From Twitter 06-19-2010

  • 08:08:40: @fredhicks You are a layout BEAST. Sleep the sleep of the just!
  • 08:09:28: @ksmccarthy24 Who are you shipping now?
  • 08:13:35: @Dark_Puck It’s a legitimate question. I wondered the same thing about this creeptastic story:
  • 08:24:30: The @TEDxOilSpill speaker lineup is amazing (, but you need to add Fishgrease to the list:
  • 09:42:25: I adore Pixar, so I find it seriously distressing that only A BUG’S LIFE and THE INCREDIBLES pass the Bechdel test. They should hire me.
  • 09:48:23: @sue_sue4 1)Does it have 2 named female characters 2) Who talk to each other 3) About something other than a man? Shockingly few films pass.
  • 10:01:36: @Dark_Puck *scrolls through Netflix queue for inspiration* *keeps scrolling* *eyes bug out*
  • 10:04:44: @Dark_Puck Amelie, The Incredibles, Middleman (TV), Mirrormask, Wonderfalls (TV).
  • 10:07:23: @Dark_Puck Just tweeted a list to you. Kind of depressed. If I didn’t have so much writing to do, I’d curl up with my Middleman DVDs.
  • 10:13:46: @Dark_Puck Movies in my Netflix queue with leads who aren’t white guys: Evita, Trucker, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Motorcycle Diaries.
  • 10:13:59: @Dark_Puck Netflix Instant, that is.
  • 10:18:03: @Dark_Puck Seeing Kaylee filled with joy fills me with joy, too. When someone makes Kaylee sad, their days are numbered.
  • 10:20:00: RT @EverythingNYC: Big Apple Buzzing After Legalization Of Beekeeping // Yay for unorthodox urban honey pioneers!
  • 10:24:13: @Dark_Puck I should add Pushing Daisies to my list. WM lead, but Chuck, Olive, Emerson, the aunts, and Lee Pace’s muppety brows are <33333.
  • 10:24:51: @fredhicks I approve of all of these things! Can’t wait to see the finished product.
  • 10:33:09: Okay, down scope. The sooner I finish this essay, the sooner I can drown my White Male Hollywood Hegemony funk in a Middleman marathon.
  • 10:33:14: Or I could write about October Daye and Karrin Murphy kicking ass and taking names. I like both of these options.
  • 11:45:33: Dear Priscilla, Down Scope does not just mean Ignore Internet. Cleaning your apartment, while productive, is not what you should be doing.
  • 13:03:31: Tickets to #wootstock at SDCC now on sale!
  • 13:04:49: WHAT THE CRAP. Ticketmaster tacked $17 worth of service charges on a $30 ticket! ENDURE ETERNAL TORMENT IN A FIERY INFERNO, TICKETMASTER.
  • 15:33:14: @blazeorama And Santa’s reindeer are drawn as female, as males lose their antlers before Christmas. Yet “Olive” doesn’t get antlers?
  • 15:33:24: @blazeorama Animal husbandry fail!
  • 16:47:54: @Dark_Puck Safe? A staggering amount of tech is driven by porn. I’m sure 3D porn existed back in the 50s, though I’m scared to Google it.
  • 19:17:04: Pandorica! I saw that coming. Well, I saw the exact opposite, but same idea. This is more filmable. Can it be next week yet? #DoctorWho
  • 20:42:21: @jkeller87 I have a teleportation machine.

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