- 00:19:11: @seananmcguire He is a cat after my own heart. *snuggles Adipose plushie, sparkly pink and purple octopus, and cuddly influenza*
- 00:19:58: @kierabot “Seeing that the Argentinian is now UNCONSCIOUS…”
- 00:21:52: @jamesmoran @nataliemorales @OKBJGM Is the appropriate term “Middlemanathon” or “Middlemarathon”? Or “Middlemannado”?
- 00:23:00: @kierabot Moulin Rouge. :D
- 00:23:40: @xiehicks Hmm?
- 00:24:55: @OKBJGM They’re like big frowny faces in the sky!
- 00:32:57: @SheckyX I stand by my prior statement.
- 00:37:20: @xiehicks Hee! Glad your pocket was thinking of me. :D
- 00:39:54: RT @smuu: Artwork: one final Hunger Games fanart, Katniss the way I remember her: http://is.gd/hvMOi #sniff #blubber
- 01:33:13: via @kierabot, TSA security groping leaves 61-year-old bladder cancer survivor soaked in own urine http://bit.ly/aUsQlG // Despicable.
- 08:59:49: I dreamed about my job on a weekend. This is grossly unfair.
- 09:42:48: RT @qikipedia: If a tree was planted for each Coca Cola sold we would reforest the earth in three years http://www.weforest.org/
- 10:05:48: As the pages roll in for the Fool Moon comic, it tickles me to see m-w.com’s WOTD talk about werewolves, lycanthropes, and loup-garoux.
- 10:23:14: @SheckyX I’ve seen “loup-garous,” “loups-garous,” “loup-garoux,” “loups-garoux,” and “AUUUGHGETITOFFMEAUU–*choking sound*” interchangeably.
- 10:24:44: @SheckyX Dresden RPG canon went with “loup-garoux.” And Raffi says “loups-garous.” My brain is dribbling out of my skull.
- 10:31:16: @boymonster I’ve read 38. Thank you, Terry Pratchett!
- 11:22:24: What’s the story with you and Lou Ferrigno? — I arrived ten minutes late for Jim’s official NYCC signing, because … http://4ms.me/c1Vz4e
- 11:24:08: What’s the last movie you bought on DVD? — Scott Pilgrim! I got two copies, both signed by Edgar Wright and Kier… http://4ms.me/c5ujta
- 11:26:08: @fredhicks Not even close. But I’ll start selling posters online soon, and then there’s MarsCon. I should be good.
- 11:27:12: If you could have 3 wishes, what would the 4th one be? — I’m a little unclear as to what this question is asking. … http://4ms.me/dcNQQc
- 11:29:29: do u have АSK.FM account? i love it, its like formspring but smth new. i would follow you there. ;) — Nope. http://4ms.me/bzxyTc
- 11:31:47: @fredhicks Thanks, man. :D
- 11:40:57: I have tea and a horde of friends defending my honor! The world is awesome!
- 11:42:49: @RobJDurand Kittens all around!
- 11:53:47: @kierabot Yup! You’re down with a little revelry, right?
- 11:56:25: RT @neilhimself: Dear UPI: Beware of homonyms and spellcheckers. Michelle Obama does not cast out demons: http://bit.ly/bC6hoV
- 12:14:38: Twitter says I’m similar to @fredhicks, @mightymur, @wilw, and @feliciaday. Thanks! I look forward to my starring role on “The Guild.”
- 12:20:35: @beckyh2112 Emailed you on the subject.
- 12:21:02: @kierabot *EPIC HUGS*
- 12:29:36: @maureenjohnson Woah! They’re almost as rare as female NYC cabbies! I’ve had *one* in 3 1/2 years of living in the city.
- 12:30:21: @ee1013 You look fabulous! Congrats!
- 12:33:06: RT @neilhimself The UN decides being gay is a valid reason to be executed: http://bit.ly/aNLXGU // WHAT THE FRAK IS THIS?
- 12:33:57: @DC_Zol Hey, Felicia Day *is* a Dresden fan!
- 12:58:29: @kierabot This day clearly needs a do-over.
- 13:03:06: @Dark_Puck Urgh. All three NY-area airports and the airport in Dallas have scanners. I wonder if the TSA will buy me dinner first.
- 15:41:15: RT @laughingsquid: “Hunger Pains” – photo series by @sabphoto featuring models wearing outfits made out of food that they were craving h …
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