From Twitter 04-23-2010

  • 10:21:56: @alicat49hon3 Okay, who are you and why do you keep sending me the same message?
  • 11:43:21: RT @BooksForBoobs: #FF BooksForBoobs participants @badmommy @amber_benson @longshotauthor @shannonkbutcher @eoincolfer @jasperfforde htt …
  • 11:43:25: RT @BooksForBoobs: #FF BooksForBoobs participants @leverus @hodgman @ellenkushner @brandonsandrson @tomsniegoski @antonstrout http://bit
  • 18:06:24: Weird day. This morning, cramps were so painful I couldn’t sit at my desk for 5 minutes without feeling like I would throw up.
  • 18:07:48: Went home and slept almost 5 hours and had very vivid dreams. Awakened, I feel like a new person! One from the fiefdom of Painfreedonia.
  • 18:09:26: Now, off to see @KristinChenoweth in Promises, Promises!

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