- 00:13:00: Speaking of “frak,” I finally attended one of Coworker Allison’s office BSG-watching parties. So say we all!
- 00:53:08: @GreenieXIII p. 92: “On the other hand, when I say “werewolf,” it has the advantage of people knowing what the frak I’m talking about.”
- 00:53:54: RT @holajupiter: Awesome, after twittering about the ethics of eating dogs, a pet supply store started following me.
- 00:58:00: @DarklingAlchemy Hee! Down, girl. You don’t have to convince us of your love! :D
- 01:01:17: @mkcho73 I want!
- 01:08:28: @sue_sue4 Ooh, enjoy! Let us know what you think about it. I’ve been eyeing the Nook for a while.
- 01:14:34: @rdonoghue @ShannonKButcher RomComCon would be 3rd only to Shaun of the Dead’s RomZomCom designation and the Leverage convention Con Con.
- 01:16:01: @feliciaday “Try searching my name at Amazon!”
- 01:20:21: DUDE! Magnetic silly putty! http://bit.ly/9Ya9sN But can it morph into Robert Patrick?
- 01:23:12: RT @SaraBareilles: Hey New York City! Secret (not so secret anymore) show tomorrow (Wednesday) at Terminal 5 with One Republic! Wanna Co …
- 01:33:39: RT @DoctorLongscarf: The Recipe For Butterbeer: http://tinyurl.com/27c7mxa #harrypotter
- 01:39:24: Ha! College Humor’s Ode to Canceled TV Shows: http://whedonesque.com/comments/24262
- 01:40:14: RT @theguild: The Guild, Season 4. One week, Guildies. // OMG! I had no idea it was so soon! Hooray!
- 01:44:40: Google strengthens benefits for gay or lesbian workers: http://bit.ly/bfeNf5 Keep being awesome, Google!
- 07:53:13: @DarklingAlchemy Oh. My. God. Tweetspam! Calm thyself, dear!
- 08:09:27: WTF. Laundromat refuses to deliver any laundry further than ONE BLOCK because it’s hot outside. This is what I pay you for!
- 08:22:10: Wait, so hulu plus, which is $10/month, still has ads? That’s more useless than everything in this book combined: http://amzn.to/an6OY9
- 09:55:01: @SheckyX We’re introducing the series to a new crop of fans! Only three in the room of nine had seen it before.
- 10:16:15: At last! STORM FRONT #6 of the @DresdenFiles graphic novel hits stores today! Details here: http://www.jim-butcher.com/news/000379.php
- 10:21:09: Dang. Nearly an hour and a half, and the server is still down. Are we going to get any work done today?
- 10:26:11: RT @FredHicks @ShannonKButcher I believe there’s an iPhone app that lets you key in your cards so your screen becomes scannable. // Want!
- 10:51:10: Server’s back up! Now I can go back to work instead of writing fanfic! …Yay?
- 11:25:21: @Terrormaster This is the 6th of 8 individual issues. The “Volume 1” you see at B&N contains issues 1-4. SF will be 2 volumes.
- 12:31:02: @Terrormaster Only if you buy Volume 2 through the Jim-Butcher.com store! :D
- 12:53:50: @Terrormaster Good catch! Jim announced that gleeful little nugget back in April. Can’t wait to read more!
- 13:22:10: Oh, goody! It’s Creepy Strangers Randomly Emailing Me O’Clock! Fortunately, it’s also Time To Order Lunch, so I can think about other stuff.
- 15:13:28: Human Tetris! http://popartinferno.tumblr.com/post/779859842/the-original-human-tetris-performance-by
- 16:24:15: Ooh. @MickeydotFinn linked to this exceptionally lovely ad about wolves and a lost traveler: http://scaryideas.com/content/18083/
- 16:27:05: Spain wins! PRAISE PAUL THE PSYCHIC OCTOPUS! http://bit.ly/b9iXmY
- 18:56:23: ARC Contest in @seananmcguire’s LJ! Design drinks/desserts for the Toby Daye series. Results so far are fantastic. http://bit.ly/9yWqe4
- 19:07:47: The cast of “Going Postal” dances to Elvis’ “Return to Sender”: http://bit.ly/cj9ML3 This is why the internet exists.
- 19:07:53: Or maybe this is: http://popartinferno.tumblr.com/post/781057551
- 19:17:52: Linked from @longshotauthor: a male a capella group sings and dances to “Bad Romance” http://bit.ly/9nsSNG SO MUCH YES
- 23:20:09: @scifantasy *laughs* I’ve had moments like that! I felt particularly dense when I got the joke behind the name “Elidee,” the tiny faerie.
- 23:53:57: @RyanMacklin Most excellent! Let me know the next time you’re in NYC, or if you intend to be at SDCC or NYCC.
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