- 02:17:17: Government Security Rules to Fly After the Crotchbomb = dumbest thing ever written, including Palin’s biography. http://bit.ly/8EtS2k
- 02:20:53: The genius of @gypsyjr is great and glorious. Holmes : Watson :: Shawn : Gus. I demand crackfic!
- 09:11:56: Woke up at 6:30 on a vacation day. This hour is an affront to god and man.
- 13:24:08: @ShannonKButcher Wow, from the birthdays in late October to Christmas and New Year’s events now, does the party ever stop chez Butcher?
- 13:25:25: @Uilos Elend <333333
- 13:45:17: @ShannonKButcher Have you bought a bunch of snuggies? Because that’s a dead giveaway right there.
- 13:51:48: @ShannonKButcher Maybe you could find a manly tartan snuggie to complete his weapontastic look from Christmas. Or camo for stealth coziness.
- 14:23:43: RT @paulandstorm: [P] Speaking of bad fantasy art, @theresa_lauren has a FABULOUS collection, here: http://bit.ly/xHUg …and here: http …
- 14:36:26: Oh my lord, why am I the only person to have commented on @Uilos’ insanely awesome Ehren fic? Read and review, y’alls! http://bit.ly/5HmbTd
- 14:38:05: RT @neilhimself: There’s an excellent thread at Making Light on What Twitter Is. You all know, but you can show it to your friends htt …
- 15:41:06: http://twitpic.com/vmbrr – For the Easily Amused file: I like how the table’s stripes refract in the glass.
- 20:46:30: I have been friended by @SnuggieCult. I blame @ShannonKButcher :D
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