- 00:33:27: As the clock flips over to July 1st, I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY! I love you!
- 07:55:37: @OKBJGM I get that song stuck in my head every time I visit my local comics store, as I pass a salon called “Biguine.”
- 08:03:57: RT @pulsejfk: To Celebrate the 4th, Pera is Hosting its All You Can Eat Boundless Bargain Barbeque! http://bit.ly/aVznGa // LOVE this place!
- 08:04:53: RT @Uilos: @priscellie Happy Birthday Papa Spencer!
- 08:04:58: RT @SheckyX: @priscellie Happy Burfday to the Celliedaddy!
- 08:09:46: @shawnp0wers I adore Kate Reading’s work on @longshotauthor’s audio books! Her Ehren made me fall in love with the character all over again.
- 12:51:13: RT @FakeAPStylebook: Avoid using zeugmas in your titles, headlines.
- 13:59:02: RT @JHOCHE: An interesting blog post about the “FacePainting” of The Last Airbender, it’s long but worth a read. http://tinyurl.com/2egkd38
- 15:40:27: RT @TEDxOilSpill: Sea floor beginning to crack under pressure? Methane bubble? Tilting wellhead? This sounds bad. http://ow.ly/23YBi
- 16:02:51: @GreyWarden65 It’s about breaking the American public’s notion that white is “default.”
- 16:35:16: @GreyWarden65 I disagree. Wendy Watson was white in the Middleman comic, but Cuban actress Natalie Morales was brilliant in the TV show.
- 16:43:05: RT @jennyowenyoungs Want to help me make my next record? Sometimes a girl has to ask for help. http://bit.ly/bEl0hi //I’m in! Sing on, girl!
- 16:45:01: @GreyWarden65 Misspoke: American actress of Cuban descent.
- 18:37:41: WOO! We get July 5th off! What shenanigannery can I get up to on a three-day weekend?
- 18:44:10: @ksmccarthy24 OMG. Can I? I would love to spend the holiday with you!
- 18:50:49: @ksmccarthy24 JOY, RAPTURE, and SQUEE!
- 18:55:51: @ksmccarthy24 I’ll be coming Saturday morning, as @Uilos has his awesome NY Jedi show Friday night. Hmm, bus or train?
- 19:29:58: RT @racebending: Dante Basco (Zuko from A:TLA) takes a huge risk and speaks out against the #racebending casting of The Last Airbender h …
- 19:42:18: @ksmccarthy24 Emailed you my train info! Hmm, I wonder if @fredhicks and @xiehicks would be interested in grabbing lunch some day?
- 22:42:42: Booooooooooooo. Awesome, perfect potential roommate decided she can’t justify the expense of moving. Back to Craigslist!
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