- 00:26:57: RT @neilhimself: The amazing @DaveMcKean is Ebaying a piece of original Graveyard Book art for Haitian relief – http://bit.ly/74YvWM
- 11:38:09: RT @alyankovic: Ah, I get it now. Jay’s been doing a 5-year-long Andy Kaufman-esque prank. Hilarious! http://bit.ly/8WNp5V // Wow.
- 11:42:14: @Uilos That sounds painful, no matter what definition you use. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_United_Means_Action
- 13:29:46: RT @fredhicks: RT @VentureBrosBlog: SNL Weekend Update Explains How @NBC Screwed Conan – http://bit.ly/66g3vR #TeamConan #ConanOBrien
- 13:32:21: RT @ksmccarthy24: Short video: helps Haiti. Just over a minute of your time, guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URBdbxZjXlA
- 14:13:46: Holy moley, @pulseJFK. We saw your tweet the first 26 times. :D
- 14:15:34: @mightykatemusic I can’t wait! What a treat!
- 14:19:40: RT @mollycrabapple: A wonderful, extremely honest article-http://www.shirky.com/weblog/2010/01/a-rant-about-women/.
- 16:40:20: RT @lookupwards: FX pres, Joss Whedon set for meeting – http://tinyurl.com/ya67ubd (via @thefutoncritic)
- 17:00:46: Took the time to blow dry my hair today! Feelin’ all purtified.
- 17:12:10: @jimsissy I would expect nothing less from you! :D
- 17:42:19: @jimsissy Oh dear! Has JJ’s girlfriend seen it? *evil grin*
- 18:12:49: @ksmccarthy24 *SCHNOOGLEADORES*
- 19:12:43: Huzzah! Thought I was running late for a show at 6:00. Turns out I’m early for a show at 6:30!
- 19:56:43: At @mightykatemusic’s sneak preview listening party. Am in LOVE! Can’t wait for the world to hear her.
- 21:47:30: Just left @mightykatemusic’s listening party. ‘Twas SO AMAZINGLY COOL! My iTunes will play nothing else for a month. Katy is so sweet!
- 22:09:53: Does the woman in the “anti-aging” L’Oreal ads remind anyone (@OKBJGM?) of Roxy Wasserman? That’s not the lipstick, that’s being a succubus.
- 22:13:20: @boymonster Isn’t adamantium to iron kind of a step down? :D
- 22:32:15: The couple from the annoying Chase Sapphire ads are on a vacation. Does that mean he make her return the dress?
- 22:59:22: @jimsissy That song is wonderful! I just sent it to a bunch of friends. http://twurl.nl/1l7w7t
- 23:00:34: @ksmccarthy24 That is one of my all-time favourite Pratchett lines! <33333333
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