- 02:56:35: RT @charlietodd Urban Prankster: New Stop Sign Design http://bit.ly/bxPNh7
- 08:19:20: @ksmccarthy24 Replacement person has writer’s block. She’s still working on it! In the meantime, you can has Toby/Dresdenverse crossover?
- 08:22:52: @beckyh2112 @ksmccarthy24 The second Alera ficathon launches August 1st. :D
- 08:23:52: RT @teapotgirl: OMG OMG Wonder Woman Apron by bethanysewandsew on Etsy http://bit.ly/bmgwbt
- 08:25:37: @AnnLarimer #becauseotherwisenoonewouldbuyit?
- 08:28:02: RT @DustyTrice: Further Proof That Steve Martin Is Amazing (PICTURE) http://huff.to/demMGI
- 09:31:07: Mwaha! @longshotauthor teases a fan with hints about the beginning of Ghost Story: http://bit.ly/azx1Ks and http://bit.ly/bZVW4n
- 11:55:07: Raaaar, “Bad Romance” is stuck in my head. Get it out! *jabs at temple with a crowbar*
- 19:12:30: Q:Any chance that you’ll cosplay another Dresden Files c… A:I’ve been thinking about it! I’d like to create some … http://4ms.me/aePGbN
- 21:33:49: Q:Aside from your (EXCELLENT) contribion to the Dresden Files RPG, have you done any… A:I did the Codex Alera map. :D http://4ms.me/94PQrz
- 21:54:46: @fredhicks I’ve never tried! I wonder if I should try normal-sized costume contacts as a stepping stone?
- 22:31:58: RT @neilhimself: RT Amazingly creepy little love song @KimBoekbinder: “Stalker Song” is up for 24hrs! http://bit.ly/IGpreview Retweet …
- 22:34:58: RT @jmanzel: @jeffeastin http://bit.ly/9lnVEk please tell me you’ve seen this. I really think Peter should be referred to as “Saint Burk …
- 22:51:57: RT @ebertchicago: Nun excommunicated after saving mother’s life. Church isn’t that fast with pedophile priests. http://j.mp/92G0jd
- 23:12:32: RT @ebertchicago: Arizona racists squirm underneath the bottom of the barrel. http://j.mp/a192Zl // I vote Arizona out of America.
- 23:15:09: @mightykatemusic So much love for that song! Hope they enjoy it as much as NY does.
- 23:21:45: wow. I just sneezed so hard my teeth are tingling. :D
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