- 00:10:45: Happy Birthday, @longshotauthor! Happy SIDE JOBS Day, all his fans!
- 08:31:20: Finally joined Audible! Not sure why it took me this long, as I buy so many audio books. My first credit: Side Jobs.
- 10:31:08: Listening to SIDE JOBS audio. It’s hilariously surreal to hear James read Jim’s forewords in the same tone of voice as Harry’s narration.
- 10:51:39: Kludge accomplished! Take that, air vent blasting us with arctic torment! http://twitpic.com/311md8
- 11:41:27: I am accused of teasing by @Jamie1km and @myyrdneopia! This is libel! The audiobook is available now at Audible.
- 11:46:40: @Jamie1km Yeah, I guess Audible released it earlier than planned!
- 13:02:47: “It’s a meat–usually pork–with wine, garlic, and garlic!” –a coworker, describing vindaloo
- 13:03:09: I just quoted Sue Sylvester. I think I need to go sit in the corner now.
- 13:22:36: @myyrdneopia I wouldn’t have said it to anyone else. <3 *paints Velvet Elvis Garretts to your glory*
- 15:18:08: Hearing James Marsters read Buffy reference after Buffy reference in “Something Borrowed” = riotously funny. Very meta, @longshotauthor. :D
- 15:30:56: BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Marsters’ “Toe-Moss” voice is AMAZING.
- 16:35:46: “Fleeting, pizza is! Eternal are shoes and leather goods!”
- 18:12:24: Me: …Did he just say, “Can you search for ‘bras on dogs’?” *we search out of curiosity* MY GOD, WE’VE DISCOVERED A SUBCULTURE.
- 19:57:13: Gregory Maguire is signing at B&N on Thursday. Any preferences which books I get signed for @booksforboobs? Wicked and one other…
- 20:19:59: RT @Jamie1km: Flags at half-mast today, folks. Paul, the psychic octopus, is dead. http://is.gd/gk0GU // Foul play?
- 20:23:30: @Dark_Puck I was making a soccer pun. :D
- 20:29:41: @Dark_Puck Yes, there are. Or are you making a League of Their Own joke?
- 21:07:10: Rocky Horror in High School, hah. When I played Aldonza in “Man of La Mancha,” we had to remove the words “whore,” “laid,” and “virginal”.
- 21:07:15: I had to fight to say “bastards.”
- 22:11:07: RT @jeremiahtolbert: The Inception Button! http://bit.ly/cPtD52
- 22:18:16: @Dark_Puck Bunny!
- 22:42:27: @beatonna I always thought the “babies” line meant “I want your talent to be carried on to future generations.”
- 22:42:41: @beatonna While people certainly can use it in sexist, skeevy ways, in my experience, many use it without sexual/aesthetic connotations.
- 22:45:14: @beatonna Guys saying “I want to have her babies” makes me picture the guy pregnant. Though yeah, the “I want to marry her” is creepier.
- 22:55:24: @beatonna Ah, I misunderstood. Yeah, I’ve definitely felt the mega-problematicness you’re talking about. Thanks for raising awareness. :D
- 23:54:04: @myyrdneopia Preeeeeeeetty
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