- 00:55:58: Adorable ikkle Jedi-let said @Uilos was “AMAZING” in a tone of reverent awe. Craig has a fangirl! Great show, New York Jedi!
- 00:59:13: Okay, sleep time. Gotta catch an 8:05am train. Then I CAN HAZ @KSMCCARTHY24!
- 07:00:57: Have introduced @SheckyX and @epicflail to the glories of @Harkaway’s “The Gone-Away World.” Both are agog with wonder. Now YOU read it!
- 07:13:59: Okay, off to D.C.! Let the countdown to @ksmccarthy24 begin!
- 17:43:58: Amazon thinks I would be interested in “Side Jobs” by @longshotauthor. It’s like they have ESPN or something.
- 17:46:24: I HAS A KAT. #awesomethings #multpliedbyinfinity #timesThomas’ego
- 17:54:54: @sinspired Well, yes! She says as much in her latest tweet! @ksmccarthy24
- 18:11:18: @KevinConn I want to see “fie” return! #stoptryingtomakefetchhappen
- 18:17:32: @0SolsticeZero http://popartinferno.tumblr.com/post/758081776/zosielikescake-iliketonyslatteryalot-bolls
- 18:25:49: RT @cleolinda: RT @nadwcon: Don’t forget, early registration for NADWCon2011 is available at our site, www.nadwcon.org!
- 18:37:31: @SheckyX Nah, the train ride was just under 3 1/2 hours! But we were too busy squeeing to post on Twitter. SQUEE!
- 22:17:12: @Nikki_From_CT WANT.
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