- 00:09:34: @AnneSowards Even more fun is when you have books with protagonists who don’t have names!
- 00:18:49: @AnneSowards The Gone-Away World?
- 00:37:05: @jimsissy *CLAPS FRANTICALLY*
- 00:40:47: @AnneSowards Ooh, nifty! Or completely un-nifty. :D
- 00:48:55: WOOHOO! @mightykatemusic’s “200 Stories” finally came up on ourstage.com! Good grief, I love this song.
- 00:49:52: @jimsissy *cackles* You are the best source of incriminating anecdotes ever. XD Sleep well!
- 08:29:25: Parody twitter account @BPGlobalPR is hilarious, yet depressing. Some humor cuts a bit too close to the truth for comfort!
- 08:36:58: RT @whedonesque: [ Post ] The Dr. Horrible syndrome (horribly nice guys). http://bit.ly/dtRfUG
- 11:11:43: At the remote dim sum place. Am I the only one who arrived on time, or was there a miscommunication?
- 11:30:27: After waiting almost 30 minutes, I’m giving up. Well that killed my morning.
- 11:30:43: Now where’s a painfully white chick to eat in Flushing? Dim Sum is too intimidating without someone who speaks the language.
- 14:43:09: RT @nprnews: Texas Board Approves New Social Studies Curriculum http://n.pr/cEkHvE // &*@#$&*!!!!!
- 14:44:52: @AnneSowards “The Gone-Away World” has ninjas and the apocalypse! You should be right at home.
- 14:52:26: Returned to the city, spent some time in the library, then nommed a burger and shake in Bryant Park, letting my toes revel in the grass.
- 14:53:05: Overall, not a bad rebound for a crummy morning. And I finished Octavia Butler’s “Fledgling” and the first Scott Pilgrim on the train!
- 14:59:13: RT @mental_floss: Ice Cream Headaches are officially know as ‘sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia.’
- 15:00:25: @spodalicious Your wisdom is the stuff of legend.
- 15:21:58: RT @seananmcguire: Giant robot steampunk squid with cute science children. I could die. (Video) http://tinyurl.com/2easp6j
- 15:46:36: RT @pclifton73: Detailed breakdown of the Texas Schoolbook Massacre meeting. Warning, read only if you are already insane. http://tinyur …
- 15:50:07: RT @carlotta_valdes: 50 beautiful film posters, from @smashingmag: http://ow.ly/1MDTK
- 15:54:15: @sinspired *jaw drops* Wow. Where are you?
- 18:34:29: RT @maureenjohnson: 12 Emoticons for the Advanced Writer: http://tinyurl.com/y9ddqln
- 19:08:05: Discovered vulnerability in my website. I know what my weekend will be devoted to fixing! ::cheerfully flips bird at exploiting jerkwad::
- 19:10:04: @AnneSowards Get the hardcover. Bright pink and fuzzy with day-glow green lettering helps ameliorate the literary impression.
- 19:32:39: As I back up files, I drown my sorrows in writing fanfic. Ironic, as my fic archive is probably what caused this mess. #notreallyironic
- 19:35:13: @rekjackson I want an icon with Ms Frizzle and “ALL OF TIME AND SPACE… FOLLOW ME.”
- 20:19:00: June 23rd has been named “Talk Like a Browncoat” Day. Shiny. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=50339583919
- 20:20:17: @aj_hofacre I’ve written for Dresden Files, Alera, and Mistborn, but this will be something different!
- 21:00:27: I broke The Archive! Yay! So glad I backed everything up.
- 21:03:10: I fixed The Archive! Or at least I un-broke it. Let’s see if this solves the earlier problem.
- 21:04:48: @blazeorama It already left New York! ;_;
- 21:13:03: @myyrdneopia Too late! @SheckyX already calls me that on the beta list.
- 21:32:54: @fourteenacross Well-foraged!
- 21:49:28: Ha! Found the source of the problem on The Archive! Now how to kill it…
- 21:50:09: Kill the problem, not the Archive. Kincaid, put the gun away…
- 22:14:54: @blazeorama It’s a deal! City Girl needs NATURE.
- 22:31:55: HAHA, GOT IT! Now to make sure I’ve plugged all the breaches…
- 22:34:27: ARGH, this is going to take ages! [unprintable word] was THOROUGH.
- 23:12:16: RT @seananmcguire: Chat live with me and Lucy Snyder! http://coyotecon.com // Woohoo!
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