: Eavesdropping on dude talking about coworkers, Todd and Achilles.
  • 22:56:51: Augh! Forgot to change subscription preferences for Yuletide pinch hits group. Deluged by emails!

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