- 00:03:49: RT @grabman: Amazing LEGO printer uses felt-tip markers instead of ink. I want to build one! http://bit.ly/9dOZIl (via many awesome people)
- 00:15:36: RT @whedonesque: [ Post ] Sporcle Has a Trivia Quiz on Actors Who Played on Multiple Joss Whedon Projects http://bit.ly/d4vtx1
- 00:20:11: RT @cnnbrk: President orders executive branch to provide benefits to same-sex partners. http://on.cnn.com/dAs5rH
- 00:22:19: RT @particle_person: OMFG SOMEONE PROPOSED NUKING THE OIL WELL! FOR REAL. http://tinyurl.com/2vuhv9w // FIRE THIS PERSON IMMEDIATELY.
- 00:25:16: RT @donttrythis: I love LOVE this guy. His statement is SPOT on. Nice work.
http://gizmodo.com/5553988/meet-leroy-stick–the-man-behind- … - 00:28:04: RT @feliciaday: OMG! RT: @popurls Wile E. Coyote has been found! http://pop.is/u08y
- 07:41:22: RT @EverythingNYC: Excellent New York City #Photography Showcase http://bit.ly/cjrbrF /via @Pictory
- 07:48:33: @leverus Has a time been set for your signing in NY? I’d love to hear you speak, and perhaps get another book signed for @BooksForBoobs!
- 07:52:50: @Esperacchius OMG! A bunch of my coworkers went. Why on earth didn’t I join them?
- 07:54:43: @longshotauthor Nuking didn’t stop Indiana Jones! Has BP jumped the shark?
- 08:16:27: @terioncalling I’m not familiar with that fandom, so my brain went to Desmond from Lost/Shaun of the Dead. Mother?
- 08:18:07: @nataliemorales Look at that perfect teardrop shape on his belly! He looks like a tiny, species-confused Care Bear.
- 08:24:09: @leverus Ooh, I get out of work at 7. I’ll be fashionably late and arrive around 7:40! See you then!
- 10:20:45: @ShannonKButcher I haven’t seen the ad, but my mental image from “talking fingers” is nightmare fuel. Forgo the coffee! Keep writing!
- 11:14:08: RT @pulsejfk: Free Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream all over Manhattan to keep you cool today – http://pulsejfk.com/_SLS
- 11:21:56: @miragrant Aren’t you and @SeananMcGuire both the evil twin? :D
- 12:36:01: RT whedonesque Alan Tudyk to star in zombie movie http://bit.ly/9KvQRq // Yessssssss
- 15:36:52: @ksmccarthy24 @SheckyX Seeing as how Jim partially based Michael’s character on Michael Landon, it’s doubly symmetrical! #ChromaticDresden
- 20:30:17: @Mikerok I stole it from @fredhicks. :D
- 21:04:21: Hey, @grabman! I found a picture of Comic Con’s Sexy Dalek and Sexy TARDIS! http://bit.ly/aAojld Bless you, Awesomesauce.
- 21:45:33: @myyrdneopia @fredhicks The spoilers board shrank? Shouldn’t it have grown due to the influx of the FAQ threads?
- 21:49:40: @myyrdneopia @fredhicks Woah, what the heck? LOTS of posts are gone from the non-Community boards. Crap!
- 22:13:55: @fredhicks I must be misremembering. I thought Jim’s posts numbered just over 400, but he’s just over 300 now.
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