- 00:14:09: Hey, Priscilla! Did you notice you forgot to eat dinner tonight? Maybe that’s part of the reason your energy is flagging as you write.
- 09:46:41: Oh my god, I am so tired. I’ve told the rambling story of my morning to two coworkers without them realizing I was talking to them.
- 09:54:55: Stunning lightning storm over Chicago last night: http://bit.ly/agAla2 What’s Harry up to, @longshotauthor?
- 11:42:03: Haha, love today’s Dinosaur Comics: http://tinyurl.com/2vgqa3s
- 13:54:19: White bean salad and Hummus of the Gods! #stillnotvegetarian #noseriouslythehummushaspastirmaonit
- 14:33:32: @ksmccarthy24 BOOYEAH! Fingers crossed for you, loffie.
- 14:40:43: RT @cleolinda: Guys, you can stop emailing me now. Robert Pattinson and Dracula are distant relatives: http://tinyurl.com/277w74p
- 15:31:29: RT @cleolinda: RT victoriastrauss Stephenie Meyer admits she’s “burned out” on vampires. Hey, what about the rest of us? http://tinyurl. …
- 17:54:24: My mom just called and asked if there was a Starbucks near me. Oh, mom! http://twitpic.com/1zn166
- 22:31:43: @rubahness The illustrations were from the BRILLIANT “Molesworth” by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle.
- 22:56:50: @ksmccarthy24 SWEET. It’s perfect for you, hon! You’ll be brilliant!
- 22:57:03: Okay, sleep, you win.
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