- 00:30:28: @mightykatemusic I can’t wait to hear it! It’s such a gorgeous song. It’s going to be such a treat to experience it live!
- 13:24:41: I slept over ten hours. I love weekends.
- 14:01:21: Weatherman Freaks Out On Air Over Snowstorm http://bit.ly/9fJdzm (HuffPo) // I want to put this guy in my pocket, so he can narrate my life.
- 14:07:45: RT @Lifehacker: TVGorge Brings Dozens of Location-Blocked TV Shows to Users Around the World http://lifehacker.com/5465020/
- 14:10:53: RT @neilhimself: RT @BoingBoing: Singing “My Way” at karaoke bar in Philippines gets you killed? http://bit.ly/cFwov2
- 14:37:55: Neil Gaiman confirms Doctor Who episode: http://bit.ly/b8o5uT // *makes grabbyhands*
- 14:55:19: Roommate brought back a bunch of wall hangings and other decor when she went to India for Christmas. She’s now putting them up. Lovely!
- 14:59:43: Sarah Palin takes inspiration from high schoolers who did not adequately study for Civics final, writes notes on hand. http://bit.ly/cXHIjv
- 16:19:52: RT @laughingsquid: Super Bowl Commercials Song by @mediocrefilms, @JonathanCoulton & @paulandstorm http://bit.ly/cSGHns
- 16:30:12: Hmm. If I TiVo the Superbowl, so I can just fast-forward through the game and watch the commercials, is it going to start reccing sports?
- 16:31:43: @hobbitwriter Yeah, I’ve been awful at maintaining the Book over the past year or so. Only so many hours in the day…
- 19:16:00: RT @reelmolesworth: good gracous america hav gone mad for BIRD watching everbode is tweting about a Superb Owl wot can it mene? #sb44
- 19:52:50: @boymonster Good color!
- 20:08:30: Are any of you guys actually watching the game? Any good ads yet?
- 21:40:45: RT @travelingheidi, @kerryannphilly You know what would make #sb44 more interesting? If they break into dancing to Single Ladies ala #glee.
- 21:45:24: @fredhicks @boymonster I’m with Fred. Definite eggplantage going on.
- 21:59:03: RT @SmartBitches: Flotv: you name a product “flo” and insult women. Wanna borrow my iPad?
- 22:08:44: @boymonster Only when concerning objects moving at velocities well below the speed of light.
- 22:14:48: Now watching the ads! Gonna keep tally of how many went through my company. The Simpsons Coke ad? Us!
- 22:23:17: @boymonster We did a 3D animatic before it was done in 2D. It’s pretty different from our version, but they used a number of our jokes!
- 22:41:05: Wow. Given all the effort that went into the Letterman-Oprah-Leno ad, you’d think it would be funny. http://bit.ly/aERdjg /
- 22:56:21: The Coke sleepwalker ad! We did that, too.
- 23:03:31: Why is the NFL using the song from “Where The Wild Things Are”?
- 23:06:25: Man, it’s disappointing that Pop Secret ad was so lame, because I like the “Awesome + Awesome = Awesomer” slogan. Will it meme?
- 23:34:30: Huh. Guess it was just the two spots. For some reason, I thought our Coke “Finals” ad was a Superbowl spot. http://bit.ly/4xtxa1
- 23:42:29: @jeffeastin That’s a really unfortunate typo, there. :D
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