- 00:52:25: @throughthebrush Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak is on display at SDCC! And I saw a huge, gorgeous Nightcrawler maquette! IT IS FATE.
- 01:27:02: So the man next to me on the metro train back was a Canadian coal miner. Really.
- 03:13:03: Just read Rothfuss’ “The Princess and Mr. Whiffle.” How can something be both pure joy and unadulterated evil at the same time?
- 11:30:32: Argh! Forgot both Wendy and Molly’s belts! How do I rig Wendy’s holdster without one?
- 11:45:11: I triumph with cunning use of safety pins!
- 12:17:59: Hooray, Hooray, for Cam Day!
- 12:21:02: Wendy costume excellent for enforcing traffic laws. Every car that passed me slowed down! Fighting evil and reckless driving! @OKBJGM
- 13:05:44: Second row center for @seananmcguire/@leverus/@amberbenson panel!
- 13:29:16: There is a copy of @seananmcguire’s “An Artificial Night” twelve feet from me. Hold me back.
- 13:43:04: “You don’t mess with myth. Myth messes with you.” –@leverus
- 13:45:54: “It’s OKAY to put crayons in the washing machine and say faeries did it!” –@seananmcguire #sdcc10
- 13:57:39: “[C.S.] Lewis stole everything from everybody that wasn’t nailed down.” –@leverus #sdcc10
- 14:33:18: “There’s too much words in this book!” –girl in mythology panel autograph line #overheardatSDCC10
- 15:32:03: Thanks to @seananmcguire, Tom Sniegoski, @amberbenson, Thomas Greanias, Esther Friesner, &Michael Scott for participating in @booksforboobs!
- 17:35:16: @OKBJGM I’m in line for the epic fantasy signing! We should meet up later. Where are you?
- 18:41:04: Thanks to @BrandonSandrson, Lynn Flewelling, Megan Walen Turner, Christopher Paolini, and Brent Weeks for participating in @booksforboobs!
- 18:45:40: Today’s first haul of @booksforboobs books! http://twitpic.com/27oqtw
- 19:46:12: Thanks to Rob Thurman, Maria Lima, Samantha Sommersby, Kat Richardson, and Diana Rowland for participating in @booksforboobs!
- 19:53:19: Part 2 of the @booksforboobs auctions! http://twitpic.com/27p93m
- 20:43:21: Today’s @booksforboobs haul! http://twitpic.com/27po8q
- 21:45:27: In line for #wootstocksdcc, behind approx entire population of Comic Con.
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