- 00:09:23: RT @mkcurry: RT @fivethirtyeight: [new article] Divorce Rates Higher in States With Gay Marriage Bans http://bit.ly/5Nvedv
- 00:44:06: RT @ksmccarthy24: I… I think I’m in love. RT: @Dark_Puck The Conservative Case For Gay Marriage. http://www.newsweek.com/id/229957/
- 00:58:25: RT @thinkgeek: Can this be the best headline ever!? Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo http://j.mp/5UEzsX Nicely done, @AssociatedPress.
- 01:02:28: @fourteenacross Dude, who *wouldn’t*?
- 09:31:29: @fredhicks Happy birthday, Fred! Hope it’s a good one!
- 09:34:57: RT @travelingheidi: PLEASE RT: Text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to @RedCross relief efforts in #Haiti Learn more: http://bit.ly/6KiRtE
- 10:43:22: RT @travelingheidi: RT @shanselman VOTE for Barbie to be a “Computer Engineer:” http://www.barbie.com/vote/ #rockthebarbievote (RT and c …
- 10:44:24: @Uilos I’m in!
- 10:56:37: RT @jeditigger: Jim Butcher (@longshotauthor) has <6K followers. Criminal! Let’s greet his April book by getting him over 10K! // Bring it!
- 11:14:30: RT @jeditigger: And while we’re at it, paranormal romance author @ShannonKButcher has fewer than 1K followers. Also criminal!
- 12:00:33: Tommy: “Harrison Ford did those movies…” George: “Harry Potter!” Clint: “Harrison Ford is… Harry Potter.”
- 12:03:21: Nightmare fuel: Drowned wolf spiders come back from the dead http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30348224/ns/technology_and_science-science/
- 12:28:51: RT @pulsejfk: Today 1130am, meet Michael Kors, Tim Gunn & Nina Garcia on Fashion Avenue. Details http://pulsejfk.com/tL1
- 12:29:19: @ShannonKButcher Sounds fun! Have a great time!
- 12:32:05: @jeditigger They’re ridiculously awesome. Great idea!
- 15:11:30: RT @travelingheidi: Fandom: Help_Haiti at http://community.livejournal.com/help_haiti/
- 15:14:50: @boymonster Follow it up with “Sita Sings the Blues” http://www.sitasingstheblues.com/
- 15:18:10: @beyondabsurdity That is THRILLING! Congratulations! I’m so jazzed you’re getting the national recognition you deserve.
- 15:18:39: RT @vampirecowboys: Congrats to @beyondabsurdity! SOUL SAMURAI was nominated for a GLAAD award! http://bit.ly/7grlKD
- 15:20:15: @leverus IMMORTALITY!
- 15:40:55: @jimsissy Sell it to a rival company. It would make a fantastic commercial!
- 18:28:45: Tell Pres. Obama: Grant Haitians “Temporary Protected Status” & stop the deportations. http://bit.ly/7QnMbS @credomobile #haiti Please RT
- 18:47:28: Bottle of Vitamin Water refused to open. Challenged office to determine who is the manliest. Working in a room 76% male has its perks!
- 19:18:21: Sweet! Girl next to me has @LenkaMusic’s “The Show” as her ringtone. My coworkers have exquisite taste.
- 22:17:37: @DrawingItOut He accidentally had his tweets Protected, so only folks he’d friended could see them. Fixed now! Thanks.
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