- 01:19:23: Woo, got everything working with PayPal!
- 01:22:36: @sinspired Yeep. Do you know of an alternative I can offer?
- 01:25:40: Going to New York Comic Con? Buy your ticket for the Jim Butcher Fan Dinner here: http://bit.ly/jimnycc10
- 07:36:31: Behold the epic struggle of one–er, FOUR men and the great, white wha–er, halibut! P.S. two harpoons and a gun! http://tinyurl.com/24ajk7s
- 09:22:20: RT @nelspen: @priscellie: Some people fish for the prize money and others just for the halibut.
- 09:23:13: @nelspen I’m so happy to have inherited your sense of humor. :D
- 10:17:48: @Esperacchius All specs are in the link in the tweet you just responded to. :D
- 17:53:19: Tickets for the NYCC Jim Butcher Fan Dinner are going fast! We’re already halfway sold out! Better act soon: http://bit.ly/jimnycc10
- 18:18:33: Cam: I am being pulled in so many different directions! Ryan: How about you get pulled into a HUG VORTEX?
- 19:35:35: @myyrdneopia I try to do right by my friends. :D
- 20:37:11: At theatre for Scott Pilgrim! Whole audience went quiet for Old Spice ad, then applauded. Ideal moviegoing ambiance!
- 20:53:11: …and then everyone booed Shymalan’s name on DEVIL, then burst out laughing at the fact everyone booed.
- 22:45:04: #ScottPilgrim was the most fun I’ve had at the movies in ages! Loved the comic, and Edgar Wright’s translation was freaking genius!
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